Trump has called the CF out already. The revelations in Q drop #2807 is astounding… and politicians controlling narrative, abuses of funding, etc.
Yes, it makes Q drop 2807 quite relevant….
The only way to quiet down these judges is to threaten impeachment. Our representatives in the House need to devise a plan to reign in these judges and implement the plan. They’ll speaker Johnson to get in the stick…………
Hobbs is in deep ka-ka for misplacing $350 million dollars of the Arizona people’s money. She will also be investigated for the 2020-2024 election cycles, and Cartel affiliations. This is only the start of her troubles and the top budget staffer should lawyer up……
Why do we even have this in schools anyway. Parents and taxpayers have all the rights to what is presented in schools and the LGBTQ reading is not on the list. Time to do away with the DOE and all the crap that it has embraced. That would make it easy for the courts.
I hope that soon, and I mean SOON, they will lock Victoria Nuland and Anthony Blinken up and prosecute those two and the rest for crimes against the people of Eastern Ukraine. This is long overdue.