Its not necessarily a misspelling. Darnkess= unsettling disturbing pain.
10 days of satanic paedo declass
Hilarious. These idiots are inciting violence with their lies. I can't wait for their hypocrisy to bite them in the ass in military tribunals.
This actually made it past leftist lips in Aus. They sound of confusion was palpable!
Meat has a mixture of good and bad components, while vegetables have components that neutralise the bad in meat. So you need a mixture of both for peak health. Everything in moderation.
You would think that, but when messenger can block you sending links, what can the NSA do?
When the riggers believe there own hype/propaganda and don't program in a big enough corrective ratio into the machines!
Some people can read the tea leaves, some people drink too much coffee!
Deport these retards who don't understand that this is a military operation. No shills and doomers!
What has star wars got to do with Spielberg?
Most people think in binary term. When you do bad things you hate yourself because you can't see your light. Yet you still have to face your mortality and thus if you think your too corrupt for salvation, you turn to the worship of evil for salvation instead.
Recent convert here. The Potus love of Qucumbers!
The fact that people were more interested in filming her than administering 1st aid is the give away. My favourite is the guy in uniform who gives a big thumbs up to the people on the other side with a big grin on his face. These people are stupid.
His love of gore, enough said.
You think paedophiles will be able to hire mercenaries?
Especially when bounties will be offered for their heads.
That will be a short exercise!
Americans Making America great is a terrorist activity!
Peak clown world!
Its quite simple, you swear an oath of office to protect the constitution. So even the act of supporting the suppression of free speech puts you in violation of your oath.
Lol red 4! 4 red sections of stand.
I'm hoping its Biden, just for the comedy value.
I have to find the goldilocks of pens to write without pain. Even then it was easier to remember what I wrote than read my own handwriting!
Yeah for developmental coordination disorder they only pick up gross motor deficit that results in muscle weakness. I have issues with fine motor control and coordination planning. Its hard to compete academically with illegible handwriting and writing words in the wrong order.
Well if reports of 1 in 9 children being sexually abused are accurate. Maths checks out.
Not if they're blacked out!
I'm not a coincidence from what I can perceive!
My own thoughts come from my own direct perception of the divine. Its a complicated burden, like any calling.
Harris is ineligible from what I heard. They plan to parachute killiary or someone properly evil.