BidenIsAPedoFreak 5 points ago +5 / -0

This is a really important and underrated post. I had to learn this the hard way. But truly, to be able to speak freely, is the most liberating feeling I’ve ever experienced.

We have to realize that our thoughts and ideas are part of our humanity. I’d rather speak my mind and be wrong from time to time than to never make an impact out of fear of losing a friend, job, or some other seemingly important thing.

Speak freely!

BidenIsAPedoFreak 1 point ago +1 / -0

Likely caused by Elon’s wild positions on Twitter. But supposedly truth moved all their hosting infrastructure to rumble’s cloud service.

Either way, truth is fun and their mods are BASED!

deleted -1 points ago +1 / -2
BidenIsAPedoFreak 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, having some healthy competition will only improve truth social and force them to expand features and make improvements

Let’s not forget that Twitter has been a stagnant dinosaur in terms of innovation.

We need free speech INNOVATION in the same way our enemies constantly evolve against us

BidenIsAPedoFreak 1 point ago +1 / -0

The problem with this theory is that truth spreads fast.

The moment you give someone a tiny little itty bitty glimpse of the real world, the entire paradigm gets blown to bits.

This is why the left are painting Elon as an evil right winger.

Also, regardless of either theory being true: look at how much ground we’ve covered this far on Twitter WITH all their bots and censorship…

If Elon even remotely increases our reach on Twitter, it’s game over for them lol

BidenIsAPedoFreak 15 points ago +15 / -0

Solid, thank you. I needed that after today’s election catastrophe.

BidenIsAPedoFreak 1 point ago +1 / -0

Crowdsourcing research and verifying information requires all of us, not the mods.

The entire reason this operation has been successful is because we all are participating in the open source process.

Relying on mods is the exact problem that leftists have and provides an easy avenue for propaganda to get thru.

At least the mods put a custom flair, pinned comment with an explanation, and specifically requested for the community to investigate,

This is precisely how I would want the mods to act in this board.

BidenIsAPedoFreak 0 points ago +2 / -2

There’s at least a chance he’s alive. And regardless, it only adds to the whole storyline and doesn’t take away from it.

If he’s alive, legendary.

If he’s not alive, status quo.

What’s to be concerned with?

BidenIsAPedoFreak 1 point ago +2 / -1

I wonder where everyone at voat went? Poal isn’t very active, pol is a shill show, greatawakening mods chased away all the pizzagate researchers, it’s like they just disappeared.

I occasionally see a few usernames I recognize. Miss voat. Was such an epic community of truth seekers, pizzagate researchers, etc. :(

BidenIsAPedoFreak 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for the repost. It’s amazing how easy it is to forget about these digs. The entirety of Hollywood is a giant satanic grooming ground for the elites.

BidenIsAPedoFreak 6 points ago +6 / -0

Where is the line that we draw for ourselves. Do we need to participate in neural ink?

Do we have to care about how he got wealthy? We have such limited public “billionaire” support compared to our opposition, at this point I’ll take what I can get.

A rich dude, is red pilling people en masse culturally, I’m just enjoying the show.

BidenIsAPedoFreak 6 points ago +6 / -0

He’s at that age where he can be open about his opinions and not be concerned with what people think.

Personally his take on space aliens controlling the minds of politicians using advanced technology seems plausible


BidenIsAPedoFreak 4 points ago +4 / -0

I guess what’s confusing is that they appear to be typical neo-nazis.

Neo nazis are usually basic ethnonationalist types with a sort of religious cult like system of militia members.

Nationalist socialists but without the morality of the WW2 Germans to guide them.

Sad but I get the vibe that most neo nazi groups today are just the BLM for the whites: manipulated, low information, low vibration shock troops funded by deep state and used as a “terror” campaign for normies.

BidenIsAPedoFreak 3 points ago +3 / -0

Can someone catch me up to speed on what exactly the issue is with these Ukrainians

So the nazis… what are they fighting for? Ukraine’s sovereignty? Ok that seems pretty normal.

We all know Ukraine is corrupt. But what’s the purpose of these azov battalion? And don’t they know the Ukraine government doesn’t give a shit about their ethno-nationalism?

Why would a nationalist support the Ukrainians regime if the Ukrainians are globalist shills?

Also, where is the honor in fighting for your people if you’re just propping up corrupt neocons?

Also, why is everyone hating on azov? Are they just misinformed or are they actual shock troops of the deepstate?

Any insight is helpful - thanks.

BidenIsAPedoFreak 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oddly the National enquirer is probably more accurate than the mainstream media nowadays

BidenIsAPedoFreak 2 points ago +2 / -0

Does Q mean “we control the fake news”?

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