In Jesus' day, people called any visible skin disease “leprosy.” Leviticus 13-14 gave detailed rules and called for isolating anyone with a skin disease to keep it from spreading. Most people feared these sufferers and avoided all contact. It was stunning, even forbidden, when “Jesus reached out his hand, and touched” the man in Matthew 8 and said, “Become clean.” Jesus also healed ten “lepers.” Some were Israelite, at least one a despised Samaritan, bonded by their shunned and outcast status.
In our day, people called any respiratory illness “covid.” The world-government gave detailed rules and called for isolating anyone with a respiratory disease to keep it from spreading. Most people feared these sufferers and avoided all contact. It was stunning, even forbidden, when “Jesus reached out his hand, and touched” the man in Matthew 8 and said, “Become clean.” Jesus also healed ten “covid-ers.” Some were vaccinated, at least one a despised unvaccinated, bonded by their shunned and outcast status.
Can you elaborate more or link to anything? Interested in learning more about this as I had come to similar conclusions independently.