by BQnita
Cyphr 3 points ago +4 / -1

Either he is a machine or this is a fake.

What do you mean, "or" ?

Also, this is too little too late to save him from what is coming. NCSWIC.

Cyphr 10 points ago +10 / -0

Billionaires in china have to do their best to escape, because sooner or later the CCP will come for them (as soon as they feel the billionaire is becoming too powerful / influential). The CCP goes after anyone and anything that threatens their power - now or in the future.

I thought he escaped before the CCP could grab him. Did I miss something?

Cyphr 1 point ago +1 / -0

I still say signed confessions are the best evidence possible - it is really, really tough to weasel out of a recorded, signed confession. All the other evidence is good corroboration, of course.

Cyphr 12 points ago +12 / -0

The map that I saw with actual vote totals for the 2020 election showed California red. President Trump won almost all states - massive landslide reelection victory.

Cyphr 1 point ago +2 / -1

The bigger question is why the OP is linking content from the NYT? One of the worst sources of DS propaganda in existence...

The tip-off is the question in the title: Patriots in control? Combine the garbage fake news source with the snide question, and you have a shill.

Cyphr 1 point ago +1 / -0

The timing is about right. AZ forensic audit results are scheduled to be released mid-August or so...

Cyphr 2 points ago +2 / -0

The linked ABC News article is bullshit (not surprising considering the source).

ONE company named Kaseya was hacked. They provide a product that helps other businesses manage remote computer infrastructure. Kaseya getting hacked could affect all of their customers that use their product. Maybe.

The truth is quite different from the sensationalist, click-bait headline, no?

Read the article linked by TheConservationist above for the details of the Kaseya hack. Actually, here is a direct link to the archived article

Cyphr 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes it does. Today it is widely known that McStain was executed August 25, 2018 as a traitor, and did not die of "brain cancer".

The article linked was from August 24, 2018, shortly before he was executed, thanking McStain for his help with a reorganization of the military...

This type of crap is good practice for anons. Rather than blindly believing whatever you see - dig a little and check the facts first. It can make a big difference.

Cyphr 8 points ago +8 / -0

Yes. They had to, in order to get the EUA for the injections. You can't get an EUA if safe, effective treatments are available.

Net result, 10 new big pharma billionaires created by selling the injections... so far.

Cyphr 3 points ago +3 / -0

Well, I am going to have to add TN to my very short list of states worth relocating to (FL and TX). Very nice.

Cyphr 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yeah, it seems to fit the facts pretty well. Getting real, long lasting immunity from catching the virus and getting over it is always the best way to achieve herd immunity - especially now with good treatments like IVM and HCQ to make sure your immune system crushes the virus quickly and easily.

Cyphr 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yeah, the meaning fits, but a phonetic match to ancient (formal) arabic is quite a stretch - especially when there is literally a COVFEFE act from 2017 that is an EXACT match... so, I'm going with that one.

Cyphr 10 points ago +10 / -0

It seems like more and more pieces of info are falling into place to support this interpretation... including the 4-6% lost forever maybe representing the mortality rate from the injections...

Cyphr 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yeah, this makes a lot of sense. We are fighting WW III, it is just a strange war compared to previous ones. Normal things that woke all of us up don't work on sheeple, for various reasons.

Sheeple damaging their own health, maybe incurably, due to their blind trust in the government and the MSM... now THAT will force them awake, ready or not. Plus it is not something they would ever forget, backsliding into their previous behavior.

I'm thinking the "4-6% lost forever" in the Q drop may be an indication of the mortality rate for those that got the injection?

Cyphr 5 points ago +5 / -0

My favorite reason (blood clots) was not listed... bigot.

Hopefully this type of information can help people realize that getting those injections is a really bad idea. Also hoping the health problems caused by the injections turn out to be not as severe as they could be.

Cyphr 4 points ago +4 / -0

Wow. Lots of rabbit holes in that article. Interesting. The first one is transliterated arabic (phonetic) so probably not true.

The second one is irrefutable - I had no idea there was literally a COVFEFE act from 2017 that protects US 5G networks.

The ones after that get less and less credible - no way to know if they are true or not. I think the COVFEFE act from 2017 is the correct answer to President Trump's tweet.

Cyphr 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ummm - well, all of that probably would work in other countries where the citizens are unarmed and only the government has weapons. There are at least four reasons that it won't work in the US though, and that is where this video falls apart.

  1. Power in the US is decentralized to the States. The video pretends that the federal government has powers that it simply does not have. Look at the power of individual states like AZ, TX and FL telling the feds to go fuck themselves. Flaw # 1.

  2. The 2nd Amendment. There are more than 2 guns for every person in the US, and that number keeps climbing. This video stupidly assumes nobody would use their weapons to defend themselves, and instead would behave like they were helpless and unarmed. Total bullshit. Flaw # 2.

  3. The US military is made up of citizen volunteers that will not follow unlawful orders to kill their fellow citizens. I served in the military - there is no way that the US military would commit genocide... period. Flaw # 3.

  4. The leftists are a relatively small minority of the US population as a whole. They don't have the guns or know how to use them - patriots do. So if anyone were going to be massacred, it would be them. Flaw # 4.

Overall, the first half of the "stages of genocide" just describe the political division between patriots and leftists. Each stage beyond that becomes more and more unbelievable - and at the end they were just waving their hands in the air suggesting that genocide would magically happen somehow, without saying how.

Not a very good video overall... I can't recommend watching it.

Cyphr 2 points ago +2 / -0

I still have to give the edge to DDG - that name is just messed up. Some really bad drugs must be responsible for whoever thought that name was a good idea.

Cyphr 3 points ago +3 / -0

Somebody shot an empty house? Kind of a nothingburger as far as false flag attacks go... this is probably not what the DS was looking for...

Cyphr 2 points ago +2 / -0

Same here. I don't think there has ever been an inauguration with military participation like that. All 5 branches standing right behind the President as he gave his speech - pretty sure that has never been done before.

Cyphr 6 points ago +6 / -0

If I remember the 25th Amendment correctly, it is the cabinet members that act to remove an incapacitated president, and replace him with the vice president.

I don't know how they would also get rid of the VP in that scenario...

Which means they are trashing the VP they are stuck with as president if they get rid of Buy-den? This movie just keeps gets stranger and stranger over time.

Cyphr 1 point ago +1 / -0

It is going to be tough to prove that he deliberately housed patients with the virus in nursing homes to increase the death count... he can always claim incompetence if it looks like he is close to getting caught.

I think a confession is the only way to be sure he faces justice for his crimes.

Hey white hats - isn't it time for "Mr. Party Nipples" to be taken on a little rendition flight out over international waters sometime soon?

Cyphr 2 points ago +2 / -0

The only thing that amazes me about any of this is that there are still some people that pay attention to the MSM propaganda. It is so obvious that the MSM hate everything that is good about America - and that means they hate all of us too.

Hopefully more and more people are learning that life gets better if you just turn off the MSM (and social media)... permanently. We all need to become immune to Project Mockingbird.

Cyphr 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well, duh. You link to fake MSM news, and then ask if it is fake? Fake news is what they do.

They twist and distort a lot of the forensic audit info. The worst is when they deliberately say the audit is a recount, which is a significant lie.

Some guy named Calvin had a really good analogy in a tweet explaining the difference between a recount and an audit. Paraphrasing Calvin:

You have 30 apples, and do a recount. The recount says you have 30 apples.

You have 30 apples, and do a forensic audit. You find 5 apples are glass, 4 are plastic, and 3 are oranges painted to look like apples. The audit says you really have 18 apples, not 30.

The report from the audit is not supposed to be released until sometime in August, so we will just have to wait for about 6 weeks or so...

Cyphr 1 point ago +1 / -0

Viruses get milder as they mutate, but more contagious. The symptoms of the "delta variant" were compared to hay fever... so basically like a cold.

Who needs an injection for that? Latest figures show 47% of the people in the US have gotten the injections, in spite of all the intense pressure applied. Apparently many now regret getting the injections.

The real question is: what are the health problems from the injections, and how bad are they? Will we see those that got the injections have much worse symptoms if they catch another virus?

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