Detaljen 3 points ago +3 / -0

What the hell is wrong with these people? How do you even think of some sick shit like that to say?

Detaljen 3 points ago +3 / -0

It’s not that bad. I pour a drop of it in a small bottle apple or orange juice and shake it up pretty good. You can definitely taste it but not bad at all. The first time I took it, the following morning everything felt bright for a moment. It went away after about an hour of waking up and I felt great. I’m on my second tube now and just got my ivermectin and hydroxycloroquine from alldaychemist a few days ago. I’m ready!

Detaljen 1 point ago +1 / -0

A relentless, continuous onslaught from satan, every single day. But, Jesus ran a few errands with me this morning. So I got that going for me, which is nice!

Detaljen 1 point ago +1 / -0

Oh shut the fuck up. The chakra system has to do with spiritual aspects of the human body, not physical. Anything spiritual, if could be proven, would be swiftly swept under the rug. Especially in today’s political climate that spills over to every other area of life, including medicine. Look at what they’re doing with ivermectin, it fucking works on our PHYSICAL body and they try to suppress it for whatever fucking reason. Now imagine if they could prove something spiritual about us, they would go to the ends of the earth to keep it hidden. I’m not anti-science, but I’m not burying my head in the sand trying to avoid the elephant in the room. The scientific community will lie to us to our faces.

Detaljen 4 points ago +5 / -1

Scientific evidence. Stfu with the bullshit. Like the scientific community would come out and tell us they we’re able to verify our chakra systems. They would bury those studies with a vengeance!

Detaljen 4 points ago +4 / -0

🤷🏽‍♂️ I honestly don’t care. This isn’t ancient Egypt and I’m not about to start worshipping the sun. If the Bible is literal, allegory, or based off astrotheology. It doesn’t matter to me. There is no possible way for me to go back and make sure for myself. I’ve prayed to the God of the Bible and seen my prayers get answered. I’ve used the name of Christ against wicked spirits at various times of my life and seen households be delivered. That’s good enough for me. I think the original scriptures have been lost to translation and there’s nothing I can do about that. Maybe one day I’ll look into the Dead Sea scrolls and see what’s up with them, but as far as tossing out faith that has worked for me because of thousands of years of mistranslations just doesn’t appeal to me. Are the Jews God’s chosen, don’t know, don’t care. He’s been good to me and that’s all that matters to me out here in my small slice of the universe. Good night, dude.

Detaljen 3 points ago +4 / -1

Moloch would have asked the children of the Egyptians to be passed through the fire. In the story of Moses, God sent the spirit of death to pass over Egypt and the children of Egypt died. No fire, no alligators, no slaughter by sword. Seems like a merciful way to get even with a wicked prick who would of never changed his tone regardless of how peaceful you expect a benevolent God to go about things. Sometimes you just need to smack a bitch. And pharaoh was acting like an evil little bitch. Evil doesn’t go away with sunshine and rainbows. Bullies don’t back down if you extend a flower to him. You punch him in the fucking mouth and put his ass down. And that’s what God did.

Detaljen 4 points ago +4 / -0

Bro, I’ve read into all these things. The council of Nicaea, the gospel of Thomas, book of Enoch. Yes, I am aware of these as well. I understand where you argument stems from. I honestly don’t have all the answers nor do I pretend too. In my personal life, God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ have been pretty kind to me. But if you did have a people whom you chose and some asshole pharaoh was feeding their babies to fucking alligators, wouldn’t you want to get even. Especially when pharaoh was boasting about being a god and made his decree against the Israelites like an arrogant deity. God, stepped in, like alright, bet. Watch this asshole.

Detaljen 6 points ago +6 / -0

When Moses was a baby, pharaoh had the 1st born Israelite sons murdered and fed to the gators in Nile River. When God passed judgment on Egypt, he did the same to the Egyptian 1st born sons. He was repaying pharaoh for the evil he committed against God’s people.

Detaljen 1 point ago +1 / -0

Man, God is so awesome! I love Him! It’s honesty an amazing thing to watch unfold. Thank you, Lord. We love you!

Detaljen 2 points ago +2 / -0

With all due respect , sir, and I mean this with the upmost respect. Please! HURRY THE FUCK UP!

Detaljen 6 points ago +7 / -1

Glory to God the Father! Jesus Christ is Lord!

Detaljen 1 point ago +1 / -0

Are you fucking kidding me?

Detaljen 3 points ago +3 / -0

Guys like that make me laugh. If they were somehow able to kill off all non black people, some random black guy with no intention to unite under black brotherhood would just kill him and take his spot. They don’t know how to get along at all, an all black world would be chaos for them!

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