DankHank 7 points ago +7 / -0

Want to know how anti-gravity propulsion possibly works? This is a great documentary to watch. It has some cool possible eye-witness accounts of people seeing and also entering these craft.

DankHank 2 points ago +2 / -0

This was posted by someone in another thread:

Demonstrating how color works with lasers


The laser does not like the color blue!

DankHank 0 points ago +1 / -1

Roger Ver has been way too emotional about this. It's not like increasing the blocksize was going make Bitcoin a worldwide payment system. The blocks are still confirmed on average every 10 minutes. That's not quick enough to facilitate a worldwide payment system.

Bitcoin needs a 2nd layer on top of the base layer to facilitate this and this is what's being worked on right now in the form of the lightning network.

The people behind "real" Bitcoin have found other solutions to put more transactions in one block without increasing the blocksize.

The argument against increasing the blocksize to facilitate more transactions per block, is that it makes the blockchain much larger and this can cause the network to be less decentralized.

The good thing is that Bitcoin can be forked again if needed. If in the future it becomes apparent that a certain crowd is trying to steer Bitcoin in the wrong direction, we the people can decide against it and steer Bitcion in another direction.

This is also what makes Bitcoin so amazing. The system itself is very democratic. We've had multiple Bitcoin forks (Bitcoin cash, Bitcoin diamond and 1 or 2 other ones). It's the community that decided that current Bitcoin is still good enough and the developers behind it still have the trust of the community.

DankHank 3 points ago +3 / -0

There's way more than just "crumbs here and there". Just look at the long list of resignations of high-ranking people since Q started posting for instance.

Most of the clean-up work has already been done. We are now in the public phase of the operation and anyone who was able to connect all the dots, knows we're watching a movie.

DankHank 1 point ago +1 / -0

Those UFOs might have been the anti-gravity craft the Germans had in their secret base in Antarctica.

It might have been that incident that secretly won the war for the Germans.

DankHank 12 points ago +12 / -0

I can't find the article, but a couple of years ago there was a think-tank that came together in London (?) with people from all sorts of disciplines and they were brainstorming about the following scenario:

What if a company with advanced space tech had secretly built a base on Mars and was using slave labor to run it? How would one go about freeing those people?

Also, Laura Eisenhower, granddaughter of Dwight Eisenhower, claims she was approached by government agents who said a cataclysm was coming to Earth and she was selected to flee the planet to a secret base on Mars. She didn't trust it and declined.

DankHank 2 points ago +3 / -1

All timelines are converging into one as Dan Burisch and Bill Wood (Project Looking Glass whistleblowers) have told us.

The one timeline that will continue has the Great Awakening part in it!

DankHank 2 points ago +2 / -0

I think this is all part of the movie. The Dems are now getting even more anger directed at them. They're imploding. And Trump can be the savior. Many normies will change their minds on him because of this.

Q did say that the Democratic Party would cease to exist. And this type of craziness will really help that process along.

DankHank 6 points ago +6 / -0

No, it was right wing Maccabi football hooligans who were the ones causing trouble. They beat up Dutch citizens and were tearing down flags and breaking windows. They chanted slogans about there being no more schools and children in Gaza and other things. These fans have a really bad reputation. There are many IDF soldiers among them and Israel even send Mossad agents to Amsterdam as was reported by Israeli media.

The media is now framing it in a way that it seems the Maccabi supporters were just innocent victims of a pogrom.

Sky News actually reported on this in the correct manner, but then retracted that video and changed it completely. In the first video they correctly say that hooligans are attacking a citizen and in the 2nd video they pretend it's the other way around. This is a proven lie.

There are quite a few video's on this, because this matter is actually waking up the people of Europe currently. Many people are now seeing through the lies of the media and politicians because of this.


This story has been going under the radar a bit on this board because of all the happenings in the US, but this is a big happening in Europe.

And Geert Wilders is controlled opposition. He is just there to stir things up and help divide and conquer.

DankHank 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes, now the fog of war is clearing, it's easier to see how amazing The Plan was!

Can't wait for the documentaries and movies that will be made about this.

DankHank 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yes, that's what I'm reading as well. That they're learning right there, that W has flipped.

This news about Bush delivering pizza to his secret service detail was a bit weird as well:

*George W. Bush delivers pizzas to Secret Service detail, makes rare political statement * https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/george-bush-delivers-pizzas-secret-service-detail-makes/story?id=60487414

Is it normal for an ex-president to have at least 7 secret service agents around?

DankHank 1 point ago +1 / -0

"Have you seen Biden?? He looks shot!"

DankHank 2 points ago +2 / -0

An advanced human civilization hiding somewhere in the Himalayas, called Shambala.

There are Buddhist monasteries where they take this very seriously. Even the Nazi's went and looked for it.

DankHank 1 point ago +1 / -0

Thune might have taken a deal and will now act the way the white hats want him to act.

DankHank 2 points ago +2 / -0

I was shitting on Alex Jones, way before Q. Many people were already suspecting him of being a limited hangout.

DankHank 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is the only time I heard him say something interesting:

Trump is going for a "third term":


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