Thus far, all of the "independent" offices have been corrupted. If the chain of command cannot be trusted, we the people - their superiors - need to know.
It depends on what was released, when it happened, why it happened, and how it happened.
We will disagree where the line will be drawn, but exposing corruption, to me, is a legitimate reason - R or D.
The supreme court decision says that it has to be under a "Declared War". Did he declare a war? Or was one declared as part of a national emergency?
What documents?
What's the source for what he learned?
If the government searched the chats -assuming it was on a personal device- they would need a warrant to unlock his device.
If the judge was doing it from government property, he's a dumbass.
Very Stable Genius President Donald J Trump
Hey, in LA she can afford rent for two months, now!
When questioned, libs fall back on the fact that most border jumpers caught for the first time are automatically pled down to a slap on the wrist, the criminal offense is only tried if they are caught w second time (and sometimes not then).
It's hilarious to tell them about prosecutorial discretion and go 'your speeding ticket was pled to defective vehicle. It doesn't mean you weren't speeding and it doesn't mean you have to take your car to out it service until you pay a mechanic to say that it's fixed. It means the prosecutor doesn't have time for your ass.'
Once the big C is lose, it's too late. You need to cure it.
The Muslims won't be drafted. They'll rebuild.
All projection. You posted your own potato quality video where people were exerting effort to clean up the debris because the debris had actual weight. Even IF some of the fascade in your video was foam, why would that translate to a random bombed out house?
Also, this evidence isn't presented in a vacuum. Remember when the actor president visited a location where cars were flipped over from "an explosion" but the houses within 20 feet had intact plaster and windows?
Besides all that, if you've worked with foam, you'd know it's not grey throughout unless it was dyed that way when manufactured - which wouldn't be 'cheap' for some random poor villager's home. The pieces that the potato random woman picks up were ripped and painted inside the rip, instead of exposing the actual color of the foam. Like you'd do for fake debris on a movie set.
But, of course, you just randomly froth at the mouth with magical, but baseless, knowledge that it's totally normal for a random country to use foam on both random serf houses AND multimillion dollar reconstructions of iconic architecture.
Which you can't prove. Hilarious how you have to create a safe space so that reality can't get to you.
Right, right. I'm seeing what I want to see. The video showing actual effort behind cleanup compared to the one that shows none. It's so clear now. Obviously, when something looks bad and isn't explainable, medieval reconstructions use foam that has been deemed too unstable to use in housing construction for restoring huge stone priceless cultural artifacts.
Not only that, but you don't provide any evidence to back anything up - like a materials list or a construction plan, or even some random politician flapping his gums - just a video you don't actually watch for content and which you just demand that everyone mindlessly accepts your perverse interpretation.
Good to know that lying to one's self and ignoring what you can see with your own eyes is still the national past time for so many of you lefties.
You notice how no one is picking up the big pieces in your video? And how multiple people are exerting effort to sweep up the little debris?
You can't build a building from foam. Without structure holding up it's walls and ceiling, the not-foam would have failed in 2000.
Really, it doesn't. The US consumed 4,627 million pounds of yogurt in 2023. We trade 3,510 metric tons (7,738,225 pounds, or 7.7 million pounds) to Canada. This is based on Statista:
We are trading ~0.16% of our consumption of yogurt to Canada. Will our producers even feel this....slow down in production? I feel bad for any mom and pops that produce yogurt and trade with canada on an exclusive basis and such, but we aren't being screwed. Only canadian consumers are.
He is certainly NOT a man. He's probably from Uranus.
This movement has been around for more than 4 years, though, and you ignored all of my points.
What is the right answer to getting out of bed in the morning? In general, the answer is 'you should get your ass up'. But tomorrow, it's learned that you are an asymptomatic carrier for typhoid. Why do you then get mad at the people who were trying to help what they thought was depression and guided you to the wrong choice?
If you've been here, then you know that this isn't the Church. There is not a line of doctrine, and many have views that are inconsistent or downright at odds of others.
You fell for date faggers and those that had theories that didn't pan out. Instead of lashing out at other theories, why did they not pan out? What parts are true and what parts were false? Use your memory - do you remember a time like now where so many accepted a conspiracy theory as fact against the MSM's narrative?
Don't forget to look at your bread. The form of folic acid used in "enriched bread," (that government pays bakeries to use) is unable to be metabolized by 35-40% of the population.
Are you new to this? Or are you a tree in a cliff? Hm.
Optics is easy to understand. The economy from the Biden years pushed Trump to the win. Now he's on a tear to complete his task in four years. Part of that task involves waking the rest of the people up to just how criminal our global government is.
What do I mean? Well, let's take a look at Optics:
I saw an interview tonight where Ilhan Omar was telling the interviewer that Minnesota will go dark without the electricity that Canada sells them. This is a pants-on-head level of bullshit. But that's what the news is highlighting about the Tariffs about to hit Canada. Not the huge amount of Fentanyl being manufactured by Chinese agents running gangs and laundering drug money through Canada. Nope. MN will be in the dark ages. BECAUSE OF TRUMP. It doesn't matter that we can literally produce over 130% of our electrical demand, but don't because of government interference in the name of "climate change" and our grid is interconnected, so we can generate it anywhere in the US and feed MN's grid to keep them from having to drink toilet water. Nope. MN is literally already doomed, guiz.
Taking that level of bullshit, what do you think would happen if the FBI agent in charge wasn't forced to resign? I can see the headlines: 'Epstein docs released, but this poor FBI agent who only ever wanted to fight crime and is as pure as the driven snow won't see his children this winter because of TRUMP, the evilest man who ever eviled.'
So, what's more important? Some midlevel agent that can toss in the slammer in a year or releasing the Epstein information?
It's because rational people want to understand the situation.
Leftist media, shills, "influencers" and what have you are spinning their wheels hard about every development and trying to get people divided from the actual information of what's going on. People hear these things, and some of these things will strike a chord with certain people based on their experiences and fears.
Take these opportunities to teach and add context to make others whole. If they come back and go "whargarble but drumpf" and ignore your points, they are a shill. If they come back and ask more probing questions, they are learning.
Ignoring them makes them easy targets to divide the movement. Wedge filler in there and plaster that shit over.
What can I say? Democracy dies in darkness, wanker.
Us / We never pulled back the reins on government spending, which let them have 10 people for every effective 1 person. This lets them hire friends, relatives, and their sex partners without having to care.
It's going from a place no one lives or works to a place no one lives or works with no supporting infrastructure. It won't relieve one car of the traffic situation.
I, personally, have. And I'm not a doctor.