Note: this story isn’t new; it’s from 2017.
Of course there will be, when you funded the creation of the virus, you utter demon.
The only “retirement” this sociopathic monster deserves is the kind that sadistic communist cunt Winnie Mandela used to issue:
That dump will be like shtting in the voters’ mouth and calling it a “sundae”.
And “man date” is just a euphemism for depraved sodomy.
This thing looks like a skeleton with skin.
Best comment:
ByHisMercy. December 6, 2022 1:22 am
When there is a coup against a president that is also completed; sedition and treason have clearly taken place–there are extreme measures that must be taken for continuity of government.
It is those who have committed these federal high crimes who by their actions have overthrown our government and our constitution with it.
This is not simply cheating–
the presidency and the government of the United States were overthrown by communists in 2020. This is not an overstatement.
As President Trump expressed: “Unprecedented cures” are required.
It is not easy for America to face that we really are occupied by communists and that we actually have NO voice under tyrannical rule–only a pretend one.
But we are in enemy hands.
And I believe God has a plan that is so outside the box for our reasoning ability–
but yet will fit completely with what our founding fathers put in place once His plan–
His “cure” comes to light.
God really is our only hope. Yet is using President Trump who I believe has more things in place than we can imagine.
It’s a matter of timing
These demons, with this laughable garbage, wouldn’t survive one day with an adversarial press, instead of their pack of totalitarian propaganda presstitutes.
Are they still there, or have they moved on? I’ll likely be up in Bothell tomorrow afternoon - wouldn’t mind checking out the crow show.
This genuinely sounds like a parody.
So of course it's real. The Left is truly beyond mocking, beyond hope.
Pound that Paxlovid, Lieuser. Us unjabbed don't even need to consider it, because we're not the ones getting the damn coof over and over again. 🤣
Our nation's biggest drug dealers sit in corner offices and medical buildings.
But even more conspicuous than the totalitarian MSM has been not just the worthless mainstream "conservative" press (R.I.H. FuxNews), but even the alternative conservative press, and then so notably PDJT, who knows exactly what happened, and yet keeps mention Ashli Babbitt like she was actually shot.
It will all come out. It's just so very... interesting. 🫤
And for anyone here who has somehow still not witnessed just how sketchy (i.e. fake-as-eff) the Ashli Babbit shooting was, this is a must-watch:
Hmmm… maybe I forgot to paste it.
VERY worth the listen. What a story, and maybe much, MUCH more. 🧐
Here is the link for anyone who uses Apple Podcasts.
Wow!😲 Snoweffingflakes. 🌨️
Ok, ‘cept for you.🤣
The only based Scotsmen seem to be in America.
“They’re the same picture.”
Jolly ‘Ol Saint Kek.
I can’t drop Nike any harder than I have for the last 5 years or so.
Legitimize, sodomize, yes, all that.
Demons guarding the hen house.
Finish them.