catsfive [M] 7 points ago +7 / -0

This is a great post. Sometimes if someone gets banned /vacationer nd the mods say something like, why are you here? Find yourself. We feel like everyone has a place to contribute, everyone has a role to play, everyone is called, they have talents, special things there are good at, maybe they research, maybe they decode, maybe they're great meme Lords that always seem to have the right Pepe for the perfect situation, we need all of these rules, and many more, there are many of you that don't forget the recognition that you deserve, and this mod team looks for ways to elevate you so that others can see what you are doing and maybe join you or see what you are doing and think, well I have a thing too, I'll do that, and it will be appreciated, and believe me, this mod team sees everything, I mean everything, and if you put up something high effort, if you put up something high info, if you are on the mark, on the news, putting in the effort, we will elevate you to the very top, absolutely without hesitation. So sometimes when we ban somebody, just give them a one-touch vacation, send them off for a day to touch grass, we are asking you to think about, well, what is my special gift? Then find that gift and bring it back and just be the best frog you can be. The end. That's basically the philosophy of how this win is moderated.

catsfive 2 points ago +2 / -0

What are the technical difficulties? Did your Sony rechargeable dog need charging? 😎

catsfive 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you for replying. I just want to call attention to the fact that there is a definite difference in tone between your original comment and this one. You should merge that tone when replying. Your original comment seems to imply that you believe in the d u m b s theory that the military has secret high speed rail between all the tunnels and all the bases and all that stuff they pedal in the conspiracy forums. I personally haven't seen anything convincing on it

catsfive [M] 5 points ago +5 / -0


So something that's been legislated against is a conspiracy theory - r i g h t. Makes perfect sense

Speaking as lead mod here, I am so fed up with this BS. Yeah? Makes perfect sense? It has anyone here even read Tennessee's bill? This "bill" can be found here:


Anyone care to read it? Because I fed it into GPT, and here's what I got:

Summary of the Bill:

  • Purpose: The bill prohibits the intentional injection, release, or dispersion of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus into the atmosphere within Tennessee's borders with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of sunlight.

Analysis Based on Your Questions:

  1. Source of Chemtrails:

    • The bill does not specifically identify the source of chemtrails. It broadly addresses any intentional injection or dispersion of chemicals aimed at altering weather or sunlight.
  2. Definition of Chemtrailing:

    • The bill does not explicitly define "chemtrailing." However, it implies that any action involving the dispersion of chemicals to affect weather or sunlight would fall under this category.
  3. Prohibited Substances:

    • The bill does not list specific chemicals or substances that are prohibited. It generally bans the intentional release of any chemicals, chemical compounds, or substances for the stated purpose.
  4. Enforcement:

    • The bill does not detail specific enforcement mechanisms or procedures. It focuses on the prohibition itself without outlining how compliance will be monitored or enforced.
  5. Penalties:

    • The bill does not specify penalties for violations. It simply states the prohibition without detailing the consequences of breaking the law.
  6. Responsible Authority:

    • The bill does not assign enforcement responsibility to any specific officer or department within the Tennessee government. There is no mention of which governmental body would be in charge of detecting or implementing the bill's provisions.

Key Points:

  • Technical Standpoint: The bill is vague in terms of specific substances and sources related to chemtrails.
  • Definitions: It does not provide a detailed definition of chemtrailing.
  • Prohibited Poisons: No specific chemicals or poisons are named.
  • Enforcement Mechanism: There is no clear enforcement strategy outlined.
  • Penalties: The bill lacks details on penalties for non-compliance.
  • Responsible Department: No specific governmental department or officer is designated for enforcement duties.

Conclusion: The bill broadly prohibits activities related to chemtrailing without providing detailed definitions, enforcement mechanisms, specific penalties, or responsible authorities. It focuses on the general prohibition of dispersing chemicals to affect weather or sunlight within Tennessee, leaving many specifics open to interpretation and implementation by future regulations or guidelines.

Well? ARE YOU JOKING?? What exactly would anyone with that functioning fucking brain say that Tennessee has legislated against? NOTHING. Who's enforcing this? NOBODY. What's the definition of what these commercial air clients are supposedly spraying over us six times a day? NOTHING.

Speaking only for myself, but, as lead mod around here, I can tell you straight up, I AM SO FED UP WITH THIS GARBAGE, SO FED UP WATCHING MODS TAKE ABUSE OVER THIS NONSENSE. This mod team absolutely 100% supports hardcore research and delving down into any issue as long as it takes down the deep state. But this trash? We are giving absolutely 100% very, very long vacations to retards that believe things they can't prove and that want to ridicule and make fun of the mods and others that stand up to those pushing this MENTALLY RETARDED GARBAGE, garbage that absolutely cannot be corroborated, cannot be proven, and that is so illogical to anyone with a functioning brain that knows anything about how airlines work

catsfive [M] 2 points ago +5 / -3

Define the thing, actually define what it is. Then we can have discussion about it. I swear to God, if someone can finally explain the worldwide airline logistics that creates six lines over the heads of 200+ chemtratds on six continents per day, I'll not only make them a mod. But I will give them ownership of the board

You can absolutely take this to the bank, I am not kidding around

And yet these chemtard retards can't even define the problem they're trying to answer, it's just because it's believable that the government hates us, and that's it, that's the end of the evidence offered

catsfive 1 point ago +3 / -2

Wish I could move to Tennessee or New Hampshire where they have been banned.

It boggles my teeny tiny brain when I see you top frogs around here saying something like this. Exactly what did they ban? Tennessee and New Hampshire don't even administer the airspace above them. That's all federal, managed by the FAA.

These laws, did they define what chemtrails are? How are they enforced and measured? Is there a state chemtrail inspector? Who is it?

Chemtrails is an illegal program designed to kill Americans, supposedly. But AH, OKAY, they're going to politely switch off the illegal spraying because of some random state law?

I swear I wonder what planet I'm on sometimes. What is the poison they are spraying? Are they bring it from separate tanks other than the fuel tanks? Does anyone even understand how airplanes even work? For instance, Airbus makes an A350- 1000 That flies 2000 nautical miles further than the Boeing 787-10 because it doesn't have the fuel capacity the a350 does. Consequently, nobody's really buying the 787-10 and it's bothering Boeing greatly. You would think Boeing would eliminate the chemtrail tanks so they could have extra fuel in fly further, right? Are people seriously telling me that Boeing is just going to sell less airplanes so that they can keep the chemtrail tanks active? Honestly. How does it work?

I've been asking chemtards this question ever since I was a mod here and not once have I gotten it a cogent answer that makes any sense to any rational, intelligent human being, especially when with 10 years of airline experience like it me

Nobody, and I mean nobody in the airline business thanks chemtrails are real. You have to believe that airplanes are just mechanical magical carpets to think that anyone is secretly spraying on you

catsfive 1 point ago +1 / -0

Daily chat, frog

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