Trump is now cryptically introducing himself into the GME saga with the merger of Trump Media and Technology Group with DWAC.
DWAC having a secondary meaning of transferring shares to CS.
I will bet we will start seeing this connection of Trump and the 2 meanings of DWAC on Reddit very soon. It will start appearing pretty soon, and this is how he will be injected into the GME conversation.
11.3 refresher⬇
11.3 refresher☝
So now, we have 11.3 mentioned in this memo, and also today, 11.3 million shares bought/sold by the CEO of DWAC - the company Trump Media merged with.
11.3 and 11.3. On the same day. Not a coincidence. 11.3 MARKER has occurred.
ALSO: DWAC (Digital World Acquisition Corp) has 2 meanings. DWAC also stands for the investment term Deposit/Withdrawal At Custodian.
Trump is telling GME Short Squeeze holders to transfer their shares away from the DTCC (Depository Trust Clearing Corp.) - Co-founded by Bernie Madoff - and send them to Computershare, the Direct Registration Transfer Agent for many huge companies, including GME.
11.3 and 11.3, DWAC and DWAC
This is getting spicy, folks!!
You have more than you know. Q
DWAC also means Removing your shares from the DTCC.
This is NOT a coincidence.
DWAC also means Removing your shares from the DTCC.
This is NOT a coincidence.
Useless and even harmful window dressing.
It won't pass, he knows it, and it sets the argument that conservatives are OKAY with admitting illegal immigration into the country, as long as they get transported to Dem strongholds. We should all be for legal immigration, of those vetted immigrants who want to become patriotic, enthusiastic Americans. Agreeing to any form of illegal immigration is a bad idea, and punishes those immigrants who ARE going through the process legally. We can't reward bad behavior.
Last thought: the bill gets passed, and they get sent to Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket, only to be handed bus tickets elsewhere once they arrive... now with green cards granted by Ted Cruz's Headline grabbing bill.
I understand what you are saying. I have been 100% in since January, so I DO understand.
That said, I remain very Zen about it. The outcome is inevitable. I see plainly that this is the financial aspect of THE STORM. It is the death blow to the international banking cabal, and one avenue that will be used to refund all the stolen money.
My only frustration comes from not being able to understand the timeline, and I keep being early. The outcome is certain. This only ends one way.
Hold The Line. We ARE Close. It looks like next week will be very volatile, and that is bad for Hedgie.
As for DWAC, I personally take it as a sign that everything is about to blow. Diamond Hands, Ape.
We've got this.
Our turn will come - I take this as a great sign, actually.
Our turn will make 400% a day look like chump change.
I am watching it, and practicing my discipline for when the MOASS is unchained.
(We all know it is being held back until the day it makes the most impact for the war.) The "glitches" people have screenshotted of GME trading at as much as $68,000 per share are not brief glitches, in my opinion. I think they are purposely showing us the real ticker occasionally to keep up morale.
I think the visible pricing action on GME is a pure illusion - a pre-programmed digital video they play from Pre-market to post market, everyday.
"Enjoy the show".
Anyone remember the 1974 Jack Nicholson & Faye Dunaway Movie, "Chinatown"?
It was a movie about Politicians and Big Businessman in California causing a drought in the fertile lands of California's agricultural valleys. The purpose of diverting water away from the lands was to make them worthless, and buy them on the cheap, only to then restore the water supply once Big Business bought the land for a song. Bribes, murder, and financial ruin was all in a days work for their goals to be met.
Oh yeah... and it was a TRUE Story from the early 20th century.
To Be Blunt.....
(What is another way to say Game Over? GAMESTOP)
Ticker Symbol GME
You have more than you know.
Population of Nahunta, GA is 1,125.
I'm guessing the force size was not more than a half dozen at full strength, spread out over 3 shifts and off days.
Translation: the chief, plus one officer per shift.
This is what is going on...☝🏼
Mandates, I believe, have multiple purposes.
Primarily WAKE SHEEPLE up, force them awake, get them off the couch to fight for their kids, their jobs, their country.
Secondly, mandates can then be flopped back on the current fake admin., showing the hypocrisy as they ignore their own mandates.
Thirdly, mandates can be used against people and agencies that need replacing.
There are probably other uses, too - depending on the situation.
As Anons, we all know that Strzok and Page have been cooperating witnesses for multiple years already.
Unity is our strength. THEY divide us. WE unite. WWG1WGA.
We are all equal in this fight.
No one person is above another.
"Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes."
God bless you.
United We Stand.
Why does the media push division?
Why does the media incite violence?
Why does the media pit race v race?
Why does the media pit religion v religion?
Why does the media pit sex v sex?
Why does the media pit class v class?
Divided you are weak.
Divided you fight each other.
Divided you pose no threat to their system of control.
Controlled media plays a major role in shaping the narrative(s) to keep you powerless [helpless] and asleep [unaware of truth].
Well, I suspect (as Q stated - see above) that they have been disabled because they are used for comms during DS attacks, operations, FF's, etc.
We had a large bomb threat response going on in DC this afternoon, as shown on videos from Nancy Drew DC, for those that follow her.
I think they will be back very quickly. Just like Southwest caving in - Seattle will, too.
This is 100% part of the show, Trump is showing us the power we have, re-teaching us that, We The People, have all the power - we just have to use it.
I think it was done to get our attention, and make the DWAC double-meaning connection.
Trump and friends could be high speed trading it back and forth sending it up, in the same way GME gets short ladder-attacked down.