Cyberhawk 2 points ago +2 / -0

But he had nothing to do with stealing the election. His actions were for self gain, and doing his job poorly….this is the investigators own words. So add others like him who…..what? Steal money? How’s that fix elections?

Cyberhawk 8 points ago +8 / -0

Well if I was a betting man I would absolutely bet they are going to steal the next election. I feel Trump doesn’t have a chance against this corruption. It’s what happens afterwards that’s interesting to me. It would’ve been much better if Biden was still there, but the deepstate removing him is almost a guarantee win for them this November. No one would’ve believed Joe could win. But her…or anyone else. Between the zombies and the media, and now AI. It’s a lot easier for them. Don’t see how they could lose to be honest.

No one wants to say “when” but in my view, this November is the “is there a plan” comes to fruition. If they steal…we’ll ok. Then it’s January. If the deepstate gets sworn in. Then there never was a plan. Well, maybe for them perhaps. But for Trump and America, the only plan at that point was all deepstate, imo. And we all got played. It’s just a few months, we’ll know.

Cyberhawk 20 points ago +20 / -0

Many of us have been in the “will not comply” stance before. We should have many more standing with us this time, hopefully. But as far as elections, it still won’t matter. It’s not what we do, it’s what they do. They run the elections. The government. Finding a bunch of compilers isn’t a problem for them. They run it. They steal it. They post the results and then burn the evidence. The blueprint worked last time. As messy as it was. No one’s enforcing the laws. We say the military is the only way. I see no other outcome successful besides that. So there it is. It’s either the military steps in, or that’s it.

Cyberhawk 3 points ago +3 / -0

I watched the video last night when they went live or posted it. As they said, multiple times, his actions has nothing to do with the election outcome. That this was about him not doing his job, and collecting money he didn’t make. Then they immediately would say that everyone paid the price for his election interference….but that again, his actions had nothing to do with the election outcome……got brain rot watching the video. They congratulated the Texas rangers for their amazing work…after FOUR years, and all patted themselves in the back.

Long story short. These people spent a piss load more money “investigating”than this guy ever illegally made. And, according to their own word, had nothing to do with the outcome of the election.

Cyberhawk 4 points ago +4 / -0

And there it is. This is why this election is already done. As of today. No one to enforce laws. Where’s the military? And we clap for them as they walk in our parades…for past accomplishments? Perhaps. But as of today…show us something. We hope for better. I pray to our Father in Heaven that good men, Christian men, if any exist in positions of power, to have the strength in themselves and God to do the right thing. Make the tough decisions, that are right and good. Each day is one day closer to the truth. Or at least a reality.

Cyberhawk 4 points ago +4 / -0

That’s why technically Trump is not president, and has not had his second term. So even if it comes out that he actually won in 2020, he gets another chance because he wasn’t. “in charge”. Whether he was or wasn’t. Honestly even in a fake installed government, the military would be in charge. Trump would probably be in the know. But not calling the shots. This is way above him. If you believe in a plan.

Cyberhawk 6 points ago +6 / -0

"If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him" is a verse from the Bible, 1 John 2:15

Unplug. Get away. Find Jesus. Let Him save you. The worlds problems are not ours. I know we dig and talk and post the world news..but if it grabs hold, that’s Satan’s grasp. Never get caught up in the mix. Nothing wrong with observing and stating your opinions and the like. But always with Jesus in your heart. As in yea, the world is slipping away, but the Father never changes. Only one thing will sustain you. Jesus.

Sounds like you’re right where you need to be friend. Seeking out real truth. I hope you find Him well.

Cyberhawk 6 points ago +6 / -0

I like Hawley, just wish he could do more than expose and lecture these people. He has one vote. Hopefully he’s good at persuading others around him.

Cyberhawk 6 points ago +6 / -0

At first I thought of “the falling man” , from September 11, 2001. This is August 11th. And the. I thought of Lucifer being cast outta Heaven. Yep. You know for alot of non believers, they sure do use the pictures and tones of scripture, constantly!

Cyberhawk 2 points ago +2 / -0

This post exactly. In one week. Now give them crunch time of 3 months to steal another election. That’s easy for the deepstate.

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +2 / -1

I think Jesus would be interested in them learning about the gospel, and living eternally in heaven with Him. About being saved. About forgiveness, and love. I’m thinking “who to vote for” would be waaaaaaaay down on the list. If there at all. Yes, please lead them to Jesus, to get away from all this that has brought them so low. If it’s to much, then get away from the things of this world, and lay those burdens at the cross.

Cyberhawk 2 points ago +2 / -0

Probably this. The good part is fact checking Trump has backfired on most of not all fact-checks against him. So, surely he will be ready for that. Trump has learned a lot about going face to face with politicians. It’s easy for him because of his record and accomplishments.

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +4 / -3


Cyberhawk 1 point ago +2 / -1

Naw I’m ok with that. I respect his decision. Look I don’t like Trump’s, or the Republican Party stance on abortion. Send it to the states? Cowards in my book. But I’m not here to derail this post. We all have our hill to die on. If this is Kyle’s, then I’m glad to see someone take a hard stance. I’m not familiar with Ron’s stance vs Trump on the 2nd amendment. But I’m sure Kyle is. So good for him for speaking up.

I’m not 100% my wife, who has supported Trump since the beginning, is even voting this year. I guess I am. I’m not sure yet. We’ll make a decision when it gets here. I wouldn’t might writing in a name. Rhymes with Jesus. He’s the only one that can help us, imo. Least I would be voting for who I think can do the job the best.

Cyberhawk 16 points ago +16 / -0

I always thought it was general knowledge that sunscreen wasn’t good for you. I work outside everyday and I very rarely use it. Only early in the year to help build up my natural skin protection (tanning). And even then it’s like nose, cheekbones. I don’t like using it even then and probably only actually apply it 3-4 times.

The sun has vitamin D, but you only need like 15-20 mins a day. And some people’s bodies won’t absorb that way, and an alternate source is required.

Best protection from the sun is covering up. Large brim hat, long sleeves, light colors. The sun will cook you in a very short time. Spend decades in it, and you’ll look like it.

Cyberhawk 2 points ago +2 / -0

God will take care of it friend. He will require mental strength, physical, and prayer warriors, and more. It’s not what we all have to do, as in the same actions, it’s what God wants His followers to do. When and where. There will be many different actions taken by followers of Christ. All different, all together. I just hope other Christians will under this. As Jesus said (John 10:27) “My sheep hear my voice and I know them, and they follow me.”

Cyberhawk 1 point ago +1 / -0

This shouldn’t be allowed. I’m seriously considering if I ever get audited or anything federally issued of me, I’m gonna do the same thing back to them. See what happens. I’ll just add that the requested info is behind a security protocol. I could get the info to them at a reasonable date and time of given an opportunity. Which will happen….eventually.

Cyberhawk 3 points ago +3 / -0

LoL, yeah exactly. We’ve got better footage of JFK, than tens of thousands of cameras at this event. And at least, in that angle where the shooter is visible, should’ve been at least 100-300 cameras. We get one? And where video enhancements. This isn’t the 60’s. If I had footage I’d be going to wherever I had to go to get this enhanced and then put my hand out to whichever media wants to pay more. With a release date shortly thereafter placed in the hands of 50+ people. Easy day one stuff. Where is all the footage?

Cyberhawk 4 points ago +4 / -0

From pictures and others, he was shot in the upper left side of his head, exit wound was lower right side, like his neck area. This video has him going lower left and kinda goes back up. If you get shot from the left, especially the head area, you don’t “kinda bounce back up” and in the same direction you were shot at. Or at least nothing I’ve ever seen. Remember “back and to the left, Back and to the left.” Except this would’ve been back and to the right. So I’m gonna so nope. Not sure why he’s a bobble head, but getting shot that hard, that’s a insta drop. These videos…thought we lived in a modern era. Everything is blurry and sloppy. Bigfoot all over again.

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