Death_Metal_Patriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes. The policy shift is happening because the Deep State was backed into it when they lost the propaganda campaign behind prohibition of cannabis. Reefer Madness propaganda won't work anymore, so they need to adapt their approach and shift to a different model of control.

Death_Metal_Patriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

You missed the part where cartels only exist BECAUSE OF prohibition. The deep state works with the cartels because their model is to make it illegal, then slip the drugs in to communities through the back door, then use that as pretext to wreak even more havoc on those communities by putting people in jail, seizing assets and property, and stripping people of their 2A rights.

I do agree that good conduct should still be enforced. Leaving needles at playgrounds is a serious problem, and should be taken seriously. If you do that, you should be punished more than typical littering. You obviously shouldn't be driving or operating heavy machinery while intoxicated either. But we have rules we follow in society for alcohol, and those would translate generally well to other drugs. Don't give it to kids, don't do it in a public park, don't drive or operate heavy machinery while on it, don't spend all your money on it, don't go to work on it. Those are all perfectly reasonable rules to live by when dealing with intoxicating substances.

But it's just basic pareto principle enforcement that we should deal with the 20% of the users that cause 80% of the problems based on bad conduct, rather than the 80% of the people that cause 20% of the issues who are just looking to smoke a reefer on friday night before they play some games to relax after a long week.

Death_Metal_Patriot 18 points ago +18 / -0

It's worth mentioning that they'll be simply swapping from the prohibition model of control where they make it illegal to possess, but secretly distribute it themselves, then round the people they distribute it up to for illegal possession and seize their assets and guns, over to the regulatory model where they control the licensing system and who possesses them and where they can operate and sell their goods, is basically the same model big pharma uses.

Death_Metal_Patriot 8 points ago +8 / -0

It would turn out for the best, I assure you. Once people started doing that they'd make it illegal again within 48 hours.

Death_Metal_Patriot 6 points ago +6 / -0

I'd be Aunti Em, who at the end of the movie has been deeply concerned about her well-being and waiting by her bedside for her to WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!

Death_Metal_Patriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Honestly it's handy for a few things. I was designing a website and had it write the shipping and returns policy. Saved me a couple hours of work.

But that's mostly what it's good for at this stage. Recreating a similar, but slightly different version of something that's been regurgitated a million times across the internet already, like the shipping and returns policy of a webstore.

Death_Metal_Patriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Are you kidding bro? Alex Stein looked absolutely fabulous in that onesie!

Death_Metal_Patriot 7 points ago +7 / -0

Looks like a mix of papers on both sides of certain contentious topics were retracted.

Ivermectin for example. I skimmed thru the Retraction Watch report, and out the two ivermectin papers I skimmed, one was saying it appeared to be effective, the other was saying there were no significant effects.


Death_Metal_Patriot 12 points ago +13 / -1

If you live in California you could probably just steal it.

Not like they'll do anything.

Death_Metal_Patriot 3 points ago +4 / -1

Yeah that totally reassures me that he thoroughly vets his information and doesn't repeat bullshit.

Death_Metal_Patriot 1 point ago +1 / -0


I know Wikipedia can be pretty biased but CIS is a legitimate organization.

The SPLC doesn't like them but fuck what the SPLC thinks anyway.

Death_Metal_Patriot 2 points ago +2 / -0

Happens to the best of us, man. Gotta always make sure to check each other's facts so we don't end up high from huffing our own bullshit like lefties are.

Death_Metal_Patriot 8 points ago +8 / -0

This is why we don't like fedposting. Advocating for violence in such a way is taking the bait and we don't do that here, at least those of us with more than about 2 brain cells.

Death_Metal_Patriot 5 points ago +5 / -0

I heard about this, but frankly the consensus among myself and other metal fans we know is that it's likely alcoholism related. The guy's got a major problem with substance abuse and some of us are actually surprised this hasn't happened to the guy until now.

Death_Metal_Patriot 3 points ago +3 / -0

Moronic theocratic authoritarian conservatives will cheer when it's porn, let's see them cheer when their ISP demands ID verification before it allows GAW to load, then maybe they'll realize how idiotic they're being.

Death_Metal_Patriot 4 points ago +5 / -1

This. All this is, is conservatives giving the government more power to parent their children for them, which is like, the root cause of a huge number of major problems we have in society right now.

Death_Metal_Patriot 4 points ago +4 / -0

The simplest answer is because there's a ton of moving parts to this shit. Think of how many people, agencies, and institutions need to be coordinated for this all to work for them? Once they start the plan with that many moving pieces, changing things around and switching them up on a large scale is not easy without alerting the sleeping masses that something is seriously wrong. They're locked into their own plan because if they start changing too many things it'll just wake people up in greater numbers, faster.

Death_Metal_Patriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

None and that's why he'll be exonerated.

They're charging Trump because they're corrupt and it's a kangaroo court.

This must be shown to the public because it will prove without doubt the justice system is corrupt beyond recognition.

Death_Metal_Patriot 1 point ago +1 / -0

Plant the seed.

Water the seed.

Fertilize the soil.

And eventually it sprouts.

Death_Metal_Patriot 10 points ago +10 / -0

Guys, hear me out here. I think this might be a cry for help.

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