This is the exact opposite of what I had previously read. My pharmacist did prefer the liquid version of Ivermectin, placed in a fatty base, but I thought it was supposed to be taken on an empty stomach for better absorption. Did anyone else hear that?
Thanks very much for this post.
Great news! Thanks for sharing.
We need the owners and staff of facilities that hide illegals to get some severe punishments. That should also help with the self deportation. For instance, that one female immigrant with TDS hid in a church, but just got arrested.
I do wish Trump would provide transport out of the country for those wanting to self deport...and help with other travel expenses.
I was just being sarcastic...cuz hospitals blamed covid for all the deaths caused by their use of Remdesivir and ventilators (which shut down organs in a way that looked like covid), and this hospital inaccurately blamed the measles for the death of this child. I could just see a big lie starting, saying kids are dying of measles...which would help them in their cause against RFK Jr.
I am still laughing at how a newspaper said (during the summer) that Ivermectin was the reason all these people were lined up outside the ER, when in fact, the picture was from the winter in Oklahoma when parents wearing coats were lined up outside a school to complain about masks. Ridiculous!
One problem with this idea...vaccines ruin the children to the point where capability to focus or apply themselves is now a major limiting factor to their academic success.
So, we should have some sort of equation to adjust pay accordingly. Or, maybe not. Maybe teachers will push to end dangerous vaccines if they know their paychecks depend on it.
I am very unclear about how much financial support the Federal government will send to the states to use for education. If they do not send money to the states, what will happen to our state taxes?
If money is sent to the states to support their educational responsibilities, they shouldn't need to raise our state taxes...unless the states launder the money.
Or, if the federal government is not sending money to support state education, then our federal taxes should be reduced by more than the state would need to raise them.
Does anyone know how this will work?
Also, I home school our daughter. Will parents get any funding to help them? Homeschooling sure cuts into our income.
Why didn't the school board just answer the parents' questions and grieve with them at the meeting? They could have assured the parents that they had fired the perp even before they knew about the videos and will aggressively participate in his prosecution. Then, offer strategies to prevent this from ever happening using a high-tech sweep for discovering cameras.
Excerpt from the Constitution... "As a general matter, the Supreme Court has recognized that the Constitution vests the President not only with the authorities expressly delineated therein, but also with certain implied authorities,4 such as the ability to supervise (and generally to remove) executive officials5 and the power to recognize foreign governments.6"
Thanks. I am very grateful for the knowledge.