Bigneckedmanjr 8 points ago +8 / -0

The ‘alliance’ is a loosely connected conglomerate of groups working together to wipe out the cabal.

Bigneckedmanjr 0 points ago +1 / -1

And to be honest, if you did or didn’t vaxx cuz ‘muh Trump’ you are as stupid as the left. Stop blinding following. Educate yourself. Isn’t that what Q is really about?

I can’t say if something really terrible happens to those vaccinated, that they didn’t pretty much deserve what comes to them. People are being really stupid, and I feel like they are about to face a serious karmic blowback for their stupidity. Obviously Trump wasn’t going to change that for the left. In fact, had he stood against it they would have only dove off that cliff faster. So perhaps, in some way, he did the most humane thing of all. “Sometimes the hardest thing to do, is nothing at all.” DJT. Do you honestly think he’s completely ignorant of what this is. I sure don’t. He isn’t the antichrist, he isn’t the messiah. People need to stop needing to be led. Stand the fuck up in your own sovereignty.

Bigneckedmanjr 2 points ago +2 / -0

You could write a novel about any one of these families. Just take the Colonna family for example. Do you know whatever happened to the Julio-Claudian dynasty of ancient Rome? It didn’t just disappear. Lol Why did we name our capital the District of Columbia? Why would powerful mafia families in America answer to crusty old Sicilian men halfway across the world? They don’t. These crime syndicates are extensions of the black nobility families themselves. The Hollywood version of everything you’ve been told is a lie. These houses connect a lot of the dots that otherwise seem disconnected. Research them.


Bigneckedmanjr 14 points ago +14 / -0

The black nobility bloodlines such as the Colonna, Massimo, Orsini, Ruspoli, Pallavicini, Aldobrandini, Borgia, Breakspeare, Conti, Este, Farnese, Medici,
Theodoli, Sacchetti, Borghese, Odescalchi, Ludovisi, Sforza. These are the houses that have ruled the Holy Roman Empire/Jesuit order for centuries. The Rothschilds are new money in comparison. Bauer changed his name to Rothschild to become the shield of the (blood)lines. They are nothing but a front for the families who claim to be the descendants of Cain. The Nephilim. The Jews were the ‘chosen ones’ by the synagogue of Satan. Some of these families claim to be the descendants of the Ptolemaic dynasty. What’s interesting is we find out the Pharaohs were not only genetically European but many of them had elongated skulls. Satan might not be what you thought, but far more literal and real than you imagined.

Bigneckedmanjr 2 points ago +2 / -0

Also generate a fatigue on the issue to manufacture a collective state of apathy and disassociation. I think that was the point of incessant fear porn in the news all along, to get people to turn it all off. They want people disconnected, afraid and ignorant even if that meant no one was watching CNN anymore. That’s the conclusion I’ve come to. Most sheeple don’t even know what the msm propaganda narrative is they are so divorced from anything outside of their tiny bubble.

Bigneckedmanjr 3 points ago +3 / -0

I think 1984 is further down the line but just as possible. I think the crowning achievement that would make that possible is the use of genetically engineering society into a caste system. Once you do that, the rest falls into place. The need for Huxley’s use of social and pharmaceutical engineering is no longer needed as the individual is ‘created’ to be what it is intended to be at birth. Perhaps some of what we are watching play out as is, say neurologically destroying a large portion of the population is a part of setting that in motion. The idea has long been stated, to diverge humanity into almost entirely different species altogether. Social Darwinist/eugenicist set that in motion from the beginning. I believe transhumanists seek to finish what they started.

Bigneckedmanjr 4 points ago +4 / -0

Both work in tandem. Huxley understood the use of psychological manipulation and pharmaceuticals. In his vision, the elite could continue to hide in the shadows as we were socially engineered to embrace a society of obedience out of ignorance and amoral hedonism. Sort of like the satanic/technological bread and circus we are watching emerge today.

Bigneckedmanjr 2 points ago +2 / -0

Agreed. But as opposed to what? 90 some percent global human depopulation. Complete enslavement of the rest by a technocratic fascist police state... sometimes perspective matters.

Bigneckedmanjr 25 points ago +25 / -0

Slow controlled demolition. The ball is in the cabals court. What are they going to do? Enact the New World Order or not? Their own actions will galvanize the collective. All eyes on Biden. The Trump blame game is already stale. Why do you think they waited all this time to expend their ammo? BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM This administration is barely hanging on as it is and the pain hasn’t even started.

Bigneckedmanjr 5 points ago +5 / -0

Perhaps, infiltration instead of invasion... What if Trumps EO on 12/21/17 took over these corporations.... business as usual. Same narrative. But, what’s interesting is how the Biden admin doesn’t seem to trust the msm anymore? Why not? Perhaps this is the slow trickle of a controlled demolition... What’s the cabal gonna do? New world order policies certainly won’t be favorable. Military in position...

Bigneckedmanjr 3 points ago +3 / -0

This was my exact thought as well. Latent. Watch a massive spike in autoimmune disorders in about 5 years.

Bigneckedmanjr 2 points ago +2 / -0

My body, my rights. ;) If it justifies murdering babies than maybe it should be enough for opting out of the mark of the beast.

Bigneckedmanjr 6 points ago +6 / -0

Jim Carrey had his own spiritual awakening. And then he began speaking out boldly. He did that skit on jimmy Kimmel with the Illuminati tongue etc. Not long after his girlfriend is found dead from an overdose he’s now being framed for. I think he got the picture which is why from that point he ran an ‘orange man is bad’ art parody campaign. But, I don’t think for a minute he’s been genuinely shilling for these fucks.


Bigneckedmanjr 4 points ago +4 / -0

I’ve been saying Xi is a part of the alliance from day one. Of course nobody fucking gets it. As if they didn’t just watch Trump fight against the same evil for the last four years.

Bigneckedmanjr -1 points ago +3 / -4

Well, are you just making shit up like you claim others are doing??? Makes you look just as stupid.

Bigneckedmanjr 3 points ago +3 / -0

No, not true. He claims he a mantid starseed. Not saying that’s any better but that’s what he actually talks about.

Bigneckedmanjr 1 point ago +1 / -0

The human surface slave populations understanding of the Universe, consciousness, God etc. is infantile at best.


Humanity is already undergoing a shift as these energies are already saturating us. This is why the human collective are waking up. Enlightenment is as much a physical/light/energetic process as a mystic/esoteric one. Research ascension. As above, so below. As I’ve stated earlier, our galaxy is a toroidal field. So is a solar system, a star, a planet, a tree, a human, the correct atomic structure. Etc. etc. From the macro to microcosmic universe all is energetic light transforming through an eternal cycle. Perhaps the conjunction points of a black hole are similar to that of our own energetic vortices? As astrophysicists map the universe they have begun to notice the shocking resemblance of the human mind. An image of synaptic connected neurons on a massive scale. Perhaps we were made in the ‘image’ of God? As above, so below. Perhaps the truth always was, I AM.... the rest was the story we played out within a lifetime. What are you really? Merely a human vessel? Who is the true observer? Perhaps God is all knowing because he is the total sum minds of the Universe? Have you ever experienced a higher state of consciousness? Perhaps you didn’t even know one exists beyond? Can one achieve
Sahaj Samadhi?

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