Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Did not know about Blackrock and child trafficking. Ty. When I was there a while back, they asked if I wanted to round up on my purchase. It was to a LGBT organization. Can't remember specifics. Now I just say "no".

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Brilliant! Pull this crap right before closing time - make them stay late!! 😁

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

With the first covid go around, I was at a second hand store and a clerk tried to hand me a mask to wear. I smiled and said I don't wear these thank you.

She tried 4 different approaches with me. Store policy. We require masks. You are supposed to wear a mask, etc. Each time I smiled and very politely stated I don't wear these. Thank you.

Drew a crowd. Mask wearing hubby said my face turned red, but I politely did not comply. Wagee did not know what to do. She finally gave up.

Next day, there was a big ole sign out front that said mask required. I stopped going to the store to shop and to donate.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

Have you checked Oprah's house?

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thank you for posting.

Very interesting. I had not connected past events as being an archetype in prophecy. Which is odd that I missed this because the old testament does this all the time leading up to the birth of Christ. It is plain for all to see. That the events of the past would foreshadow the future events make perfect sense.

Past proves future.

Dee68 6 points ago +6 / -0


You may be right. Maybe the WH are not in control. Maybe there are no WH or BH. Then again, maybe there are.

Ultimately, what difference does it make? The real question is what will you do right here, right now?

I highly doubt that it is sitting around waiting for someone to come and rescue you, especially if you now believe that there is no one coming.

How will you survive in these times? What kind of son, father, husband, boss, neighbor, church-goer, community volunteer will you be? Once you figure that out, take action accordingly.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

OK. So, are you connecting this to a pedo tunnel reference?

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

Kamala speaks in rhymes.

RFKJ was not mentioned as a dnc contender.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Stollen. Fruitcake Bread from Germany.

Germany. There were servers from here containing election fraud information IIRC from the 2020 presidential election.

We have it all.

Dee68 3 points ago +3 / -0

Athaliah slaughtered her whole family to be queen.

Missed the boy. Thought he was dead when in actuality he was in hiding.

Awesome comparison.

Dee68 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm not sure that even this would do it.

I think that a majority of people are conditioned and programmed to think that people faking their own death is very common. A ho-hum occurrence.

If Elvis suddenly came back from the dead, I think people would just shrug it off. His actual age aside, it would just dominate the news cycle for a while. Maybe a month or two, if that. Then people would go back to their lives. Hypnotic state.

I think JFKJ being alive unfortunately would be similar.

For us, the awakened, we'd be like holy chit!!! But I think the asleep would just hit the snooze button and go back to sleep.

To truly shock people out of their hypnotic state, I believe that their lives or entire worldview would need to be upended. I don't think this would do it. Not even seeing the cabal players executed live, would do it as people would expect it to be faked or A I generated.

To truly wake people up, it needs to be personal. A personal betrayal of some sort. Or a total dollar collaspe or nuclear war or vaxx tragedy in their immediate family would be needed. It needs to be something that they could not just escape by going back to sleep and would irrevocably change them.

On a side note: super cool video. I hope it's true!!

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not surprising.

My ex-SIL used to love butterfinger candy bars. Then it came out that this candy bar had the highest percentage of bug parts allowed. At the time, is seemed like a low percentage overall when one thinks about all the steps involved and places were the occasional bug could get into the food processing line, but she quit eating them immediately after that.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

I have been wondering about exactly that. I used regular hydrogen peroxide for mouthwash without issue.

Given that with the nebulizer, it would go deep into one's lungs I thought maybe food grade would be better.

Of course, it could just be a scam and there really is no difference between the two - just like name brand versus off-label. Same stuff on the inside, different label on the outside. Higher price charged for the name brand.

Ty. Will look into this more.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Exactly. They cannot. This does not stop fear from taking over.

The (number of covid deaths) / (covid cases) should have logically told us that the fear was being manufactured.

This fall, we will get sick. Happens every year. Cold, flu, germs, what have you. I figure Vit c, d, zinc, nac are a solid plan to start.

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

Ty. Class online is very feasible. It's what was done the last time. Parents would proctor the test.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

I got into this because my son wanted to play trumpet.

There was a homeschool consortium nearby - homeschool consortium - think co-op just much bigger. 460 families and 600 students. Basically, a family can go there and sign up for only the classes they need. So, more like college schedule wise.

My son needed to take a regular class in addition to trumpet lessons, so we did science.

Did this for a year or two.

Then they were looking for someone to teach history for high school. I submitted my resume and was accepted as an independent contractor. I do not work for the consortium. I contract with them to provide teaching services. The consortium is kinda like a match maker if you will.

Since we (consortium) are so large, we rent the facilities for a couple of days, not just 1 like normal co-ops.

Starting out, I did 2 classes. One on each day. I only teach the classes I want, and then only if there are enough students that want to learn what I am offering to teach. It can be a bit of a dance, because parents are ultimately in charge. Some are only looking to meet the bare minimum required by law. High level math and science classes would get canceled because not enough students would signup - we had the teachers.

As a parent, you need to ensure that you are educating your child. What being educated means and how that is accomplished is up to you. State laws on this vary from state to state and quite honestly is a bare minimum - as it should be!

For us, we did classes at the consortium, I taught classes at home, community education for some art classes, video-based algebra/pre-calc/calculus, etc. The goal, was that he be college ready for an engineering/doctor/legal discipline. We wanted him to have enough of an education so that these doors would remain open. If he chooses something else, so be it. His choice. His education was not going to be a limiting factor for him.

Start with a local co-op or 2. See if you could get on a sub list or offer to teach a class or 2. Teachers get sick. A fall on the ice as an independent contractor could be devastating.

The other thing is you could do is discuss the classes you want to teach with homeschooling parents you know. Maybe offer these classes after work hours or on a Saturday to start. Think piano lessons or swim lesson. That way you get to keep your day job for a while.

It's not going to be a living wage, not even close. But, if you are retired, or you work part-time, you could make it work.

For us, my hubby is the bread winner. I plan to keep teaching after my son graduates this year. No way I'm going back to the corporate world. I enjoy teaching this way. It helps out a little with the bills or as my sister says, it gives you a little walking around money.

Dee68 3 points ago +3 / -0

That is my concern. I teach at a home school consortium. I have 80+ students and over 10 classes.

I can see the place we rent from fall into compliance b.s. Plan to raise this at the next teacher meeting and my objection to lockdown.

We fall into a bit of a grey area, because we are not under the school district control and I think promoted ourselves as a business the school year after covid lockdown.

Also, thinking through options for my classes if the facility unfortunately does capitulate. Would I open up my home for classes? What are the logistical/space concerns I would face? How could these be solved? Would I do a one room classroom in the garage? It's heated. How would this work?

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good tip. Thanks.

Dee68 4 points ago +4 / -0

Amen, brother!!

I teach at a home school consortium. I will have 80+ students that I will teach various classes to this year. It's a mixed bag as there are left leaning families in the group for vaxx. I am not aware of a move toward puberty blockers or bindings in the group.

My lectures are peppered with tyranny encroachment, our rights come from God not government, the president does not have the power to mandate the vaxx, J6 speedy trial abuses, RFKJ freedom of speech address, etc.

My son is a high school senior so we are so close to being out of the government attempts at controlling my child. No covid vaxx, but regrettably I did vaxx him when he was little. So, stupid. Fortunately, it looks like we dodged a bullet.

Thank you.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Mercola's statement was very similar. In fact he was suggesting the nebulizer as a bit of first line defense before going to ivermectin.

I always thought of a nebulizer as something one uses for asthma. His statement made me reassess and add it to my prep/kit in terms of being my own doctor.

I plan to gain experience with it this fall. Thank you!

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Awesome advice. Thank you. Yes, I am familiar with herxing. This came up as I was dealing with lyme.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Thanks. I had not used the nebulizer before so I will give it a try with just saline first and see what happens. Ty.

Dee68 2 points ago +2 / -0

Given that Mike Adam's sells this stuff as a throat spray, I would be very surprised if this was the case.

I have used it in the past as a spray, a topical, and a gargle.

Maybe in high doses there is toxicity...

Dee68 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hope, I usually agree with you. But not on this one.

Teaching skills, care, concern, empathy, sense of pride....these should be taught in the HOME not in the schools.

If these were taught in schools, you know it would create more of a monster. It would turn into creating signs to carry for a pride parade to show care and concern for LGBTQA.

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