DuckButter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Damn...I forget about "Red Shoes"!!

Those lyrics...mercy. Whole different connotation knowing bout red shoes. Been a few years since I've heard that.

DuckButter 2 points ago +2 / -0

One thing in this world I can say that I consistently hate are Masons.

I hate very few things...they are an exception

DuckButter 2 points ago +2 / -0

What legal tools are in place to remove a person in his position? Everything he does is against our country's best interests.

Plus, he's friggin creepy as hell

DuckButter 5 points ago +5 / -0

That's Hubble's girl and Satan's wife

DuckButter 1 point ago +1 / -0

For what's its worth... son went to FL last week in church trip. There was an algal bloom that covered the water's surface. My kid got double ear infection and over half the kids got sick there or when they got back.

Couple of kids tested "positive for the coof"...my son got a secondary viral infection with high temp and lethargy.

Gave him Duramectin paste and Zelenko Protocol...less than 48 hrs later he ate, played guitar and drums and felt 95% better. Still finishing ear drops.

Get the Duramectin. I've seen it work 8x in my friends and family ..quick too

DuckButter 1 point ago +1 / -0

Doesn't perspective and angle come into play when only seeing still photos and videos?

Not subjective measurements.

DuckButter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Understand all that..self-fulling prophecy is very powerful, as well other things you mentioned!

Finger length and Polaris controlling my destiny is to what I was referring.

Seen many people destroy their lives by psychological trickery and lies. Sad.

The Witch of Unicoi used to come the the pharm... turned her husband into a quivering mass of jelly. She was a mean old hag, looked the part and he was 3rd grade educated and she manipulated him. His name was Offie. Sweet old feller with no teeth. (He was not turned physically into an actual mass o' jelly kek!)

She Wore a hologram necklace with an eye on it. Asked her what it was and she said her 3rd eye. I said that I thought that was in your head not in a trinket. Pissed ol granny off and she grabbed the pendant , held it out to me, kinda snarled and left... if she hexed me it didnt work . Zero power over me vs Christ. She made lots of money duping people, who then followed their own self-fulfilling prophecy that she planted in their gullible and needful minds.

DuckButter 3 points ago +3 / -0

Like astrology...if my life is determined by a star in some constellation a zillion miles away, why even try if it's in charge of my destiny?

Same with finger length. One cannot extrapolate finger length or toe length to determining one's life path or sexual orientation, etc.

Might affect one's ability in situations that demand manual dexterity or grip strength. It's all physics.

Pseudoscience and quackery without discernment or logical thinking.

DuckButter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Not yet. Stuck in legislation. Spoke with trusted friend/Rx today. He has collaborative agreement w a physician to dispense it and cannot yet.

DuckButter 6 points ago +6 / -0

I would never install an enemy's listening device in my home by my own hand.

Keep me posted

by 27745
DuckButter 4 points ago +4 / -0

Cant unbelieve what one has never believed!

DuckButter 1 point ago +1 / -0

Nobody and I mean nobody has called me a name in years. Perhaps it's how I carry myself. Fk em.

DuckButter 1 point ago +1 / -0

"act" is key word. Maybe he's travels on a two-way street? Ex was theater major...100% of males in her class were flames. 1986-90 . Females were like rabbits.

I hated it

DuckButter 1 point ago +1 / -0

TVA dam 1/2 mile away as the crow files. Generating all the time.

I recently heard that we dont get our electricity from it! Researching it.

DuckButter 1 point ago +1 / -0

Fast growing trees are very weak. Be careful where you plant them

Still gonna be 10 yrs

DuckButter 2 points ago +2 / -0

Right now...homemade with grape koolaid...like we did in the 60s-70s!

And Welch's grapejuice...its so concentrated! Cran-grape is awesome, too.

Truth be told...I have 2 that are V8...haven't tried yet..tomorrow I'll see if they suk. I have to have intense flavors (just ate a can of sardines and some fresh habanero) I'm weird.

Also on plain yogurt kick...I put craisins in it and wait 2 days...oh mercy.

Edit...my next is going to be Hershey's syrup..from the can. Yeah, Hershey's is woke, but chocolate is chocolate.

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