I won't fight for antisemitism until Israel fights for anti-Christendom in their nation. The attacks and spitting on Christians must stop. The destruction of the cross on Mt. Hermon was absolutely unnecessary and disrespectful.
I trust them for now. They seem to be fulfilling the wishes of the American people. I've just been through this rodeo enough to not blindly trust anyone that gets POTUS' endorsement.
The comment at the bottom made me laugh though lol. Although, VW sucks ass now. Teslas really aren't that great. I'm glad Elon's working to help the American people but I won't pretend that the Cybertruck hasn't been a big flop with all the issues going on with it. Hopefully the production will improve over time. We'll just have to wait and see!
Maybe people are just sick and tired of being swerved when we've been waiting for this information for 7 years now? Rip the fucking band-aid off. I don't care if boomers who only get their news from Hannity have a heart attack when they find out precious Israel has been plotting white genocide. Rip. The. Band-aid. Off.
They're not going to do anything. The only people who do are goaded by the feds. These people will continue to sit at home and draw this homo nonsense to make themselves feel like they're doing something. Many of them can't or won't own guns because they are a danger to themselves.
They can't. They are stuck right now. Either they stay quiet and get prosecuted, or they speak out and get prosecuted. It's beautiful.
Mine says Gulf of America and I'm American.
I disagree. I have a lot of old high school friends that are lefties. I don't keep regular contact with them as often as recent years, but I do see their social media accounts. A lot of them aren't as rabid regarding certain issues (e.g. trannies), but they do still vote blue and were all gathered together in a discord call on election night. Although, hey believe that the democrats in office are shit and don't push the economic policies they'd like (very socialist stuff).
I think the reality is that it's not as big of a movement these days and majority of the blue voters were centrists that don't really get too involved in politics. The cities I'm nearby definitely have their fair share of blue voters but it's not like TV makes it out to be.
Lmao yeah that's why ISIS was posing with their brand new weapons in USAID tents. Hamas was created and funded by Israel.
Yeah, we own them. That's why we spend billions of American taxpayer money to give to them for free so they can bomb neighborhoods in Lebanon. Mhmm.
I, nor my future children, will die for Israel. They spit on Christians and they hate Jesus. I don't fuckin want Gaza. I'm so sick of the Synagogue of Satan.
Yep, this is me. I just wanted to live in peace.
Sheinbaum? Interesting....
Thanks for the face tattoos! They make it much easier to identify.
That's not going to happen because it implicates Saudi Arabia and we already resolved our conflict with them shortly after the incident. Trump isn't going to want to rock the boat with our allies when there's no threat to our country by those people.The people who orchestrated it are either dead or rotting for life in prison in SA.
Well that makes a lot of sense.
I can't stand his faggy vocal fry. Dude speaks like he just had his balls cut off and is still waking from the anesthesia.
C'mon. You really think the ADL is gonna play "good guy" now after all this time when they have an easy jab at Elon? Truth is Elon's their buddy.
This shit is so gay.
Elon just violated his own company's TOS by sharing private DMs between him and Asmongold all because he got called out for being a fake ass gamer. Dude is paying people to level his Path of Exile 2 character then goes on stream and pretends he did all the work. He didn't know what he was talking about. He had a hissy fit as soon as he was caught lying.
Boomers did not build this country lmao. Their fathers did. Congress is run by boomers and has been for a long time. What does that tell you?
Hating on WFH is boomer-tier nonsense. Yeah, it should be banned for government workers because they're serving our nation. However when it comes to the private sector, I'm not going to sit in a shitty cubicle next to chatty Cathy who runs to HR at the slightest inconvenience when I could do the same work more efficiently from my home office.
There will never be eternal peace until Christ returns. Humans are too flawed to ever be able to maintain eternal peace. However, that doesn't mean that we can't enjoy a season of peace for a time.
I don't like one guy owning two major social media platforms, no matter if they're bending the knee to We, The People or not. Didn't Elon just say he's going to change X's algorithm to punish "negative speech"?
Looks like propaganda to me. I find it odd that she's wearing makeup in a warzone.