BlockadeRunnerMZ 2 points ago +2 / -0

The cabal is losing/has lost influence over Qatar, Egypt, Turkey, and apparently Israeli military forces.> Let us hope! Great post!

BlockadeRunnerMZ 1 point ago +1 / -0

Something I don't get about the speculation like this: It's clear that neither of the observed participants is capable of running the office of the president, but SOMEONE is behind the wheel. Who is it, and why would they care who the figure head is? They will remain in the shadows, it really doesn't matter what face they put on this clown show.

BlockadeRunnerMZ 1 point ago +1 / -0

INDEED. This is actually the obstacle we're facing now. She's having to come to terms with the dissonance that, if she wants things to move forward, we don't have to agree completely, but we have to be able to at least discuss things without her being "triggered". Somebody posted something like, remember, you're not arguing with your family over politics, you're arguing over whether the MSM is telling the truth. I think that's so true. We use 2 types of BC BTW. I'm middle aged and my kids are grown. :)

BlockadeRunnerMZ 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks for sharing patriot. I know the feeling, and as we can see here, a lot of people do.

I've actually made some progress with my wonderful but FAR EXTREME LEFT liberal girlfriend (I know, I know), and have been thinking about sharing how I've done it, in hopes of getting hints from others too.

I'll put together a post.

BlockadeRunnerMZ 2 points ago +2 / -0

I hope that's the case, but I worry that maybe they think that they don't have a lot of time, and they're trying to accomplish their agenda as quickly as possible, and they don't CARE how it looks.

by Intuit
BlockadeRunnerMZ 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's fair. I always felt like PROTECTION from discrimination was good, but FORCED diversity was bad... If I need the fire department, I want the best fire fighters possible, I'm not gonna give a shit what race/religion/whatever they are. Just put my house out please.

by Intuit
BlockadeRunnerMZ 4 points ago +4 / -0

Systemic racism was dismantled long ago, but the damage was never undone. DJT did more to heal this issue than any other president in... hell, in HISTORY, and they CONTINUALLY painted him as racist and bigoted, AND, the biden administration is slowly undoing it, and no one is shouting it from the mountain tops.

BlockadeRunnerMZ 2 points ago +2 / -0

I want that to be true so badly that I consider myself too biased to think clearly about it, and HAVE to dismiss it. But there sure is a lot of weird shit going on. And Biden/Harris certainly aren't capable of running much of anything. Wonder who the REAL boss is?

BTW... How, WHY, can you, do you, impeach someone who doesn't hold office anymore? Maybe because he STILL is holding the office? IDK, I'm hoping too hard to be objective.

BlockadeRunnerMZ 0 points ago +1 / -1

Looks to me like a dent that is catching the light perfectly from some angles. As the chopper lifts off and turns, it is filled by a shadow for a quick moment. Also, has this birds tail been replaced?

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