Blurpy 3 points ago +3 / -0

This story is right from the Q playbook. Get the Sheeple to pay attention to the story using Trump name as bait.

Example: Trump wanted Section 230 repealed in congress, couldn't get it done. But now, it is coming, with Biden, Killary, and Pelosi doing it, saying it is needed to control US! Loollz!

Too funny.

by BQnita
Blurpy 5 points ago +5 / -0

GameStop will destroy them, and Silver and/or Gold will replace them.



Blurpy 3 points ago +3 / -0

Thank you, you too! I have visited Canada MANY times - I'm in Michigan. Awesome Country and People, suffering with the same case of "Cabal Cancer" the rest of the world has.

We've got this, and the best is yet to come! (And soon, too.)

Blurpy 4 points ago +4 / -0

To OP - We are OVERLOADED with shills on this site, creating division. Many of them have accounts a year old. They are subtle, with attacks like you have pointed out. If you see something here that is creating division among people of any differences whatsoever, you can be assured that person has ulterior motives.

Any true Anon understands that WWG1WGAWW

Blurpy 21 points ago +21 / -0

The UN is one face of the "New World Order" that is being dismantled. They will be lucky to survive in any form when this is over.

World Economic Forum

G7, G8


European Union

and many other similar organizations will crumble, or be highly transformed when this is done.

WWG1WGA - World Wide

Blurpy 2 points ago +2 / -0

Q has said double meanings exist:


I have always thought red castle referred (at least in some references) to Citadel Securities in Chicago. Citadel is a castle. They are engaged in unlawful and evil practices, and the Red refers to them being drained from the short squeeze of Gamestop.

(Gamestop = Game Over?) https://qposts.online/post/3872

by BQnita
Blurpy 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's what this whole thing is about. It is why we have all been woken up, and assembled here.

This is no random act. 👍


by BQnita
Blurpy 9 points ago +9 / -0

This is a tremendously choreographed sequence of staged events. It really is a masterpiece of a show, planned out years and years ago, right down to each and every day, what will be revealed, in what order, when, and how much attention it will receive.

The brightest tacticians in our country devised this plan, the top experts in every field of unconventional warfare, military and civilian law, macro-economics, sociology, psychology, logistics, and so many more fields it makes the head spin. They are using cutting edge algorithms on the most advanced, A.I. computer systems designed to predict and model outcomes and responses to those outcomes.

It is "taking so long" in order to expose and catch everyone, wake up the maximum number of sheep with the minimum number of global casualties.

When this is over, we will be watching documentaries on the history channel of the hidden aspects of this operation for the rest of our lives.

It truly is a masterpiece.

Blurpy 2 points ago +2 / -0

As I understand it, the Dad took his teenage son over there to conduct jihad.

They got droned. First the kid, then the Dad, a week later.

The US apparently DID know the kid was a US citizen when they did it. I remember the story vaguely from ten years ago, there was a medium sized stink about it then, but not big enough to matter.

Back then, most all of us thought the US Government were the good guys. Not nearly as many awake then as now. I knew enough to not trust Obama, but I personally didn't know the extent of the Deep State, and knew nothing of the Cabal.

Ignorance was bliss, in a way. Still, we had to be awake to help fix it.

Thank God for Q and Trump.

Blurpy 4 points ago +4 / -0

Agreed. I think Suicide Weekend is literal. Also, they may have a few earlier deaths on ice, that they thaw out and add to the tally that weekend.

Blurpy 10 points ago +10 / -0

Anything at all that can confirm the date these were taken?

I was in Germany for Uncle Sugar a long time ago, and this kind of convoy movement was very routine. But that red flag displayed like that was certainly not.

A date and exact location for that photo would be ideal.

Blurpy 4 points ago +4 / -0


Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us......."

God bless.


It will be on Twitter.

Blurpy 2 points ago +2 / -0

It is so great that Q and Q+ are using them all to do the things that need to be done. Trump wanted Section 230 changed to remove the protections that have allowed big tech to run amuck. He couldn't get it through... so now, he has Hillary, Nancy, and Joe all doing it for him - and no one can complain, lol! It is like hiring the Butcher to carve himself up - and they are doing it.


Blurpy 11 points ago +11 / -0

That was what I thought when he mentioned painting. I am sure we who are paying attention are supposed to think that, too. 👍

Blurpy 28 points ago +28 / -0

There is no law. A speech from Biden is not a law.

Blurpy 4 points ago +4 / -0

The players are being removed from the chessboard, all with various reasons for the public, to not raise suspicion yet.

by BQnita
Blurpy 9 points ago +9 / -0

You're very welcome. :)

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