Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not surprising.

My ex-SIL used to love butterfinger candy bars. Then it came out that this candy bar had the highest percentage of bug parts allowed. At the time, is seemed like a low percentage overall when one thinks about all the steps involved and places were the occasional bug could get into the food processing line, but she quit eating them immediately after that.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have been wondering about exactly that. I used regular hydrogen peroxide for mouthwash without issue.

Given that with the nebulizer, it would go deep into one's lungs I thought maybe food grade would be better.

Of course, it could just be a scam and there really is no difference between the two - just like name brand versus off-label. Same stuff on the inside, different label on the outside. Higher price charged for the name brand.

Ty. Will look into this more.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exactly. They cannot. This does not stop fear from taking over.

The (number of covid deaths) / (covid cases) should have logically told us that the fear was being manufactured.

This fall, we will get sick. Happens every year. Cold, flu, germs, what have you. I figure Vit c, d, zinc, nac are a solid plan to start.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ty. Class online is very feasible. It's what was done the last time. Parents would proctor the test.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

I got into this because my son wanted to play trumpet.

There was a homeschool consortium nearby - homeschool consortium - think co-op just much bigger. 460 families and 600 students. Basically, a family can go there and sign up for only the classes they need. So, more like college schedule wise.

My son needed to take a regular class in addition to trumpet lessons, so we did science.

Did this for a year or two.

Then they were looking for someone to teach history for high school. I submitted my resume and was accepted as an independent contractor. I do not work for the consortium. I contract with them to provide teaching services. The consortium is kinda like a match maker if you will.

Since we (consortium) are so large, we rent the facilities for a couple of days, not just 1 like normal co-ops.

Starting out, I did 2 classes. One on each day. I only teach the classes I want, and then only if there are enough students that want to learn what I am offering to teach. It can be a bit of a dance, because parents are ultimately in charge. Some are only looking to meet the bare minimum required by law. High level math and science classes would get canceled because not enough students would signup - we had the teachers.

As a parent, you need to ensure that you are educating your child. What being educated means and how that is accomplished is up to you. State laws on this vary from state to state and quite honestly is a bare minimum - as it should be!

For us, we did classes at the consortium, I taught classes at home, community education for some art classes, video-based algebra/pre-calc/calculus, etc. The goal, was that he be college ready for an engineering/doctor/legal discipline. We wanted him to have enough of an education so that these doors would remain open. If he chooses something else, so be it. His choice. His education was not going to be a limiting factor for him.

Start with a local co-op or 2. See if you could get on a sub list or offer to teach a class or 2. Teachers get sick. A fall on the ice as an independent contractor could be devastating.

The other thing is you could do is discuss the classes you want to teach with homeschooling parents you know. Maybe offer these classes after work hours or on a Saturday to start. Think piano lessons or swim lesson. That way you get to keep your day job for a while.

It's not going to be a living wage, not even close. But, if you are retired, or you work part-time, you could make it work.

For us, my hubby is the bread winner. I plan to keep teaching after my son graduates this year. No way I'm going back to the corporate world. I enjoy teaching this way. It helps out a little with the bills or as my sister says, it gives you a little walking around money.

Dee68 3 points ago +3 / -0

That is my concern. I teach at a home school consortium. I have 80+ students and over 10 classes.

I can see the place we rent from fall into compliance b.s. Plan to raise this at the next teacher meeting and my objection to lockdown.

We fall into a bit of a grey area, because we are not under the school district control and I think promoted ourselves as a business the school year after covid lockdown.

Also, thinking through options for my classes if the facility unfortunately does capitulate. Would I open up my home for classes? What are the logistical/space concerns I would face? How could these be solved? Would I do a one room classroom in the garage? It's heated. How would this work?

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good tip. Thanks.

Dee68 4 points ago +4 / -0

Amen, brother!!

I teach at a home school consortium. I will have 80+ students that I will teach various classes to this year. It's a mixed bag as there are left leaning families in the group for vaxx. I am not aware of a move toward puberty blockers or bindings in the group.

My lectures are peppered with tyranny encroachment, our rights come from God not government, the president does not have the power to mandate the vaxx, J6 speedy trial abuses, RFKJ freedom of speech address, etc.

My son is a high school senior so we are so close to being out of the government attempts at controlling my child. No covid vaxx, but regrettably I did vaxx him when he was little. So, stupid. Fortunately, it looks like we dodged a bullet.

Thank you.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mercola's statement was very similar. In fact he was suggesting the nebulizer as a bit of first line defense before going to ivermectin.

I always thought of a nebulizer as something one uses for asthma. His statement made me reassess and add it to my prep/kit in terms of being my own doctor.

I plan to gain experience with it this fall. Thank you!

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Awesome advice. Thank you. Yes, I am familiar with herxing. This came up as I was dealing with lyme.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks. I had not used the nebulizer before so I will give it a try with just saline first and see what happens. Ty.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Given that Mike Adam's sells this stuff as a throat spray, I would be very surprised if this was the case.

I have used it in the past as a spray, a topical, and a gargle.

Maybe in high doses there is toxicity...

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hope, I usually agree with you. But not on this one.

Teaching skills, care, concern, empathy, sense of pride....these should be taught in the HOME not in the schools.

If these were taught in schools, you know it would create more of a monster. It would turn into creating signs to carry for a pride parade to show care and concern for LGBTQA.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

OK. Makes sense.

One of the things that I do with my ultra-lib BIL that I have found kinda works is just asking a question to get him to question like "I wonder why the article didn't mention X". At which point he stops and considers and then admits he doesn't know. At this point I consider it a success.

Or with my liberal SIL, I will say something like "I heard a news report about a school district in So. CA that did not want parents on the zoom calls. I wonder why. Is that happening for your son?" She responds. Then I'd say something like, if it were happening with my kid, I'd be so pissed. There shouldn't be anything said in the classroom I should not hear, etc.

If she tries to defend the school, she will need to back up the defense with research. In my specific case, she had not heard the report AND it wasn't happening in my nephews school district. So, my words/opinions got to be the first imprint on her.

In the example, you mention, is the vaxx tested. Back up one more level where she doesnt have to research - ask her what's the emergency?

EAU (fact) for #of deaths/#of cases (factual calculation). Use Google numbers for this. Say, I don't get it. What's the emergency? I'd take these odds in Vegas.

Then let the subject drop.

She now needs to pick it up (or not) and convince you that it is an emergency. Her walking through the msm narrative should lead her to a point where she begins to realize that the narrative doesn't make sense.

It's kinda like having someone defend the "magic bullet theory". At some point rational thought breaks in and one cannot explain bullet trajectory u-turns and elevation level changes mid-flight.

It's basic level questioning which can be maddening. But, if she has been trusting somewhat, you first need to get her to question. And then explain it to you how what she believes can be so. She will end up teaching herself.

Dee68 0 points ago +1 / -1

Great point.

Either he was controlled opposition, or acknowledging there was a powerful deep state was just a bridge too far for him.

While I do miss him, I am thankful he does not have to witness what is happening.

I am not sure that his voice during this time would help the awakening. I think it might lull us back to sleep or cause us to fall back into old patterns.

Congrats on you being awake in '97. I had pieces then, but in other areas I was still asleep.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Wife here.

First of all, be thankful for the compatibility in political views.

Secondly, are you trying to "tell" her what to believe or think? In which case, she is left with either having to accept it as truth (which might be too much too soon) or doing the "OK, _______" as a defense.

If this resonates with you, try this. Hey, honey, listen to this. Then relate the news article. Then ask, what do you think? Listen and consider what she is stating. Then, follow it up by asking why. See it from her pov.

Next, you get to share what you think and why. What is your rationale for believing/disbelieving the article? Choose supporting rationale that you both agree upon where ever possible (e.g. corruption in politics) so that she can see your line of thinking.

Bring her into your world of thought.

The important part is you are doing this together.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes. Snake oil. This is exactly what I was getting at in one of my posts where I mention that obtaining treatment is like a wild west landscape!

MCAS. I remember a book that talked about a protocol for it for people with sensitivity. It is called Toxic by Dr. Nathan. It deals with mold, Lyme, mcas, etc. It sounds like you have a great doc and something that is working. I only mention it because you might be able to glean a bit from it.

Herxing. That one would always catch me off guard. Always. For what ever reason I would always think that it would react as flu like symptoms. BUT because it had colonized in my CNS, of course I would get brain inflamation, which would in turn manifest itself as servere depression and suicide ideation. Thankfully my husband started to recognize what was happening. CBD oil would help at this point as I would relearn once again.

It sounds like herxing gets life threatening for you. I am sorry.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

You are welcome. Healing Lyme, 2nd edition is the book I mainly used. Tons of case studies in the back appendix.

He also addressed Corona virus in one of his other books years before the world freaked out and remarketed (or souped up via gain-of-function) cold/flu as covid.

Dee68 3 points ago +3 / -0

I am so happy for her. 😊

Astragalus is mentioned in Buhner's Healing Lyme. I think I even have it as a tincture, but I only needed to use it occasionally.

Before I took ivm, I got great relief from gou teng, ashwaganda, Japanese knotweed, and cryptolepus.

Buhner's work has introduced me to a whole new world of tinctures and supplements. Most can be applied across ailments - of which Lyme is only a subset.

I agree with you about the suspicious coincidences.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks. Glad you caught yours early. πŸ™‚

Growing up in northern Wisconsin, it was very common to be bitten by ticks every summer. Not as plentiful as mosquitoes, but very common.

Typically, one would just pick the tick off and burn it with a match to kill it. (Why this treatment idk, it's just what we did.)

Never had a bullseye rash. Never felt I was just going to take my chances and play Russian roulette with my life either.

As an analogy, West Nile and malria supposedly are transmitted by mosquitoes, but I do not run off to the doctor everytime I get a mosquito bite. Just swat/kill it and move on. That's what it's like with ticks.

With Gates' franken-mosquitoes maybe that will need to change.

I'm not sure if I had even heard of Lyme until I was in my thirties - late 90s.

Now I keep a stash of doxy, hcq, and ivermectin in my medicine cabinet.

Take care, fren.

Dee68 4 points ago +4 / -0

I was thinking the same thing about refreshing infected ticks. Kinda like chemtrails.

Here's the thing, not all Lymies manifest the classic bullseye rash. I did not. In fact, I went in to the doctor in December. I told her that I don't think that the way I am experiencing certain events reflects reality. Her eyes flashed open and she asked, "Do I need to check you for ticks?"

Given that it was December in MN, I knew she wasn't talking about a physical tick check. She asked if I have ever been bit. Yes, multiple times, every year. I don't name the ticks or even remember each and every one, but I have never gotten a bullseye rash. That I would remember.

New thought: Is it possible to spread it without ticks in addition to ticks???

My blood test was positive for antibodies.

Shortly after my first course of antibiotics wore off, the symptoms came back. She said she could not prescribe more antibiotics because it would put her medical license in jeopardy with the cdc!! (WTF?!?! I was a normie in terms of trusting the medical establishment alphabet.) I trusted my doc and she seemed legit scared. Said my best bet was supplements and pointed me to Buhner's work.

Then COVID lockdown hit, but I had already been red-pilled by the Lyme experience. It's the saving grace.

Ivermectin did the trick for me a year later (research lag). Most of the Lyme issues are completely gone, but I think parts of my brain have not fully healed. Word recall and spelling still being affected.

Spanish flu. Doctors in India were treating with the supplement andrographis and having success. Buhner recommends it for Lyme and there was a run on it during initial covid lockdown.

I think experimenting on us has been going on for quite some time. It did not start with COVID vaxx. Biggest hurdle I think is distribution. Vaccine for 1918, covid. Fluoride in the water.

Seige warfare teaches us many techniques. Contaminated water sources, plague infected solders/cattle. I suppose rats, too. Chinese and Indians (feather) would dip arrows in feces of plague victims. Fire.

The change in our perspective is that the government now sees us as the enemy.

Dee68 11 points ago +11 / -0

Lymie here.

There is a crap-ton of question and confusion surrounding this.

What I know, CDC and IDSA should not be trusted - Tuskegee experiment and COVID should have taught us this. They are incestuous in their "research". See history and the documentary " Under Our Skin".

Many of the scientists involved were Japanese and German WWII. Klaus Traub was operation paperclip. (Bitten, Newby) He hired W. Burgdorferi whose job it was to infect ticks for the U.S.

The Japanese scientists were doing this in WWII. This is covered in the documentary "Under the Eightball".

The question about effectiveness is interesting. These scientists were doing it in WWII and then continued well after (Bitten, Newby). The American government dropped/released boxes of infected ticks from a plane flying over the sugar plantations in Cuba to weaken workers. BUT they (ticks) were already infected!!

Lyme can take on many forms depending where it colonizes in the body. (MN Lyme Association). We have mostly heard about how it colonized so that it mimics rheumatoid arthritis. BUT, it can colonize so that the person gets heart, digestive, or CNS issues among others. (Was actually told by a non-medical family member I did not have lyme because I did not have RA symptoms- this was after a positive test result!!). Clinical diagnosis pointed to my CNS.

The Lyme test will only show positive for antibodies. Where it is colonizing is clinical diagnosis only which depends on symptoms being manifested. No advancement in testing has been done in over 40+ years. My understanding is that the blood test is less effective that the covid PCR (eyeroll) and there are over 50% false negatives. Raises a question for me as to why this poor performance is allowed.

CDC allows multiple refills on antibiotics for acne and lifelong antibiotic treatment for syphilis, but you only get one course of antibiotics for Lyme - supposedly for superbug containment. See "Under Our Skin" and draw your own conclusions.

After the course of antibiotics is complete, Lymies need to seek further treatment through Lyme literate doctors and clinics. It can be a bit of the wild west in this landscape.

Interesting note - My Lyme CNS symptoms resemble covid vaxx symptoms of brain fog, rage, panic attacks, cognitive difficulties, etc. NOT clot however.

Is the transmission narrative about deer and other infected animals just b.s.? IDK. It would not surprise me. It would explain how the infected ticks got all over the US instead of staying localized near Plum Island. Especially since we know the government attacked us with the covid/covid vaxx.

Healing Lyme (Buhner) was helpful for supplements. It is a really good resource for being your own doctor. Ivermectin made the difference for me.

Including u/tweety51A since you have family here.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm glad you shared it. Ty.

Something else, and this came from the RFKJ interview on Tucker. (Good interview BTW) They were discussing releasing all the JFK assassination papers. Everybody involved with it is now dead, so what is being protected? An American Institution.

Again, curious.

What did Mike Pompeo say to Trump to get him to back off and not release all papers?

And later, RFKJ just off-handedly mentions he was having dinner with Pompeo 🀯 and that Pompeo told him he regretted not doing MORE when he was at the CIA. That most of the people at the top of the CIA do not believe in America.

Not surprising about the CIA. But, what the heck is going on?

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