Carbon credits that why, none of these "green" idiots actually care for the environment. It's all a big scheme, companies pay what's literally bribes so that they can legally lie and claim to be "carbon neutral" when in reality they just moved their pollution elsewhere.
What's even worse is that businesses can sell "emission rights". A trucking company that replace their fleet of trucks with EV trucks can sell their emission rights to a company that want to dump toxic waste in the city's water supply, now they can make that arrangement, both can claim to be "carbon neutral" but in reality everyone is now getting sick from the polluted drinking water, and the pollution from batteries as well as battery fires.
It's all so tiresome.
I think they do crush the vehicles, but the batteries are definitely shipped to some third world county because they can't be dumped on landfills or even stored. There's actually rules for how to store told EV's too, they need 40m between each car just to prevent a disaster if a fire starts in one of them. Most countries just don't have that amount of space to store millions of EV's like that until further notice.
The dream job, and due to lack of alternatives you can charge a lot per minute for slow charging. While mocking them for being dumb enough to buy an EV.
Liberals believe they recycle the batteries, but so far that's only a very small industry on prototype scale that does somewhat of a job. The rest is exported to some shithole country for manual disassembly. A real shame since most of Europe has figured out how to recycle/burn almost every other type of garbage.
A bus that actually runs and provides an excellent services can replace 50 cars. That's one coal rolling V8 diesel instead of 50 coal rolling V8 diesels, so what's the problem with diesel powered buses? They're already doing an excellent job at reducing pollution and more importantly traffic.
That's not US bases, that's a limited set of Swedish bases, which the US now are welcome to utilize in its war effort against Russia.
Ollongren, if only you know what that means you'd notice it's one of those gibberish combined words the sewer rats tend to use. I'd recommend that you do not try to look it up tho due to the sexual meaning of the word, a Gulag search might show mostly pornography.
Ever since 2008 they've been doing various savings grabs around the world, mostly in third world countries. And they got away with it too. It's coming to the west, heck it's already happened in certain areas targeting certain groups.
You're not gonna see them grab everyone's savings all at once, especially not a large group of gun owners. They'll be strategic enough to seize assets randomly, from old people, lonely people and others who may not notice or fight back.
All by design, so if some elderly person do speak up they can declare that person mentally ill.
Banks were always a scam designed to steal your wealth.
There's no way to fit that many welfare parasites in EU even if you spread it out over decades. The current 27 member countries has a combined population of 450M people and that's what the infrastructure can handle.
The 1.8M illegals who arrived in 2015 caused huge problems, even tho 1/3 of them were deported already before they could settle down somewhere. Second highest number was in 2016 with 500K illegals. In fact, here's the stats by year:
There's never gonna be 75M illegals entering EU, this is a grift just like the environment. Every member country will refuse to "take their fair share" and therefore get punished with higher EU fees, just like they get fined for not complying with impossible environmental regulations.
Glocks and revolvers won't be more useful than the hunting rifles all farmers already has.
Because it would have no benefit to EU waiting 6-9 months. A unrealistically quick removal of subsidies which would cause diesel prices to become unaffordable won't affect the diesel farmers already have in local storage. Every farmer have their own tanks full of diesel.
The harvest will continue, collection of manure will build up, and a lot more hay will be collected. Then they go to EU with insane amounts of hay, dump it on politicians houses with them inside while setting it all on fire.
Being corrupt doesn't pay, justice always catch up to you when you try to fuck over farmers. Most farmers are armed too, if you bring your fists to a rifle or semi automatic gun fight you'll lose.
Absolutely, at this point farmers have nothing to lose.
EU tried to disband the protests many weeks ago but everyone stayed and more are on the way right now as they haven't yet signed or shown any proof that they're gonna stop fucking everyone over. The protests will continue until all the demands are fulfilled, with proof.
Protests won't disband until they get actual proof the fuckery will end. There's no way out for the corrupt political scum.
It depends on were you measure, everyone knows about cities with high air pollution, yet people still live there and somehow survives. Those CO2 levels has to be way higher than 0.04%, 0.054% or even 0.5-1% as you can literally see the smog.
Heck, even large cities with supposedly clean air like Stockholm likely has a lot higher levels than any place far away from cities, away from the wind.
We also know that both humans and animals can evolve and adopt to higher levels of CO2 in their air. They found a cave somewhere in Siberia that had been enclosed hundreds of years, in there the CO2 levels were a lot higher than outside and it was full of bats. They all lived and seems to be perfectly fine and healthy.
Refuse to comply is the easiest way. EU will then rely on other countries siding with them, but other countries won't do that unless something bothers them personally.
This net zero bullshit is fucking with everyone, nobody is on EU's side on this other than bribed scumbag politicians which is quickly being replaced in most countries after protests and elections.
Back in the days, he did the exact same thing with computers. Selling a shitty OS without security for a fixed fee, inventing many types of virus and malware to cause damage, then sell the solution in form of a subscription based "anti-virus" software.
Same thing with the plandemic vaxx, at least 3 boosters per year is his wet dream, probably even more. That way the money keeps flowing in. It's the subscription based economy.
Paris isn't like NY were 95% of the population are commies, it's generally very balanced between right and left voters in European cities. That said, right vs left is just a method the enemy use to divide the people. Most people who live in cities just want to be close to were they work, not everyone wanna spend up to an hour on a bus or a train every day, some people prefer to walk, that doesn't make them bad people.
Paris is a massive city, ones does not simply surround it. Besides, politicians would fly away if all the roads and trains gets blocked. It's an excellent strategy to go after the rats directly, that way the people will remain on your side.
Yea, problem is that most countries that has many of these needs more power specifically during winter. And without much alternatives other than burning coal de-icing may be the cheaper option.
Plus that liberals would get their panties in a twist if they saw these things not spinning while there's a need for power. They don't care if there's actual production or not, as long as they spin, liberals believe they work.
Leave some ice on the edge of a wing and it can catapult far away, killing someone who get smashed by the sheet of ice. It is a real threat, hence why they need to remove the ice.
In fact, notice how no wind turbine in history has ever collapsed on it's own foundation and melted into a lava crater for one months time...
It's all a big steel construction with lot's of balanced weight at the top, some of the bigger ones are almost as tall as the twin towers.
Yet, every single time they collapse they bend somewhere on the middle or fall like a tree.
Communists and parasites together with NGO's who make a shitload of money smuggling illegals.
Pretty sure both Volvo and Scania both have hybrid models, they also have biogas/natural gas buses and V8 diesels. Any city that doesn't buy domestic are traitors to the nation.