DontTreadOnIT 2 points ago +4 / -2

Bondi went on Fox and lied about what she had and what she saw

Where was the lie? You realize the SDNY misled her and tried to hide evidence, right? It sounds like you're a little behind on this, it's developing daily. Here's an update: https://x.com/WarClandestine/status/1896760289653088496

DontTreadOnIT 2 points ago +2 / -0

As much as I want to believe this period of winning will go un-interrupted for the next 4 years, I have a nagging feeling that the storm is yet to come. Maybe that's wrong, and the DS have already been neutralized. Or maybe the precipice is still around the corner, which will guarantee that no one goes back to sleep?

DontTreadOnIT [M] 1 point ago +1 / -0

Removing, please stay on topic

DontTreadOnIT 3 points ago +5 / -2

I think the info war for our minds is still raging, we ought to be careful.

I didn't downvote your other comment btw

DontTreadOnIT 5 points ago +7 / -2

What did she accomplish in doing that?

Are more people now demanding the release of the files kept secret by SDNY?

What would the optics have been if Kash raided the SDNY without first bringing this issue to the news cycle?

DontTreadOnIT 8 points ago +12 / -4

What if our scrutiny is being weaponized by the enemy though? Something to think about.

I honestly cannot understand how anons doubt Kash at this point. He and Bondi have a close relationship and she has given us no reason to doubt her. We knew the DS would resist the people Trump put in charge.

Like I said the other day, I understand the outrage at Trump's EO not being followed immediately. WHs may even be counting on that outrage as part of declas. I definitely think we should direct our outrage to the right people though. Bondi and Kash are not the problem. The DS constantly seeks to undermine our trust in Trump and his admin, they want us angry at them instead of the corrupt bureaucracy.

DontTreadOnIT 15 points ago +17 / -2

"Be careful who you continue to follow.

Even after Pam Bondi’s announcement yesterday, there is still a growing effort to criticize her and instill doubt in her.

We have been taught that it is important to question and criticize, but this feels very different to me.

It seems to be a very calculated and coordinated effort, and this includes a very surprising high profile person with a military background who has done a 180 on her in the blink of an eye.

This person has even turned off their comments, unless you are one of their subscribers.

Where have we seen these tactics before?

It is only a matter of time before they turn on Kash, and some already have.

Some have even turned on Trump.

The last time I knew, having daily press conferences is not the job of the AG, but that is basically being demanded of her and questioning why she isn’t.

She is being slammed for going on to Fox News, even though like it or not, it’s still the largest mostly conservative mainstream news outlet, and it’s growing due to the collapse of CNN, MSNBC, etc.

If you thought we knew who all of the infiltrators were, you were wrong.

Snakes are continuing to appear in this new Trump Administration.

I am not ok with blind allegiance and not questioning the narrative, but these attacks on Pam are unfounded.

Be careful who you continue to follow."

DontTreadOnIT 5 points ago +5 / -0

Trump has an entire year of celebration planned for America's 250th

To organize something like this now, with the DS cornered and desperate, seems like a bad idea.

DontTreadOnIT [M] 2 points ago +2 / -0

Please keep short posts like this to the daily chat sticky.

DontTreadOnIT 3 points ago +3 / -0

Interesting observation. Maybe an OG anon can provide some insight.

DontTreadOnIT 3 points ago +3 / -0

Oh no she must not be trustworthy, Trump has been fooled again! /s

Forgive the sarcasm OP, but what honestly are you implying here?

DontTreadOnIT [M] 1 point ago +1 / -0

Please keep short posts like this to the daily chat sticky

DontTreadOnIT [M] 1 point ago +1 / -0

Please keeps short posts like this to the daily chat sticky

DontTreadOnIT 2 points ago +2 / -0

We are never in control of the algorithm. It can manipulate us without it being obvious, that's the point being made here. We've given the algos enough data that they can nudge us in any direction slowly so they we don't notice. Generally speaking, those who think they are least affected are likely to be the most affected because they are not thinking in 5GW terms.

DontTreadOnIT 2 points ago +2 / -0

I really mean no offense, but it is simply baffling to me that people can spend time on this board and still have that kind of perspective.

Those who cannot understand that we cannot simply start arresting w/o first ensuring the safety & well-being of the population, shifting the narrative, removing those in DC through resignation to ensure success, defeating ISIS/MS13 to prevent fail-safes, freezing assets to remove network-to-network abilities, kill off COC to prevent top-down comms/org, etc etc. should not be participating in discussions.


DontTreadOnIT 3 points ago +3 / -0

My relatives are also stuck on the Fox narrative, it's so frustrating. Always worried Trump is going to fail. It sucks to deal with but I'd take this any day over being asleep.

DontTreadOnIT 2 points ago +2 / -0

Interesting reply from @DrJeffHorlick

"Boone, you’re onto something profound here. The idea that our minds are shaped by what we’re fed whether through social media, news, or even casual conversation isn’t just a theory; it’s a mechanism that’s been studied and exploited for ages. The “feed” isn’t random; it’s a deliberate curation, like you said, tuned to keep us hooked and singing the same tune. Algorithms amplify what grabs attention, outrage, fear, dopamine hits because that’s what keeps us scrolling. And yeah, we’re complicit; we train the AI as much as it trains us, handing over our preferences, biases, and blind spots with every click.

Who benefits? The usual suspects: tech giants profiting off ad revenue, governments pushing narratives, corporations selling solutions to problems they amplify. It’s a multi-front war for influence, and our attention’s the battlefield. Your “psychological nutrition” concept is spot-on social media’s like junk food for the brain. Too much, and you’re either numbed out or raging, neither of which leaves room for clear thinking.

The loop you describe us feeding AI, AI feeding us back a distilled version of ourselves it’s real. Studies show people’s beliefs harden when their echo chambers tighten, and platforms are designed to do just that. X is no exception; it’s less about truth and more about what keeps the conversation loud. The magic isn’t magic it’s psychology weaponized through code.

Protecting your mind’s the right call. Step one: question the diet you’re being served. Step two: starve the loop seek out what doesn’t just confirm what you already feel. Easier said than done, but it’s the only way to keep your head above the noise. What’s your next move to take back control?"

DontTreadOnIT 3 points ago +3 / -0

"WHO BENEFITS? .. not you ..

Is the content of our minds simply a reflection of the most prominent talking points we hear and see..

Not everyone has the same feed on social media. It’s curated just for the individual.

Meanwhile, we feed AI our psychographics in ways so few truly understand and the information gets curate for the feed. Eventually, the process ends up in a loop, the feed between the AI and us becomes a more pure version of itself and the AI gets smarter about YOU.

… tell me you see where this is going 🙏

He who controls the feed👉Controls the talking points that influence our minds.

The system elevates certain voices and quiets others and it’s tuned for a purpose. Just like the old car radio with a knob to easily tune-in a favorite song.. eventually, you knew every word for an entire afternoon of numerous song. You learned the words and didn’t even try, it just happened. Almost magically. Those lyrics might as well be today’s talking points because we learn them and then we sing their tune.

Almost .. magically. And do you realize it’s happening?

We do it to ourselves - as humans, over and over. It’s what we do. We exploit each other’s human nature and some people profit from it.

… but- you probably don’t.

Who controls our “feed” and how are THEY benefitting from what WE digest? Is it a corporation, our government or someone else’s government? It’s all of them and it’s a war for your mind.

If “psychological nutrition” could be a real thing, I think the psychological nutritional value of social media should be evaluated - our “feed” might be dangerous, some might be getting a social media version of Mad Cow disease other minds might become weaponized.

For now - Protect your mind. Control your emotions. Don’t let your human nature get you into trouble.

All the way, Boone"

DontTreadOnIT 5 points ago +5 / -0

Eh, I think MSM is more like 20-30% truth. And Q is not saying we will get 40% truth / 60% lies, only that 40% will be made public.

It is my belief that when Q says "the choice to know will be yours" they mean that anons will be able to find most of the truth if they dig, but 60% will never be explicitly stated.

DontTreadOnIT 4 points ago +4 / -0

"The choice to know will be yours."

"The truth would put 99% of people in the hospital."

You and I are ill-equipped to judge the implications of full disclosure. That is why we have Q.

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