I don’t care about redacting as long as there are arrests Pam!!!!!
Unfortunately people don’t read their Bible and don’t comprehend that “Jews” are not the “running the world “. It’s just satanists pretending to be Jews.
But hey, let’s just bash Jews because it’s easy to glom on to shill and goatfucker propaganda.
eat a bunch of kale
It WaS aN EmErGeNcY yOuRe KiLlInG gRaMmA bIgOt!
She’s not appointing she’s selecting.
At the federal level, the USAG can nominate US attorneys for Arizona’s two federal districts… historically the presidents select these appoints with input from the Attorney General and often considers recommendations from senators, of course in Arizona we know that won’t happen … Bondi also has the procedural power to influence such federal appointments. For example, she could push to replace the current US attorney for the district of Arizona who is appointed by Biden in 2021 so I’m waiting to see what she does here.
My opinion of Pam will be confirmed when she soon selects the AZ attorney. There is one good choice. The other guy is deep state.
She always cheers every positive sounding post real or fake don’t matter I sometimes wonder if it’s a bot.
He doesn’t give any source it just sounds like he’s repeating with this Rando Twitter account posted. I’m not gonna believe this until I see real sauce and I don’t know why this is sticky without real sauce. It should not be.
I mean, I totally hope it’s true and they totally have a reason to do it but there’s nothing to corroborate this that I have seen
I pretty much agree with you, but I think that there is some value in keeping expectations in check
I guess you kind of clarified your position in your second sentence of the OP but the first sentence was not clearly implying subtle questioning.
According to who? The same rando who posted? Thats not “sauce”
So “anonymous sources” strike again.
It sure seemed like you were and now you’ve moved the argument.
Still upset I see
Shhh! You’re interrupting my hopium dream!!!!
And we won’t have to wait two weeks! It’s only 14 days!!!!
Okay maybe I just read into this too deeply with the ALL CAPS and profanity. Just own it bro. A better response is “damn straight I’m triggered! That guy is a faggot shill!
▼ – purkiss80 17 hours ago +2 / -1 Nobody fucking worships ANYBODY.....grow up
He was hyperbolic. But you’re triggered because the essence of what he said is true. You’re one of the worst offenders btw.
Yet prides themselves as “critical thinkers”. You can cut the irony with a knife it’s so thick.
I couldn’t disagree more. We should be skeptical of everybody.
Pizzagate and before that 9-11. But Pizzagate really blew my mind....
The consistent limiting factor is always energy. We need zero point energy which I think is one thing Tesla was working on.
$1000 / month does not afford a luxury car though. That’s like a top line Honda Pilot
I don’t know any luxury cars under 65k
(Doesn’t make it ok though).