CottonHill 4 points ago +5 / -1

$5,000 x 350,000,000 people = $1,750,000,000,000 ($1.75B)

DOGE found TRILLIONS in wasted funding, almost all of it was annual, consistent payments taken from our tax pool! For example, $7,000 / month to qualifying illegals and bullshit jobs that have existed for years.

We are not now saving those trillions of dollars every year, we are getting a one time check for $5,000 and that's it? Is my income tax still gonna go down? They found trillions in wasted spending and think a one-time payment is enough? And insult us with a payment less than 2 billion ( 1 trillion is 1,000 billion ).

CottonHill 1 point ago +1 / -0

I felt silenced and, as an American, that made me angry. I'm sorry for the negativity, I meant I was being critical of Trump, and I never meant to misrepresent by paraphrasing, rather to show my misunderstanding through my paraphrasing.

This is the quote, in full, that I grabbed from the side of this page:

"Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first: ensuring the safety & well-being of the population shifting the narrative removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc. etc. should not be participating in discussions." Q

I am one of those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting. Therefore, according to this quote, I am one of those who should not be participating in discussions.

I'm certain many people agree. But I'm confused because you said there's no "don't arrest anyone" logic, yet that contradicts with my understanding of "we cannot simply start arresting".

Maybe I bring negativity through my skepticism because I view this logic as a stall tactic. It's a lethargic, do-nothing attitude because the existence of Q implies a deep counter-conspiracy working in our favor.

So let me ask, do you think that I should not be participating in discussions due to my (mis)understanding of this? And, if so, do you think that aligns with American values?

CottonHill -1 points ago +2 / -3

I had an account get banned here for asking what is the plan for the January 6th political prisoners who have been detained without trial for nearly 4 years. Seems everyone forgot or doesn't care anymore.

Sorry that I was being so critical of your idol, I just wanted to know if anyone heard anything about pardons. But the response of getting banned showed me that GA is not a free speech community.

I never understood what "Q" is, but liked this page and got involved back during the scamdemic because this was a good place to get factual fuel for my sanity. But since that happened years ago, I don't really think of GA as a community of openly shared knowledge, but rather a curated forum.

"Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting ... should not be participating in discussions." Q

Guess Q says I should shut up then. Drain the swamp really means "removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success", so we clearly cannot arrest corrupt officials, they must resign on their own to "ensure success".

We can't arrest any corrupt politicians because we need to defeat ISIS and MS13 first to prevent fail-safes.

Isn't that backwards? Don't we need to remove the corruption in order to stop the terrorist gangs? How are we gonna fight MS13 while our own politicians are importing them? Give me any solution at all that isn't arresting the anti-American politicians.

I try to hold my tongue here because the rules clearly say that I should not be participating in discussion. But how is any community supposed to grow like that? How is anyone supposed to understand this "don't arrest anyone" logic without being able to engage in the conversation?

CottonHill 14 points ago +14 / -0

We should all be supporting this. Imagine if both the winners and the losers demanded an audit. First it'd confuse them, (why would WE want an audit?) but they'd go along with it. Then the results would show corruption among the democrats. Then they would try to rig the audit, creating fake stories of corruption as well as cover-ups for real corruption. In the end, election fraud would become an undeniable fact all that americans believe in. What could result of 350 million americans discovering that the past 4 years of governmental leadership was illegitimate?

CottonHill 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's a relief. I was hoping someone would comment saying "yes I've seen it".

CottonHill 2 points ago +2 / -0

Must have had a pager.

CottonHill 1 point ago +1 / -0

Louis Pasteur invented pasteurization, and he named the process after himself. He is also the founder of "Germ" Theory, named after his hated for Germans.

CottonHill 4 points ago +4 / -0

I knew someone who went to europe. He tried some cheese despite being insanely intolerant of dairy, because it was an occasion. he felt fine so he tried more the next day, and within a few days, he was eating ice cream and drinking lattes. He came back to the states and returned to being intolerant. The conclusion being that the milk here is different from the milk there.

CottonHill 5 points ago +5 / -0

The photoshop still doesnt distract from the piece of cheese on a cold, raw burger

CottonHill 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well if they were the same questions youve seen before, than it wouldnt be a proper iq test. When you took the SAT, did you take practice tests beforehand? Were they anything like the actual SAT? Probably not. The point of these kinds of tests is that you are unable to practice for them because they are not trying to find your ability to study, they are testings your ability to understand and implement new patterns of data as they are presented to you.

Also, don't be upset if you test low. I agree with almost all arguments against IQ tests, such as how there are different kinds of intelligence and different kinds of tests that are weighted to different kinds of intelligence or how some tests are bias towards certain mindsets and worldviews. It's almost a useless stat, but its broad enough for most large corporation to use them in determining who they hire (which is what sparked this entire conversation).

CottonHill 1 point ago +1 / -0

Think of it like this, there is talent and there is skill. A talent is something that someone seems to be born with, they are good at something despite not having done it before. A skill is something at requires years of practice. But if you are talented to begin with, that helps a ton and it may take less practice to reach the level of a more skilled person.

Intelligence is like talent but knowledge is like skill. I'm sorry for being offensive earlier.

CottonHill 1 point ago +1 / -0

Having a set standards for people is not heretical. It is necessary for certain careers. That is why the military, all universities and almost every corporation uses some form of IQ test. This indeed limits which people follow those paths but it is for their own benefit to be guided where they would not struggle.

CottonHill 1 point ago +1 / -0

Intelligence is the speed it takes you to understand something. Your intelligence does not increase over the years, rather it gets worse as we age and our brains degenerate. Your IQ was likely HIGHER when you were 13 years old. Intelligence isn't the sum of knowledge that you have acquired over the years, it is your ability to absorb, understand and implement new knowledge. Our neurons die over time and we lose that ability (our speed) as we get older.

CottonHill 1 point ago +1 / -0

That's because you are retarded. No offense, but that's basic algebra and exponentiation which most people learn in middle school. It took you 20 years to grasp it. That doesn't mean that you're any worse of a software engineer than the rest, but the speed at which it took you to understand certain complex concepts could have been predicted by you taking that IQ test when you were 13.

Your main implication is that you would score higher on an IQ test now than if you were to take one 20 years ago; that's not true and if you truly think that than you have a fundamental misunderstanding of what an IQ test is.

CottonHill 1 point ago +1 / -0

The most important skill is the ability to adapt.

Yes, that is intelligence. The ability to adapt is intelligence.

Known information is called knowledge

Your ability to do something is called talent

Your ability to do something well from experience is called skill

If you have both knowledge and skill than you're an expert

But the ability to think, calculate and adapt is called intelligence.

Intelligence is your mental speed, your wit, your capability to understand something new as it is presented to you.

In my view intelligence cannot be measured.

It can be but many argue about the methodology or the different categories of intelligence. But your speed is literally your intelligence. That's why we call unintelligent people "slow" or "retarded" (medical term for "slow").

Ok.. they why don't every large corporation just give people an IQ test.

They all do.

CottonHill 1 point ago +1 / -0

It was a test to see how intelligent you are. Such tests probably aren't necessary in your field, but they'll still have you solve a problem on a whiteboard to see how intelligent you are. Most large corporations will have their potential employees apply online and the application process will usually include some form of an IQ test. I can't think of a single large corporation I worked for that didn't require me to take such a test.

We have IQ tests everywhere and they are (rightfully) barriers to many paths a person can take. 10 U.S. Code § 520 requires them for entering the military. There have been two experiments with lowering the minimum from 85 to 80 but in both cases the men could not master anything well enough to justify their costs.

CottonHill 2 points ago +2 / -0

Most of them do. Have you never taken a test when applying for a job? Maybe you did but didn't realize it was an IQ test.

CottonHill 3 points ago +3 / -0

I usually agree with James Woods however this is his most liberal post I've seen. America is absolutely divided by race (BLM, Affirmative Action, White Privilege, 2-tier justice system, a literal invasion at our border, FEMA transporting foreign criminals into small towns), gender (feminism, birth control, infanticide, divorce court, mgtow) and lgbtp orientation (Puberty blockers, chemical castrations, public school grooming).

America is also divided by among many other issues such as foreign allegiances, religion and political worldviews. Each facet of the problem requires attention.

Woods is right that America is divided into wise people and fools but it is foolish to to imply race, color, gender and orientation have nothing to do with our current state of degeneration; or that the division we see in America across numerous identity classes is simply an issue with education.

CottonHill 6 points ago +6 / -0

It harps back to the age-old question about the morality of "just following orders". The store clerk was probably just doing what he was told to do so that he wouldn't get fired, but he was acting as the hand of tyranny, enforcing tyranny, and therefore being a tyrant. He wasn't just doing his job, he hadn't just pledged his own allegiance to the WHO and WEF; he was actively enforcing that allegiance onto others which is an oppressive, tyrannical and morally despicable act. Even if he thought he was being neutral and trying his best to stay out of the war, he ended up being at the front-lines of the battle and on the wrong side.

CottonHill 1 point ago +1 / -0

Whenever I see this creature being posted, I cannot read any of the content because I'm too distracted by the SAW demon in front of me. This man, Larry Loomer, has got to be the most disgusting thing I'd ever seen. I can't even call it a man, it's a stretch to consider it human. I need to stop checking this in the morning because seeing this made me shit myself.

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