BUTERBALZ 1 point ago +1 / -0

You have the lowest human habit of shooting messengers than focusing on concepts and subjects...

First off. The only messenger I have continued to criticize is clandestine. Sorry if it's your buddy or sorry if you think the guy is enlightening. He's not.

Furthermore. I always focus on the message as I did with your post. (With the exception of clandestine since he is a bit full of himself). The fact that you take took offense to the fact that I called out that article as inaccurate says more about you than anything else.

Not a junk subject as you perceived. This is where you are at a lowest point of understanding of the world.

Once again I'll ask you to read my words carefully. I called out a junk article not the subject. It's pretty obvious why I called it out.

Not sure I would call out anyone for any "understanding" if I were you since you fail to understand the words I clearly stated.

Your failure to comprehend what you read may be at the root. You failed to catch a bad article stating half truths and assumptions and now you fail to comprehend my clearly stated words.

Someone else also posted it today with video: BRICS just announced the U.S. Dollar is about to COLLAPSE for good!looks like Oct. some big stuff. maybe - maybe not...Redacted , which you have already seen and commented, but didn't call it a junk post?


And yet another example of your failure to comprehend words.

That video states that the BRICS made a statement of 'dollar collapse' and not the IMF. Which again proves my point on your posted article. A Russian IMF rep who's nationality is a member of the BRICS. Therefore it makes perfect sense that someone who is Russian would make a statement on dollar collapse since he has a vested interest in that collapse since he is a member of a BRICS nation who would benefit from a dollar collapse. The IMF would NOT benefit from a dollar collapse there the reason why they are pushing the idea of a stable dollar in the article I provided you.

Again. This conversation is NOT about whether the IMF or BRICS is correct. It is about whether or not an article is junk. And now you have made it about something else entirely. Again you took personal offense on the call out.

Not my problem. You deal with your own insecurities and inability to keep your personal feelings separate from something you post.

But they have consequences, like exposing yourself of your low intellect and lack of comprehension.

Your right. Everything has consequences as I have proven your low reading comprehension. Figure that part out and people like myself won't have to embarrass you.

Humility? I am talking to you, ain't I? It reflects high humility.

And once again you prove your ignorance.

Speaking as if your above me then presume to tell me that the mere fact that you spoke to me is humility.


No. Humility is not thinking your superior to begin with moron.

BUTERBALZ 0 points ago +1 / -1

Is that five paragraph junk link you provided 5th generation information warfare?

After that embarrassing post and defense of I don't believe you have a clue.

Also since when is people's levels of understanding an excuse for posting half truths and junk?

Then to later come back and use that concept as a defense for posting junk? It's laughable!

"See I was just adjusting to different levels of understanding"

Mann....get outa' here with that junk. I'm not the one. I'll call you out every time. 😂

With regard to:

If you don't resonate concepts presented in this board, may be you should GTFO...

Bold words there buddy. I don't think I'll be doing that despite you thinking you own this forum. Apparently. Pfff...

I'll give you a clue as to when I'll leave this forum. I'll leave when it is no longer permitted to criticize junk posts. How about that young Padawan.

You have a lot to learn. How about you start with humility.

BUTERBALZ 0 points ago +1 / -1

That's funny.

I would read the article again if I were you. Carefully.

The fact is that not even the Russian IMF rep makes that statement. Out of that 5 paragraph anemic, void of data, article that you posted a link to, here is the only statements attributed to that Russian IMF representative.

“Such a proposal is being discussed,” the director told RIA Novosti. “In the event of the collapse of the dollar and the international monetary system, it will be necessary to turn the said BRICS accounting unit into a real currency, backed by exchange goods.”

Not a single time did he mention to "prepare for the dollar collapse" even if we are going to take his words as speaking for the organization.

He is speaking of the BRICS preparation "in the event" of a dollar collapse to have a currency that the IMF can use as a replacement.

That does not mean it is happening or that the IMF is preparing for that to happen.

You have a fire extinguisher in your kitchen IN THE EVENT a fire happens. That is not saying that a fire IS happening.

Here why don't you try posting data that people can analyze and make a decision for themselves with and not some shotty 5 paragraph article void of data written by an author full of assumption.

Here is the IMF on the same day speaking on that subject directly from their website chalk full of data sets and analysis. THIS we can attribute directly to the IMF.

Despite increased geopolitical risks, the latest data show that the U.S. dollar remains dominant. According to SWIFT, it accounts for over 80 percent of trade finance, likely because much of commodity trade continues to be invoiced and settled in dollars.


Maybe you should take a break from reading your buddy clandestine. It's starting to rub off on you.

BUTERBALZ 0 points ago +1 / -1

"Only thing I can’t figure out, is why the hell I got the call, because I do not work for the Department of Defense."

The guy is fucking embarrassing.

BUTERBALZ 1 point ago +2 / -1

No doubt the depth and profoundness of his inner thoughts earned the sticky.

BUTERBALZ 0 points ago +1 / -1

You'll convince none who disagree with that article and your statement.

They'll call out the articles weakness as click bait and you'll be left with only the statement you just made as your response.

"Well. It's gonna happen"

And they'll walk away just as they came. Only this time with more reason to dismiss you in the future.

Our side is fully aware of the impending collapse. What we need is solid and accurate evidence to prove to those that still need convincing.

This article is a joke.

BUTERBALZ 1 point ago +2 / -1

"Prepare for US Dollar Collapse, IMF Warns"

IMF didn't make that statement yet the title appears to credit them.

A Russian representative made that statement. He happens to also be a member of the IMF.

They lead the reader to believe that the IMF made the statement while using the Russian representatives membership status to bolster the claim.

The reality is that the representative made that statement independent of the IMF as a body.

Article title is misleading at best. Outright fabricating at worst.

BUTERBALZ 6 points ago +6 / -0

Not exactly.

"According to a Russian IMF representative, BRICS is ready to offer an alternative to the US Dollar..."

Nothing in that article, so far as I can tell, indicates that the IMF said anything that resembles what the title claims.

BUTERBALZ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just to be clear.

One of those is a dumpster fire and the other is a beautiful fireplace in a dimly lit room displaying at 4k.

BUTERBALZ 1 point ago +1 / -0

I did not make a claim of the French soldier. I made a claim of leadership.

Leadership makes orders that soldiers follow. It is the blunder of leadership that results in a retreat not that of a soldier. Whether that be a formal surrender or an informal falling apart of an army that causes them to retreat in the face of insurmountable odds.

You seem to be, willingly or by fault, ignoring what I have clearly stated.

Carefully read my words again.

You may be failing to understand the forum that you have found yourself in. This forum is, if anything, independent thinking citizens of all walks of life who first and foremost call out the failures of leadership in the role they have been entrusted with by The People. The People make up armies. The People are led to slaughter by failed, weak and incompetent leadership.

The People are who I defend. Leadership is who I criticize.

Napoleon failed to recognize his blunder and rather than do the honorable thing and recalculate he led his army to slaughter in the Russian tundra.

Your criticism of Americans lacking world history knowledge, to the extent it may exist, only speaks to a misunderstanding of the original point.

If you feel Americans lack world history knowledge, fine, and that discussion can be had. But to misconstrue the original point then bloviate on an unrelated topic only speaks of your lack of knowledge with regard to the point being expressed.

BUTERBALZ 4 points ago +4 / -0

Must have a lot of time on their hands after learning how to work a ventilator.

BUTERBALZ 1 point ago +1 / -0

You also ignore that of Napoleon's 600,000 invading force about 112,000 made it out on retreat.

Just to be clear. I'm not detracting from Napoleon's ability to put fourth a formidable and we'll trained force. But this example may be one of lessons learned rather than astute and we'll placed leadership.

Seems to me the French citizenry may be best served by not listening to cocky and greedy leadership who does not appear to have their best interest in mind.

To further clarify. This is a lesson Americans should also take notice of. Our leadership has done us no favors either.

BUTERBALZ 1 point ago +1 / -0

I wonder how many "honor" points they gained by purchasing Russian natural gas?

How many "honor" points did they gain by sending their citizens treasure to Ukraine to fight those same Russians?

Did they reach bonus "honor" point level by funding both sides of that war?

Sometimes honor is best gained when doing the right thing and living with those consequences whatever they may be. Otherwise one runs the risk of becoming a meme.

BUTERBALZ 9 points ago +9 / -0

The way she looking at that meat though...

BUTERBALZ 21 points ago +21 / -0

I backed out when it was apparent this guy can't tell pushed propaganda from reality.

"I thought Pepe the frog. You know like the racist symbol"

Na. I'm out.

BUTERBALZ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Searched "new" before posting. Seen nothing related to it so I posted.


BUTERBALZ 4 points ago +7 / -3

I'm still trying to figure out why it's stickied.

It's becoming a joke at this point.

BUTERBALZ 4 points ago +5 / -1

I can't tell how much I have been yearning for another Catholic to bring fourth this defense.

Stalwart and impregnable.

Thank you.

BUTERBALZ 2 points ago +2 / -0


Apparently I totally misread what you were getting at.

Sorry about that.

Listen. I have been commenting less and less on this forum because, in my estimation, it has been overrun by the equivalent of the left but only by those that happen to think like us.

It's a bunch of right leaning redditers. Broken logic. Too proud to recognize it. Using a bastardized English language with equivalent understanding of it.

So when I comment these days it's usually short and somewhat abrasive.

Maybe it's my frustration. No. It's likely my frustration that's gotten the best of me in this case.

I will agree with you on the passive aggressive characterization. I can't on the snowflake. 😁

Apologize for casting a wide net.

BUTERBALZ 0 points ago +1 / -1

Oh I see.

So you are also not going to watch it and in that way you agree.

But it wasn't enough for you to simply agree by liking his comment.

No. You felt left out. The need or are wanting attention. So you had to express why you weren't going to watch it.

I get it.

Well good for you!

You know. You can simply just not watch it. Especially since you had nothing to add to his comment but felt the need to jump in and say...nothing really.

But we both know why you jumped in. You wanted to make a snide remark. And you wanted the attention of course.

That's adorable!

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