Bigneckedmanjr 2 points ago +2 / -0

Whatever your top list is, just flip it upside down and remember... the fucking painstakingly slowest timeline is the probable path.

Bigneckedmanjr 3 points ago +3 / -0

I have a feeling the depopulation portion hasn’t even begun yet. What if they are injecting us with something else entirely? Forget RFID Verichips. What if they are injecting a nanotech that is altering our DNA with the intent of making us susceptible to mind control? Do you remember how Wuhan just set up 5G towers right before the covid outbreak? I know, I didn’t really buy into the correlation either, but the more I’m looking into everything, the more I question what this vaccines intention really is.






Bigneckedmanjr 1 point ago +2 / -1

The entire sheeple narrative is a joke. Never mind Israel basically created Hamas. I wonder where that fits into the narrative ?

Bigneckedmanjr 7 points ago +7 / -0

Research the SV40 virus from the polio vaccine harvested in monkey livers.

Bigneckedmanjr 3 points ago +3 / -0

To understand the big picture it would take writing an encyclopedia of information. The universe is interconnected in a vast cosmic web that very surprisingly looks a lot like the brains neural-synaptic pathways. At the galactic level imagine a toroidal structure governed by a supermassive black hole in the center. The same governing structure is seen in a solar system, star, planet, tree, human being, etc. Basically, high frequency gamma rays are bursting from the center of our galaxy and through the interconnected cosmic filaments this energy/light permeates and shifts the frequency of whatever it comes into contact with. We are in a process of acclimating into a higher vibrational state of being. This is the literal translation of enlightenment. Dark to light. The human collective are awakening. The earths ley lines are connected to this energy which is why the ancient civilizations built their spiritual centers along them. The entire process is about spiritually ascending into a higher state of consciousness. We are witnessing the death of the old and rebirth of the new. Everything that no longer resonates with us because we are becoming more attuned to the ‘I AM’, ‘higher self’, soul essence of our being. This is far greater reality than the earth has an electromagnetic heartbeat and its fluctuating. Our greater cosmic reality is shifting and so are we. As above, so below. Higher benevolent extraterrestrial groups are here quietly overseeing the process. The removal of the dark cabal is merely the beginning.

Bigneckedmanjr 0 points ago +1 / -1

Absolutely. Infiltrate everything.

Bigneckedmanjr 1 point ago +1 / -0

I didn’t even begin to dig into clandestine services. Lol The intelligence community has a big part to play as well. I believe my point was that this issue is far from a one dimensional aspect, we are up against a force attacking us from all sides.

Bigneckedmanjr 4 points ago +4 / -0

?‍♂️ I was hoping this community would be further along than this. Rather than going into the details of Freemasonry I’ll zoom out because clearly there needs to be an even bigger discussion here.

Rather than there being one net cast, in this case freemasonry, there are many nets cast from many different avenues to vet those outside of the blood lines to be of service. If one is not born into the equation there are systems like Ivy League university head hunting societies like Yale skull and bones. Under each mainstream religion there is typically a corresponding organization such as the Jesuits and Zionists. There are religious groups more on the fringes such as Scientology, Luciferianism, satanism etc. Deeper into the occult there are groups like the Ordo Templi Orientis, Order of the Golden Dawn, Rosicrucianism etc. Outside of religion there are political organizations such as the Council on Foreign Relations and Royal Institute for International Affairs that will sometimes bring in people outside of the political sphere as sock puppets for geopolitical agendas. I could go on and on. Essentially, all roads lead to 'Rome' so to speak. The Illuminati seek to infiltrate everything of significance, so chances are if something new takes off it will be co opted by them as well.

Freemasonry no matter how pervasive and ubiquitous is but one tentacle THEY have at their disposal. The vast majority of Freemasons are irrelevant. The point is to create a society of elites that collude to keep power and wealth concentrated. The focal points such as Washington, Hollywood, Wall St., Silicon Valley etc are steered and controlled in unison towards a desired agenda. You could very well be a mason in some nobody piece of shit town and have absolutely no idea anything or have any significance at the geopolitical level. Just the same as lobbyism. Lobbyism exists all over but who is dumping billions into the Missouri political arena? To what end? And that's the point, the culture of corruption exists everywhere, however it is only necessary to control key areas and thus control the entire society. Therefore, the tiny little cogs in the machine have to only know how to spin in place to make the entire machine work. Most people are useful idiots. We worship these clowns in Hollywood but they are nothing more than court jesters.

Here comes the next layer in the equation. Victims. Have you ever wondered why all these Disney child stars turn out the same way? Research MK Ultra, Monarch Programming, next gen Beta Sex Kittens etc. They like to get them young. That way they can undergo satanic sexual ritual abuse as children and be the perfect Manchurian candidate by the time they are adults and have no opposition to the agenda. No need for Epstein like blackmail. Perfect little soldiers. Of course until they have an army of these people they will vet those with the proclivity towards sociopathic tendencies to suffice. The Illuminati prey on our weaknesses. They find cracks in humanity and exploit that. We have to understand what is happening in order to defeat it.

Bigneckedmanjr 3 points ago +3 / -0

Exactly, which is why they are conditioning the human collective towards embracing amoral, service to self sociopathic tendencies. If we willing embrace this we are thus subject to our own eventual enslavement. Just look at our relationship with livestock. We treat other species as less than, thus justifying the systematic slaughter that we ourselves could be subjected to. This is why they refer to us as profane goyim. To them, we are cattle.

Bigneckedmanjr 1 point ago +1 / -0

As you spiritually go within, the external world begins to experience more frequent synchronicities. It can certainly begin to mindfuck you, but the point is to consciously expand into a higher state through an incremental process of expansion and grounding. Synchronicity can become a process in which divinity begins to speak to you through manifesting into your conscious awareness. This is certainly not something the unaware would notice, nor divinity would overstep as it would be a violation of free will. Therefore, the first step is belief. Once open, a process of integration may commence. The nature of time, space and reality are all fluid as none exist solely within the confines of our 3rd dimensional linear reality.

Bigneckedmanjr 3 points ago +3 / -0

Exactly, they have perfected the system of hierarchical compartmentalization. The same system runs corporations, governments, secret societies, intelligence agencies, military command etc etc. The vast majority of people are just a tiny cog turning in place. That way only a very small group at the top have full spectral dominance over everything. In this system everyone is a useful idiot following a path of crumbs. Only the most evil are accepted into the inner circle of the elite bloodlines. Of course even they will never truly be on that level. For grooming their bloodline is their highest calling. This is what perpetuates their power. Believe it or not, they have a collectivist view when it comes to serving their bloodline because they know a lot about the nature of reality that has been kept occulted from us. We actually typically reincarnate from soul groups into genetic bloodlines as a type of karmic cycle inheriting the ‘sins of our fathers’. At least those who are ‘earth natives,’ within this experience. In this way negative groups incarnate into the human drama to perpetuate their power over us. By negative groups I also mean extraterrestrial beings. This is one of the main reasons for hybridization programs. They allow to some degree a process of spiritual circumvention. This of course is allowed to some degree within a free will universe. The situation is complex and both side toe the line as crossing it would allow the other side greater reaction. All is held in the balance by the Divine Company of Heaven. They are not intermediators but facilitators of divine law. It will be galactic groups closer to our resonate frequency that act on their behalf. The starseeds are the ground crew here on behalf of the galactic groups, who will assist the human collective as disclosures begin. It will be far too difficult for humanity to accept all of this from extraterrestrial beings themselves as these disclosures will generate a whole new era of distrust. But, that is good. Discernment is essential.

Bigneckedmanjr 3 points ago +3 / -0

It’s all works in tandem. Echelon was the foundation. Technological progression builds on itself. Now we have next gen D Wave quantum computers paving the way towards processing real-time analytics. Quantum supremacy was always the key needed to run the whole system.

Bigneckedmanjr 3 points ago +3 / -0

Have you ever heard of NSA project ECHELON? That was a FVEY joint venture. They could pretty much surveil anyone, anywhere at anytime.

Bigneckedmanjr 13 points ago +13 / -0

Precisely which means the alliance have at least some degree of control over the US, UK, Canada and Australian intelligence apparatus. This is a huge disclosure IMO that I’m not sure a single person seemed to gather judging by every single comment below. Lol

Bigneckedmanjr 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’ve been saying this from day one.

Bigneckedmanjr 1 point ago +1 / -0

His father was literally a propagandist for the military. Just saying

Bigneckedmanjr 2 points ago +2 / -0

You mean patents for:

Electromagnetic field generator and method to generate an electromagnetic field


High Frequency Gravitational Wave Generator


Craft using an inertial mass reduction device


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