Do you invest in the stock market at all? If so, your money is not safe. The entire system is a scam. GME woke up many people to the corruption. Whether or not it makes us rich, I don't really care. I'm going to keep buying more and see what happens.
Not sure who downvoted you, but wasn't me lol. I'm trying to stay positive, but it's hard to be firm when life throws dumb things at you. It's stupid, but I'm having girl problems. It's hard to focus on the real mission when I can't escape loneliness and rejection. That and being stuck in this debt based scam financial system.
It's funny how little everyone knows about the heliocentric model of earth yet how much they defend it. There are a cool few "facts" I like to tell people that they usually don't know.
- The earth spins on an axis at 66.6 degrees.
- The earth curves at a rate of 0.666 feet for every mile.
- Earth orbits the sun at 66,600 mph. Google usually rounds the numbers and says things like 8 inches instead of 0.666 feet or 23.5 degrees (90-23.4 = 66.6) to try to make it less obvious. Lots of 666's there though. Pretty coincidental.
Yeah it's tough to tell if certain patterns are planned or just coincidental sometimes.