Could it be they don’t want blue check because they’d be verifying their identity and could be held liable and legally responsible (criminally?) for what they did bad in the past with account? If they never prove it is them through payment method, they could always claim it was someone else or someone else’s phone. Plausible deniability, right?
Yes indeed… I have a vested interest. My dad died recently. Accelerated cancer that came out of nowhere combined with weird stroke-like events the doctors could never get to the bottom of. Finally, his primary care doctor revealed how “many” of his patients were having weird symptoms after taking the vaccine. I will forever believe that the vaccine played a role in his death… He was a true patriot. Served in the military. Proud of his country. Hard worker, working up until almost 80! Took care of his family. Always put his needs second. Had a very high moral and ethical code. I hope I can match him in how I live my life and the legacy I leave behind.
does this mean her stinky tuna candle biz went bust?