Life in prison is extremely expensive on the tax payer.
I thought so too until I broke my back in '18. All the Dr.'s did was put me on oxycodone for almost 3 years. I refused to take any more, and once I beat that addiction,it is marijuana and CBD that have been the only thing to make life even somewhat livable.
But there is nothing about how to "find out if you’re owed money". I think I just got click baited!
Whatever you need to tell yourself cupcake.
It doesn't "indicate" anything, it's simply a re-post that I felt needed sharing. No need to try and trash everyone's posts and reading into something that was never implied.
I can hardly tell them apart as it is!
You get one the old fashion way, you EARN it!
No, they are encouraged in some scenarios.
Barry and Big Mike are now fair game then! You might want to avoid that second dresser drawer though, some things can not be unseen!
Was ONJ actually Q? Not sure how her passing relates to this sight. Stay the course, don't let Hollyweird distract you!
We could use some in Bastrop county if they do send us any.
Apologies for the ewe toob but hey, I couldn't help myself! Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Do we have any other sauce on this? Surely they would have made this announcement in multiple languages and on numerous sources.
Did you even watch the questioning at all? Easy to doom when you refuse your due diligence.
Major ruling which should set a national precedence!
Most states cannot release any counts until after the polls close.
I had to leave Austin 12 years ago, the writing was boldly on the wall.
It will take all of us to right this ship.
That is what I am saying. Obviously you have never been addicted to opioids or you wouldn't even ask such a question.The horrors associated with addiction to opioids effects not only the person, but everybody around them.