It has opened my eyes to the fact, that everything is a battle between good and evil! Every waking hour takes place within a spiritual battlefield and my daily preparation, via quality time with my Lord, has never been better! I begin the day putting on the full armor of God! “I stand at the crossroads and look, ask where the good path is and walk in it and you will find rest for your soul.” Jeremiah 6:16 Not that I’m able to accomplish that daily, for I still get angry at this world and the sheeple! But I know we are on the winning side! We are seeing small, sometimes large victories daily! And I absolutely love this community! It’s blows my mind how fast news in real time, populates on GAW, before anywhere else! Be blessed frens and always fight the good fight!
Yes, I know plenty of Trump supporters who, through pressure, received as well! I’m referring to true blue MAGA believers! People who were MAGA before Trump, but found in him, a mouthpiece to express their beliefs! Not one from that camp has taken the jab! Just pointing out in my little world, what is happening! Be blessed today!
Ive lived in the same place my whole (outside a large southern city) and do not know one MAGA person or family member who have taken the jab! I know plenty of every week Sunday school Christians, Country Club Republicans and of course every liberal I know! MAGA, is not taking the jab, despite Trump!
And the fact that all of the supposed ICU admissions are the unvaxed, when nurses are reporting from all over, many have been vaxed within the last 14 days! See, the CDC counts you as unvaxed, if you’ve had the poke in the last 14 days! Their whole campaign is insidious!
All 21 of us! Eff the Cabal and Klaus whatever the eff his last name is! Such a loser