DJTis4me 2 points ago +2 / -0

Tried to create a post for this observation, could not get beyond title.

I find it extremely odd that no one seems to have ever picked up on this or brought attention to it, if they have, but there is a glaring anomaly between two things in regards to HRC.

There is the 9/11/2016 "Side of Beef" video that everyone declares she was taken into custody & replaced with a double later in the day. Then in 2017, Q posted that HRC approached them asking for a deal.

If one of these is true, the other cannot be.

Did they arrest her & later set her free? And several months after, she decided to ask for a deal? I don't think so... One of these is bs.

DJTis4me 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you. I just now figured out that the bell icon indicates someone responded.

Unfortunately one response was a freaking attack on me for questioning the Dead Sea Scrolls & I'm not a pussy so I don't go in for that crap, online any more than I do outside. So I'll probably get banned but I don't care.

I lurked for three years before actually creating an account, I can go right back to it if some patriots are too sensitive to have a friendly back & forth.

Now I know why rooftoptendie must have left...

DJTis4me 1 point ago +1 / -0

I didn't paint you with that brush. I was courteous & civil to you. You seem in a hurry to be offended so you can whine & rail, but that's a You problem; it has nothing to do with me. You want to repay civility with attacks, go for it. I'm a fucking Marine, you don't scare me.

DON'T think you're going to f-cking talk down at me & reprimand me like I'm one of your children.

DJTis4me 1 point ago +1 / -0

What the hell does the b stand for - or identify as, or whatever?

DJTis4me 3 points ago +3 / -0

Hang on a little longer, Trump & military are on the way. We have to clean up our mess, but I'm sure they will be coordinating with patriots of your home countries to set you free.

DJTis4me 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is a cover of a great song by an awesome band, with one of the best lead vocalists alive: Collective Soul!

On their last album, Ed Roland (lead singer, songwriter) takes a dig at the left in a song titled Just Looking Around:

There's commentaries everywhere now, these days

I know it all is a phrase they do say...

There's harbored feelings floating all through the air

Self-righteous thoughts runnin' crazed everywhere

DJTis4me 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exactly what I thought, too.

So: 10 days darnkess/darkness were merely the 10 days leading up to the election?


DJTis4me 5 points ago +5 / -0

President Trump was no doubt taught the same thing, surely passed this maxim on to his children - but there comes a time...

I'm sure Jesus didn't hold back when he flung the tables of the money changers in the temple, & was lashing them in fury & indignation, in what must have come as a complete shock to everyone witnessing it - including His apostles.

DJTis4me 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh man, this brought tears to my eyes. It's such a satisfying feeling knowing that so Many people around the world see through all the bs as we do, know that our beloved POTUS is not like the media portrays him, love him & are as happy & excited about this as we are!

They know he is about to bring the pain worldwide & help to liberate them, too. I'm ready for this, for them. No one asked for the bs that has happened to any of us, & I feel their hope.

This is what it must have felt like when the three wise men were heralded & told where they could find the promised Messiah, look for, for so long, & they were at last going to be the first to witness the miracle.

DJTis4me 2 points ago +2 / -0

They all need to go to bed.

In institutions where the walls & floor are mattresses all around.

DJTis4me 1 point ago +1 / -0

Memes from the idiotic left... Thanks.

DJTis4me 1 point ago +1 / -0

He's fighting an uphill battle - the Sisyphus of his generation's party - arguing with these dickheads who aren't trying to come to a concensus on what went wrong for them, so much as trying to defend the same ground they've Already Lost.

I expected him at one point to throw his hands up like so many other Dems have done over the past couple of years & day, F- it, you know what? I'm leaving the party, you guys can't be reasoned with.

They need someone like The Don to make them an offer they can't refuse 😂 That might bring reason to the table.

I kid, we know they're all batshit crazy & there is no reason, among them.

DJTis4me 2 points ago +2 / -0

The novel People of the Whistling Waters by Mardi Oakley Medawar is about the Lakota. I don't see the name Lakota without thinking about that book, which has been on my top 10 list for 25 years.

There is a part in it, though, that would make many people here foam at the mouth. It's a great story, nevertheless.

DJTis4me 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh hell, why not? If they would be prescribed suicide for their already terminal TDS...

Seems like a win for them, & better yet a win for us.

Sorry Canada: they won't be there long. The ones who remain will be collected to face the music here for why they fled the country, in the first place.

DJTis4me 2 points ago +2 / -0

Do they have three story mansion huts in Kenya? If so, I'd start there.

DJTis4me 1 point ago +1 / -0

This would be so Grand - even if he is mossad funded.

Maybe he won't be, after this appointment?

DJTis4me 2 points ago +2 / -0

Sometimes the joke is so hilarious it can't Not be told.

I had a half second pause last December at work when someone wondered where an employee was, bc a response instantly came to me that me laugh so hard, I thought, Should I? I can get fired if the liberals hear. But then I thought, F- it, it's too funny Not to say, & blurred it out.

There was a moment of silence & then huge laughter from the guy who had asked the question. He looked around & said, Dude, that's f-ed up - but funny as hell!

DJTis4me 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is the first Babylonbee title that made me laugh out loud! Even as I thought, Wtf, come on, they did a great thing on Tuesday...

Still, funny as hell (no pun intended). That pic 😂

DJTis4me 1 point ago +1 / -0

Just one? A few more, so he has roving patrols intersecting, the way it should be.

DJTis4me 1 point ago +1 / -0

Remember the video, Trump said, "I'm going to bomb the shit out of you. I don't care."

These dumbasses backed the wrong - ahem - jackass.

DJTis4me 1 point ago +1 / -0

He has Matt Gaetz with him, I didn't notice that, the last time I saw this!

Trump is so awesome. 💕

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