Bowster 3 points ago +3 / -0

Unfortunately, we are part of a small minority of 'we the people' that are actually 'aware of this' and we do give a fuck!

Bowster 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes the US started it... But, to be clear it was the U.S. Inc.

We the people had nothing to do with it. In fact, we were not even told about it. The U.S. Inc. are our emplyees and this is what we let them do.

Why? Because most of us don't know or understand how these incorporated entities, pretending to be our true government, have fooled and tricked us for decades.

It's time to put our subordinate services providers back in their place.

Bowster 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's like I told Grok, (paraphrasing):

Some information and history is hidden from the world, but, there are esoteric groups that carry the truth, at all costs, in the effort to wipe out fraud and corruption. Some of these groups have gone public.

The American States Assembly is one of them. tasa.com

Bowster 3 points ago +3 / -0

Just hit the share button and it puts a link on your clipboard.

Bowster 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trump is president/CEO of the United States of America, Incorported. A subcontractor hired to perform certain government services.

The CIA is a subcontractor of that government subcontractor - neither one of these are actually part of our government.

FEMA, BATF, IRS, and all the rest of the alphabet soup agencies and many "departments" are subcontractors of subcontractors.

Bowster 3 points ago +3 / -0

You have to dig deep, ignor Grok and the like and you will find the anwers... Here is a snippet of truth aligning with your question.

The IRS is a private corporation and was located in Puerto Rico. The operation in Puerto Rico was discovered and all the credit that could be hypothecated... ...had been siphoned off, so it was time for the parasites to move on ---- to an exactly similar situation in the Northern Mariana Islands-

Bowster 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nice! I will try that.

Bowster 11 points ago +11 / -0

1 room temp egg yolk, 1 cup avocado oil, 1 tbsp vinegar Add egg and vinegar to mason jar Slowly pour in oil Place immersion blender all the way to the bottom of the jar covering the yolk. Blend on high while lifting up taking about 10 seconds. Salt to taste. Best mayonnaise ever.

Bowster 4 points ago +4 / -0

Words have meaning. His democracy is the corporation of which he is president. The government of the people is a REPUBLIC.

Bowster 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yes! A gold fringe flag is a captured flag. It's original meaning is cancelled by the fringe.

Bowster 5 points ago +5 / -0

Thank you OP and all commentors. Very useful.

Bowster 1 point ago +1 / -0

Latin Derivation of Inauguration

The Latin derivation of “inauguration” is from the verb “inaugurare,” which means “to take omens from birds in flight.”

The noun “inauguratio” was derived from this verb, and it originally referred to the ceremony by which the augurs, who were religious officials in ancient Rome, obtained or attempted to obtain the sanction of the gods for something decreed by humans.

If the signs observed by the inaugurating priest were favorable, the inauguration was completed, signifying that the decree had the sanction of the gods.

The term “inaugurare” itself combines “in-” (meaning “on” or “in”) and “augurare” (meaning “to act as an augur” or “to predict”).

Bowster 1 point ago +1 / -0

The meanings of words are not always linguistic. The article stated:

"The meaning of "inauguration" comes from the Roman Church..."

No oops there, just a note worthy of discussion. Your latin derivation does not make contexual sense though, especially with reagard to:

"...involves the "consecration" of a prelate or priest or other officer of the Church in his office"

"Now we get into occult knowledge .....Up with the feet in the air ...." The article is talking about LAW ( Land Air Water ) Nothing occult here.

Land = Common Law = Law of Property, Equity and Rights

Air = Ecclesiastical and Canon Law = Law of Trusts

Water = Admiralty and Maritime = Contract Law

Regarding the flag "we are now in possession of"... it is just a symbol, nothing else is implied.

Bowster 3 points ago +3 / -0

“Oh boy, is this great!” Flounder

Bowster 2 points ago +2 / -0

Now that there is funny!

Bowster 0 points ago +1 / -1

It's the Tory's marching in colors for their commander...

Bowster 1 point ago +1 / -0

Also, regarding your point, "We cant make energy out of nothing":

Energy is infinite, we use it after converting the enrgy source into a state that is needed for the application.

Bowster 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree with your points, but I believe they are somewhat irrelevant in this context. The amount of energy we would use is negligible, and more importantly, the use of this energy does not deplete or harm the original energy source in any way. This means that, despite the concerns raised, the overall impact remains minimal and does not lead to any long-term depletion or negative consequences.

Bowster 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree... fusion is most likely the future. Can we tap into the EM waves around the earth, per N. Tesla? That sounds like the ultimate energy answer.

Bowster 7 points ago +7 / -0

And the same applies to solar!

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