If pretending is the word you would use for a pack of lies and corruption, then yes.
You mean the 16th amendment that was never ratified?
Or since Trump is going to be tried for election interference, could they use this against him? Seize his assets? Just spitballing, here.
Couldn't 'Amen!' loud enough!
What happened to Honeybee? To Delete the Elite?
Thank you. Came here to make this point. You did a better job than I would have. Good work.
I believe you deport the post, select 'Other' and in the reason box type 'Sticky please'.
Hopefully people aren't just claiming free tickets and then not showing up to slow the spread.
In case it has not been mentioned, high dose vitamin B shots every other week.
Nothing very graphic in terms of violence, some smoking and implied drug use but the subject matter is definitely not kid friendly.
There was a text overlay at the bottom of the screen with a countdown.
After the credits. About a 4-5 minute wait. Worth it.
I lost it when the little girl started singing again after everything. Holy crap that hit me deep.
Sure. No surprises here for digital soldiers although the story is impactful regardless. There was an almost reverant silence in my theater when it was over. Some tears as well.
Interesting, I checked Urban Dictionary and got Social Rights Activist.
Forgive my ignorance but, what is SRA?
Yes, a guy already serving multiple life sentences confessed. It does not change the physical or witness testimony that actually convicted them. Please look more into this case, I am afraid you have fallen victim to the Innocence Project's propaganda.
They were not wrongly accused. They were guilty.
Mycancerstory.rocks instead of com.
Never heard of it! That's great news!
-"3) conclusively eliminate all other possible causes..."
What an utterly preposterous standard.