CuomoisaMassMurderer 2 points ago +3 / -1

To an extent, yes. In this case, he could've done his thing independently of the CIA, and they filtered it and released what they saw fit. Or, they could have completely dictated terms and he cucked, Idk.

Livestreamers aren't CIA controlled. O'Keefe is basically a tier up from that. Small independent media outlets can grow bigger. At some point of funding they get corrupt, this is why I use the term MSM. So I'd offer the counterpoint that all MSM is D's controlled or at least influenced, and we have to find other sources.

Speaking of which, is O'Keefe back to doing good stuff? RSBN? OANN?

Newsmax was about as bad as Faux, but somebody said they've improved?

CuomoisaMassMurderer 3 points ago +4 / -1

Christianity is who do you say Jesus is.

You're saying Jesus is someone other than who Christianity says He is.

That's the definition of a cult.

CuomoisaMassMurderer 5 points ago +6 / -1

This needs to be stickied! Put on the sidebar, even. 1:15:00 gets really good.

Here's some highlights so far:

The records in question are his. Per US Constitution, statute, and precedent. He cannot violate the law by being in possession of them, nor by talking about them. With anyone. AG told us this indictment came from the intelligence committee. They're saying THEY have the power to decide what THEY can keep secret from you, and that you can be locked up for telling the truth.

The entire indictment is designed to shape public opinion, and is made for TV. Indictments aren't supposed to be this detailed, neither are there legitimately 37 different charges; the whole purpose is to be able to say β€œhe was impeached, twice, indicted twice, with X outlandish number of charges" and thus poison people's minds.

What this whole thing comes down to is Milley was saying he stopped DJT from attacking Iran, and DJT demonstrated that it was he who stopped Milley from attacking Iran. The rest is Kabuki theater and regardless what fool thing the next Judge might do would never survive appeal. So it should never have been presented to a grand jury, but the process is the punishment

CuomoisaMassMurderer 1 point ago +2 / -1

First quote is not Scripture.

CuomoisaMassMurderer 3 points ago +4 / -1

Jesus in flesh was not there in the beginning, not until the Incarnation.

God the Son was there in the beginning.

CuomoisaMassMurderer 6 points ago +7 / -1

I question if that means he was CIA. Isn't it possible he was just a radio guy, even if he was delivering the purposes of the CIA?

CuomoisaMassMurderer -1 points ago +1 / -2

If you weren't given a mod notification that your OP was removed and why, you don't know why it was removed. Could even have been by accident. You can appeal to the mod board, via modmail ...

CuomoisaMassMurderer 0 points ago +2 / -2

Not even close to "consensus."

Most of the bots, AI, and subverters maybe. This is "the death of the internet;" more bots than humans.

There are still good people there, too; you just have to scroll more to find them.

CuomoisaMassMurderer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Biologically, viruses are too simple to be defined as life. They don't reproduce, as such.

CuomoisaMassMurderer 2 points ago +2 / -0

Just listen to Pink Floyd loud enough, it'll hit every frequency and cure everything, man.

CuomoisaMassMurderer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Vitamin D isn't a cure, it's just essential for the immune system to work as designed. Most Americans are deficient. How much have you been taking that you go down for 4-8 weeks a year due to the common cold?

CuomoisaMassMurderer 2 points ago +2 / -0

He's not on our side. He's useful so far, but not one of us.

CuomoisaMassMurderer 2 points ago +2 / -0

You don't believe in viruses but an alkaline system is very inhospitable to viruses.

CuomoisaMassMurderer 1 point ago +1 / -0

Can't tell if serious.

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