Charmark20 3 points ago +3 / -0

Perfect message. Now add the Fact that the 'Safety' they are pushing is a criminal LIE. Nothing they have done has saved a life. As a matter of fact, they have Killed thousands by withholding the cures for this Flu, while pushing a Vaxx, that does NOTHING.

Charmark20 3 points ago +3 / -0

Outstanding. Now ask the 37 reps Why they voted against the Citizen being legally armed? They cannot be stupid enough to think the criminal Cares what the law says while he carries his illegal firearm, can they?

Charmark20 2 points ago +2 / -0

liberal/communists and criminals will protest this and scream about more crime and shootings. Every state that has enacted conceal carry and Constitutional carry have had a drop in crime because the criminal knows his victim may now be armed. The stupidity of those who would oppose this is, the criminal has never cared if his illegal firearm is 'illegal' for him to carry when he commits an Illegal shooting.

Charmark20 2 points ago +2 / -0

I assume they have not told him about the Fixed elections? liberal/communism would NOT win a single election, outside of the obviously Lost cities of NY, LA, SF, Chicago and a few others IF they could not Fix the numbers. There is Only one blue state (Hawaii) and by now Most Working Democrats know that liberal/communism does not represent them.

Charmark20 2 points ago +2 / -0

Without 'White supremacy' you will always have Chicago, Detroit or South Africa. Dangerous Starving slums.

by IAmOne
Charmark20 4 points ago +4 / -0

That causes me to get in their face with, You can not prove anything fauci and the CDC has done, has made Anyone 'safe' from Anything and it says on the box 'warning' (yes stupid it says warning) this mask is NOT for medical use and does Not stop a virus.

Charmark20 3 points ago +3 / -0

The only reason is to disarm the citizen because they know the criminal does not comply and 'gun control' is a failure everywhere. Never let them say it stops crime=Chicago+gun control=762 murders every year.

Charmark20 1 point ago +1 / -0

The stupidity of liberal/communism, or whichever 'ISM' you want to use is, the 120 million honest Armed Americans do not start a war in America because WE follow the Law. When They cause anarchy in the USA, laws will no longer apply. SO, That LEGALLY demands, by the Constitution, that WE no longer are bound by laws that are Not part of the Bill of Rights. You know what will happen then.

Charmark20 2 points ago +2 / -0

Soros will never allow clinton to be jailed with a chance for a 'deal'. She will be found in a cell, hung with a new rope.

Charmark20 4 points ago +4 / -0

Proof that Our DOJ does not exist. Everyone KNOWS, yet she is free.

Charmark20 1 point ago +1 / -0

Trump will soon be ordering size 12 MAGA hats. The liberal/communist/NWO has made his head bigger by confirming HE ALONE is the Leader of the FREE World and FREE People in all countries. That is why they hate him, nothing else.

Charmark20 2 points ago +2 / -0

By whom? Insane, criminal and evil are facts, just like murder. Their 'opinion' of this criminal means nothing.

Charmark20 5 points ago +5 / -0

Criminal lawyers use big words. Translation= the Truth can not be allowed in court.

Charmark20 6 points ago +6 / -0

The greatest threat to the People is MSM. The crime of treason is obvious by lying and hiding the endless crimes by soros/fauci/obama/clinton/CDC (the list is also endless) they are keeping the People from 'correcting' the crimes.

Charmark20 4 points ago +4 / -0

Although i believe there would be a 'Few' pencil necks with a gun decide they can confront criminals, most of the 'fear' about the 'old west' is a Lie. Hollywood Made the 'old west' for movies because the Real old west was very peaceful for the very reason of Everyone Was Armed, and the criminals Knew that. I have carried for 26 years and have no desire to confront a criminal, Unless he causes a danger to my family. Then The last thing he sees will be my red laser light.

Charmark20 2 points ago +2 / -0

Loosing 50% of their viewers will still leave them an even dozen.

Charmark20 5 points ago +5 / -0

I have to agree. Anyone that would actually Read the NYT is a moron. Most intelligent Americans knew what she was doing all along.

Charmark20 1 point ago +1 / -0

obama tried this by attempting to confiscate all firearms from every American receiving Social Security if they were under a 'Doctor's CARE'. How many older Americans are Not under a Drs.'care'?

Charmark20 11 points ago +11 / -0

I always knew the ACLU was a bunch of stupid twits. It says ON THE BOX that the masks are Not for medical use and do NOT stop covid or any virus. Demanding a mask that does Nothing is moronic.

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