Thought one said “warning” …
I was just thinking about how extra screwed up USPS seems lately and then I saw your post! We have been waiting on a package for a while, that is supposedly “in-transit”. But the stranger part, other than the delay, is the path the package is taking when we look at its’ tracking info.
The package shipped from IL, went to Charleston WV (we live in WV). Then it left WV?? And it traveled to York, PA (eastern side of PA), then to Pittsburgh, PA and then Warrendale, PA (western side of PA) … now today the 5th it has arrived back in Charleston, WV … but it isn’t scheduled to arrive to us until Feb. 9th.
I would say that this is probably the least efficient delivery route ever. Why waste their time checking packages in and out of shipping centers that don’t even belong there? Sorry rant over lol, but I’d be VERY interested in DOGE taking a look into the other areas of inefficiency at USPS. If they can’t even drive a vehicle filled with boxes to a specific location, I would imagine their finances are a disaster.
Thanks fren 😊
I know a couple friends who have had success with, as well as a couple doctors who are pushing the benefits of this drug for the vax injured - nattokinase and I have read that people have had great results/improvements (specifically regarding inflammation and weakened or overactive immune system responses) with this spike protein detox
FYI BOTH of these suggested supplements contain Nattokinase so do not take both. Only gave 2 different possible options for you to take a look at for your friend. Prayers for your friend's recovery and healing!
Any reason Trump ends the post with a lowercase “t”?
Haha, no I definitely see where you’re coming from. I did check out everything on the website and told my husband and he laughed at me when I said I wanted to buy something … so I can see how people could go either way on these products. I was thinking about just trying out the wrist band type one since it’s one of the cheaper products. Won’t feel so bad if it doesn’t work for me.
Yes we are very red here and I’m grateful for that! We really don’t have issues with most companies here or many policies really, but the electric company and water company are both shady. Making a raucous might be our best bet! Morrisey seems to me like he’s gonna be good.
Ya it should be illegal. I’m in WV and someone not far from us took our power company to court over it. If you call and even ask them about the smart meters they tell you that it’s “internal information” and they won’t discuss it. As far as I’ve been able to tell, since we’ve lived here, they are a very evil company. Hopefully they pass a bill like yall have making us able to opt-out soon.
Thank you for this info. Plan on buying some tonight!
We were told if we didn’t want ours, they would cut off our power. Only have one power company here and I hate them. Husband saw these smart meter cloaks that are supposed to protect from emf. Will update on if we see any results.
Haven’t heard of this one yet. Interesting information on it thank you 😊
My husband’s a doctor and he said it should be safe to receive the shot. The vaccine (if they got it) is in their DNA and shouldn’t be in the bloodstream. He says that shot is important for you and the baby. However, this isn’t his area of expertise and who knows what those crazy vaccines can and can’t do. Sorry I don’t have more info. I will keep yall in my prayers.
Attempting to treat arthritis I’ve had since I was a kid. Also chronic injuries I sustained in 2021. My body handled the Borax well, but I took it for months and unfortunately didn’t get any decrease in pain. I still believe it’s a miracle “drug” and am happy to see so many with awesome results.
Yes, would love if you could share dosages too. I haven’t had much success with Borax, but I’ve heard others have. Very happy to hear about your incredible results!
Wow the look on the kids faces behind him … don’t think they could look much more happy
Ya wow the fingers are all a disaster. I’m impressed Biden is flexible enough to bend his back leg under himself at an angle like that lol
I feel like most people who say “I’m not crazy”, are usually the craziest ones kek but it’d be great if true.
What an odd disclaimer … thankful people are continuing to wake up to the true agendas of these corrupt organizations, albeit a very slow process.
Shouldn’t they say “ … when Trump takes office” ?
That didn’t take them long … looks like they’re really amping up the speed on mass shootings.
lol guess he hasn’t watched Titanic either. Things don’t up great for you at the end buddy …
Praying for the kiddo and their family. Two is so young my goodness. Our daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at 7 yrs old and has had a severe case of DKA once. It’s very scary and quite and adjustment, but she is currently 13 and it’s become like second nature for her, and for us now. It’s also helped to keep all of us even more focused on eating low carb, healthy/clean foods. I know we don’t know each other, and I’m far from an expert, but if your friend ever has any questions or needs any support, I’d be happy to help if I could. We will continue to keep their child in our prayers.
Not sure but they did that a few months ago too and I wondered the same thing.