by PepeSee
Battlefield 1 point ago +1 / -0

Because they can't read what's in the PEADs.

If they don't know what the PEADs say, they don't know how to fight them.

Battlefield 2 points ago +2 / -0

The data from the official NHS UK WuFlu reports shows categorically that the vaccinated's protection has been getting weaker and weaker each week, to the point where some vaccinated age groups are now twice as likely to catch the WuFlu as the unvaccinated.

However, that isn't the same as AIDS obviously as AIDS is specifically defined as losing your immune system due to HIV.

However, to the vaccinated who were tricked into destroying their immune systems, it doesn't really matter how they lose their immune system, the end result is the same. The name we refer to it by, doesn't change the fact that they have ruined their immune system, probably irreparably.

Battlefield 2 points ago +2 / -0

If you follow the official NHS UK weekly reports, they show that the vaccinated have been gradually getting more and more likely to catch the WuFlu, to the point where every vaccinated age group over 30 is now more likely to catch the WuFlu than the unvaccinated. The under 30s will join them once their initial 4 months of slight protection wears off.

So the immune systems of those who took the clot shot are statistically getting weaker with regard to the WuFlu. I haven't personslly calculated the weekly percentage drop off, but 5% per week sounds about right (bearing in mind that the clot shot initially gave them slight additional protection).

However, I haven't seen any data with regard to their immune system versus other viruses, so as you say, a source of data highlighting their response to all viruses would be interesting.

by BQnita
Battlefield 10 points ago +10 / -0

In reality, the clot shot has negative effectiveness, i.e. its victims are more likely to catch the WuFlu. According to the latest official NHS UK report, for every age group over 30 the vaccinated are more likely to catch the WuFlu, with some age bands being almost double as likely to catch it.

Basically, if you take the clot shot, you get 4 months of slight protection (provided it doesn't kill you) in return for permanently weakening your immune system for the rest of your life. This is why under 30s have slightly better statistics (for now), because they were the last to get it and therefore in most cases are still in their initial 4 month period.

Battlefield 1 point ago +1 / -0

In the UK, those who got the clot shot are now statistically more likely to catch the WuFlu according to the official NHS report. People are dying from the clot shot. Those who who died weren't given saline.

Battlefield 2 points ago +2 / -0

Gettr is extremely different from Gab.

Also, I would even say it's different from Facebook and Twitter in that it allows conservative-lite/establishment right people on its platform.

Battlefield 3 points ago +3 / -0

Global big corporation capitalism.

Small business capitalism is not the same as global big corporation capitalism.

They're also trying to transfer power to the state, i.e. socialism/communism. Socialism is the very opposite of capitalism.

by BQnita
Battlefield 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes, it's a massive deal. Spying on the President of the United States by traitors in the IC ordered by the traitorous former president. The traitors need to hang.

by BQnita
Battlefield 2 points ago +2 / -0

'Find dirt' should be replaced with 'make up dirt'.

The flaw in their plan was that President Trump was the cleanest candidate in history. They never expected he would be clean. They expected he would be as dirty as them. When they realized he wasn't, they had to make up the Russia BS and the Alfa Bank BS. Michael Sussmann was recently indicted for lying about the Alfa Bank BS. Let's hope this small fish leads to bigger fish.

by Quelle
Battlefield 5 points ago +5 / -0

I find it far more effective to reply to posts on high traffic pages, eg. The Babylon Bee, rather than post to my profile. I've still had a post deleted, but by then it had over 40 likes, so it had likely been seen by loads of people.

Battlefield 1 point ago +1 / -0

I never use my Facebook feed. I always go directly to the pages I want to see.

Why would you let the corrupt lying fascists at Facebook decide what posts deserve priority?

That said, respect to Russia if they bring in this law. Anything which limits Facebook's power is a positive step.

Battlefield 4 points ago +4 / -0

To make a metaphor, I have heard it claimed that some anti-virus software companies also produce viruses. That is how they ensure a demand for their product.

That doesn't mean that all viruses are created by anti-virus software companies, but it gives you food for thought.

Battlefield 1 point ago +1 / -0

The pharmaceutical industry is evil.

However, I suspect there is another evil motivation in this. In the UK, 10,000-25,000 people die each year from the regular flu. We have now learned that ivermectin could save a large percentage of those people. However, most of those who die are old. Being cynical, corrupt governments have no reason to save the old. From the perspective of evil governments, the old are a drain on society.

Battlefield 1 point ago +1 / -0

China never had any intentions of following the Global Warming scam. The corrupt Paris Climate Accord granted China a 20 year exemption while the rest of the world pays them billions for the privilege. Yet not a single so-called environmentalist has condemned the corrupt Paris Climate Accord.

by Quelle
Battlefield 3 points ago +3 / -0

They originally had a vax mandate. They are evil.

If Dr Evil gave some of his money to charity, I still wouldn't support him.

Battlefield 2 points ago +2 / -0

Calling them fake Americans is another thing they don't like.

Battlefield 2 points ago +2 / -0

If an Airline is willing to lie about the weather, they will lie about other things. This makes me less likely to trust their safety.

Battlefield 6 points ago +6 / -0

"Without borders" is a black hat message. It is promoting satan's goal of a one world government.

Other than that though, yes, the red pill message is a great metaphor for the world we live in.

by Quelle
Battlefield 9 points ago +9 / -0

This is why I use fear on my brainwashed friends.

Always refer to the vaccine as the clot shot. Warn them of the 14,000 clot shot deaths, and that VAERS deaths are statistically massively underreported. Warn them that any slight protection from the clot shot wears off after 4 months, at a cost of putting them at risk of ADE for the rest of their lives.

It takes patience and time to flip their fear, but it works. It's like a judo move. You use their fear against them by getting them to fear things they should actually fear, rather than the fake or exaggerated things the corrupt media tells them they should fear.

Battlefield 3 points ago +3 / -0

In the UK, 13 of 20 EPL clubs have less than 50% of their players vaccinated.

Battlefield 3 points ago +3 / -0

Many comments here seem to think this is a good thing, but this basically means she can warn her pedo friends they are in trouble. We don't want Ghislaine knowing who else is in the spotlight.

Battlefield 5 points ago +5 / -0

I mean, it's a choice between two evils.

Similar to Syria where they had a choice between ISIS and the Obama backed 'moderate' Al-Qaeda rebels, or Assad. The media tell us Assad is bad, and he is, but if the alternative is ISIS...

Battlefield 4 points ago +4 / -0

White hat can be used to mean a good guy or a patriot. Yes, its primary meaning is a military good guy (or good guy hacker), but that's not the only use of the word.

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