The point about vaccines has always stuck in my throat.
Trump was the first serious politician to pick up our banner so we love him for it, but he is far from the architect of the MAGA party.
It's fine to love him, but he is not a foundation to build our party on.
Yes but just last week they fired the vast majority of content moderators....
So there is movement.
Also the left is pushing Elon right. It's a thing of beauty.
We are all shocked. Shocked I tell you!
It won't be the supreme court or military who saves us all. We are it.
Yeah, I like that petition, but the way it is written, I don't even think the authors intended it to pass.
It's written like a series of jabs more than actually asking SC to tear down the executive branch.
Nice summary.
We have started winning again, for those who didn't notice.
I think the honeymoon is over, and we will see the Rs start cleaning up this mess.
Also, it's painfully obvious they will be pushing election reforms before 2024. Duh.
I'm in your boat. Ages 1, 2, & 3.
It's brutal, but maybe when they are in highschool things will b le much better than we had it?
A man can dream.
Get some sleep, pede.
There is no news. Two more years of suffering. I think our team is making small wins in the background, and those will add up, state by state we are winning ground, slowly.
But it doesn't feel like a "get out your popcorn" moment for any of us.
Man, he straight up told us there will be two more years of suffering, and that it will get worse.
It's been sooo long since we felt the sun on our faces. Will the sun come again?
I got as far as "things will be much, much worse by 2024."
I had to turn it off. I let my hopes get up again.
"Nobody saw it coming nine more times!"
So far it's blustery, but some say there is flashing on the horizon...
Uhhhhh I wonder if this relates to tonight's big announcement?
?!? You gotta give me a sauce with news like that!
What part of Texas? I did pipeline out that way and heard it all the time.
Pipeliners are a pretty hard ass sample set though.
No shit, they are being converted red.
That's a looooong path, but man inflation was killing both the restaurant and tech industries in Houston, which are like the only two things liberals do for money.
Between that and the Twitter purge of bots removing their echo chambers and false sense of majority, the love for the dem party has iced over.
A ton of hardcore Dems I know are basically confused independents now.
I've said it before and I will say it again: "you will know a tree by the fruit it bears."
Abbot has to be very careful, because Texans are quite literally ready for succession and violence in the streets. Getting them through election fraud and cleaning up Texas without violence is a delicate, surgical operation.
The proof is in the pudding though, the attempt to turn Texas blue fizzled dramatically and it's prosecuted more fraud than any other state. The state is moving right harder and faster than anywhere else, except maybe Florida. If you have ever been to Houston or Austin, you know how hard that is. Those places are DEEP swamp, and voted straight D since that party was formed.
Abbot has more going on then people realize, it's just quiet.
For the record I really hate that you are probably right.
I mean that, or the big Q made of lightening with his face in the middle.
He is giving the weaker pedes a chance to warm up to this whole Q thing.
GEOTUS is poking all my buttons lately.
He is the only thing keeping my hopes afloat for our Republic.
Man! That's the best datefagging hope I have heard yet!
Even if the rest was just running for 2024 and some closeted Q coms, I would still be grinning like a fool.
High energy! I love it!
You've been here a while, eh?
It's all one big package deal at some point. Fix the fraud and the rest goes with it.
It has to kick off sooner or later.
I don't think the white hats are in control, certainly not nationally.
We poke them here and there, release their secrets and fizzle their plans where we can. It's more like a resistance than a second government.
Any idiot can see they lost control of social media, and with that much of regular media, that was their most precious tool.
Some states like Florida have passed election reforms, and become deep red fortress as a result.
Their secrets sex rings are broadcast everywhere for us to see.
Things are shifting. Slowly, no military takeover, but the movement is there.