DemonDMT 1 point ago +1 / -0

Because the vaccinated are shedding the S-protein.. especially heavy shedding from boosted people. They are literally polluting the world with their shedding of the virus S-protein bioweapon.. they are walking and talking bioweapon manufacturers. I stay away from them, I especially don't live with them.. but I do have to work with them, and when I do it's in a separate room.

DemonDMT 2 points ago +2 / -0

make sure your vitamin D levels are on point: 50-80 blood saturation.

DemonDMT 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know but I'm saying if he does they will claim victory, they always do this.

DemonDMT 5 points ago +5 / -0

ICU? But but fauci and biden said vaccinated wont end up in ICUs!!!

DemonDMT 8 points ago +8 / -0

These people are getting bold asking strangers private questions that they have no business asking. I don't go around asking women "hey, are you on your period?" You have to mentally traumatize these people, how, that's up to you (not with physical violence), but traumatize them so much that they never ask a stupid fucking question like that to a complete stranger again.

DemonDMT 2 points ago +2 / -0

They DON'T work, it's a complete joke. If it worked, then their plan to spread the S-protein would fail. It is a symbol, an obedience tool, as well as a psychological warfare tool to remind you and your neighbors of your servitude.

There is literally no escape unless you take what the oligarchs take.. whatever inhibits the s-protein from causing damage. That or completely avoid the vaccinated as much as possible.

DemonDMT 2 points ago +2 / -0

SS: This is a silent WW3.. the enemy is truly a different enemy, a virus, but a man-made virus created by the oligarchs who orchestrated and funded WW2, WW1 and just about every war since Napoleon.

WW3 is the last world war, history will be written by the victorious, the Rothschilds and the 13 families that own the planet through wars and rumors of wars. If you don't have the "blue blood" you are mandated to turn into a monster. A living, walking, breathing bio-weapon.

Whoever took the vaccine(s) are the bio-weapon, who manufacture the enemy called COVID-19. The vaccinated have been injected with very sophisticated nanotechnology, never before used on mankind. This technology tells the human body to create something called an S-Protein. This in itself is the bioweapon. The vaccinated will continue to create and manufacture this weapon, and will shed it until they die of Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS).

It is very ironic how the public completely forgot Fauci was part of the genocide of many during the AIDS epidemic, now Fauci is part of the real plan: COVID-19. A chimera of Sars-Coronavirus-HIV... a literal Frankenstein that nature couldn't have possibly made.

This "virus" is now polluting our world, as the vaccinated are continually creating and shedding it from their bodies. A man-made airborne immune-depressant pathogen that nature has never experienced before.

As the body of the vaccinated create the foreign protein, it annihilates their endothelial lining, they start to experience heart issues, inflammation, diseases like cancer and ailments that they have suppressed or never seen before come into their lives, and of course, sickness more often. The more they vaccinate, the more their natural innate immune system disappears.

What does this mean for the unvaccinated? It's not good. Have you experienced headaches? light headedness? heart palpitations (especially if you smoke)? You may have inhaled what the vaccinated are pushing out. We unvaccinated have felt this probably once before when we're around them, especially during shedding.

The vaccinated and the unvaccinated are in serious trouble. The constant push for the 4th 5th 6th 7th vaccine is going to keep killing all of us. Because as the vaccinated introduce more and new nanotechnology foreign protein creation will be made, the more of this new pollution will be in our air. This is a recipe for a real pandemic, orchestrated by the oligarchs that promise to lower the global population by 500 million.

To reduce the pollution load I would would recommend this: Stop Taking These "Vaccines". Don't take the 3rd, 4th, or 5th. They are using military grade psychological warfare on you to believe that you're in danger.. but you're not, you're endangering your health and the health of other people around you.

For the unvaccinated, remain unvaccinated. Your immune system will fight this foreign pollution, the trash. Take supplements like Vitamin-D3 and things that will turn off the S-Protein like Ivermectin. You can bet the elite know how to avoid the airborne heart attack S-protein.. They want to ban ANYTHING that does, and guaranteed they're gunning for Ivermectin and other S-protein inhibitors!

Good news: everyone is in on the scam. Even CNN is admitting the hospitalizations are inflated. CDC admitting 75% of covid deaths are of people with 4 or more comorbidities, all the heads including Pfizer's president are saying the jabs are ineffective, doctors are coming out EVERYWHERE saying the vaccines are causing Immune Deficiencies!

Years, and decades, it will come out. That humankind has made a terrible, irreversible mistake. Hopefully that is when humankind will rebel against the demons that have done this to us.. unless, the people wake up fast enough before they completely lock us all into the digital concentration camps: the vaccine passports, the social credit system, the technocratic control grid.. if that is successful, than there is absolutely no escape the slaughterhouse.

DemonDMT 3 points ago +3 / -0

they are losing the narrative when regular people see their FULLY VAXXED friends and families getting sick, just today, damn.. a customer support person here at my work disagreed with my boss saying "no, I have fully vaccinated family members get seriously sick, but some people I know only sick for two days and very minor". A ton of people at work here who are fully vaxxed and boosted taking days off work, I mean.. these people are smart. They should put two and two together and ask themselves "arent vaccines supposed to make you IMMUNE from the virus"?

The tide is turning, there is nothing that could stop it because they can't control it when we're all hearing and experiencing it.. the vaccines are total shit.

DemonDMT 2 points ago +2 / -0


by BQnita
DemonDMT 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is a psyop to get the right riled up, just in time for the fauci hearing so your energy if focused on this instead of fauci.

DemonDMT 1 point ago +1 / -0

"2 doses offer very little protection if any"

yet they are still trying to convince the vaccinated to take it? What the fuck, where the fuck is the logic in this? The government is completely useless and still pushing the two dose.

DemonDMT 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is how revolutions start, when they start fucking with our money.

DemonDMT 46 points ago +46 / -0

I knew this was going to happen in 2011-2014, after 9/11 I was a big-time 9/11 truther.. then I started finding out about the ugly truth of government. I started looking into the U.N. eugenics/depopulation agenda.. that's when it hit me hard:

There will be a time in my life where I would have to choose a side, be a robot for the New World Order elite, or fight against it. So, this is the hill I will die on. No matter how much insane pressure is put upon me, I will never give in.

Today, the pressure is family.. being denied love from family because I refuse to take the vaccine. That hurts bad, but if they refuse to even remotely entertain the FACT that there are evil people out there that want us depopulated.. well, that's on them. If they want to ex me out of their life, fine with me.. I will make my own family, I will befriend those that understand that there is an evil group/cabal out there that want to destroy humanity.

I do believe God is guiding me, and he will guide me the right way. Because I am here for a reason, to fight against the devil's kingdom. I will until death and beyond.

DemonDMT 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yup, all the fully vaccinated are getting sick or constantly over-worrying about getting sick... but on top of that the unvaccinated are being forced to test or no job.

DemonDMT 5 points ago +5 / -0

They don't believe they are being poisoned. The delusional believe that the side effects of heart issues, blood clots, and womanly issues are justified to be safe from covid. Even when they get sick multiple times in a year, they don't believe it's the vaccine's fault.. they believe that there are just so many new variants out there and it's all the unvaccinated's fault (they are hammered constantly with this misinformation on TV).

They will take the microchip, they don't want to wait in line or have to pay for constant rapid tests to live a normal life. They would much rather take a microchip to make their sickly autoimmune-deficient lives easier. They'll be told there are perks if you get the chip, not only will it be easy to verify if you're sick (again) or not, but it will link up to your passport, drivers license, bank account... wow so cool and easy! That they'll be able to know where their family and friends are in real time, they'll get all sorts of health information, on their new mandatory federal app. Wow!

Little do they know, that ALL of that information will be used by the government and authorities. They'll know if you're taking drugs in real time, they'll know your search history, what you buy, and possibly what they're thinking.. everything. Conspiracy? We will find out. Not only authorities will have access to this info, but advertising companies of course.

DemonDMT 1 point ago +1 / -0

is this real? Why do fat people feel the need to lecture others about health? I literally have a brother who is this fucking fat and has the balls to scold me on my health decisions, for not to taking the vaccines. It's fucking wild.

DemonDMT 16 points ago +16 / -0

At one point in my life I wanted to visit Canada, but yeah.. no.. pass.

DemonDMT 3 points ago +3 / -0

The Organic Baby Broccolli and Garlic I use are mainly for cancer prevention, lung and heart function:

Raw Organic Baby Broccolli contains all of the vitamins and nutrients that arent added to the protocol, you get everything from Vitamin A, B, K, C, also sulforaphane, magnesium and anything you need that are better in Natural Form. It's also great for lung function improvement. But you cannot cook it, you have to eat it raw: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uksaJeHfmsA

Organic Garlic is the powerhouse against cancer, is ranked as one of the most deadly veggies to use against cancer, it's also great for the cardiovascular system. But you cannot cook it, you have to eat it RAW or you will kill the nutritional benefit. Garlic is very spicy so I like to chew it up quick and swallow with water as fast as possible, 1 clove: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tAAehC4BYs

DemonDMT 3 points ago +3 / -0


Daily: Vitamin-D3 +K2 Camu Camu Vitamin-C Liposome Powder

4-5x a week: Raw Organic Baby Broccolli (not shown)

1-3x a Week: Zinc Selenium / Iodide Povidone-Iodine Nasal Spray Black Elderberry Syrup Ivermectin 9-12mg

2-4x a month: Raw Organic Garlic

When SHTF Emergency Only: HCQ

DemonDMT 1 point ago +1 / -0

I stay away from vaccinated. They are very scared, paranoid and downers

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