I admire the stand you took. You might feel bummed, but you could also have inspired confidence in others to do the same.
Nothings changes without people like you, who take risks to make a stand. You are a leader.
Thank you.
I smoked a joint do bare with me...
This reads to me like... the United States Government has been evacuated to a bunker and is subsequently in the mist of a propaganda campaign to keep the entire country from noticing.
That’s fucking freaky. Like end of the world freaky.
Or.. I’m stoned.
All evidence must be rectally inserted into your colon, removed, and then reinserted into your ears. The ear insertions must be deep enough to sexually penetrate the brain and impregnate your mind.... or it’s not evidence!!!
Ya gotta do just a little bit of work my friend. But I do agree, try and get a feel from people who speak the language. That’s all I can think to do. Then if I feel like it’s got some legs. I’ll post without comment for others to listen. That’s all you can really reasonably do.
Why should you only do as required?
We should do as needed for our country?
Many things are needed. One of them is for more people (like myself) to finally wake up and recall and primary their own party.
This is something that can help. No requirement necessary.
But if you’d rather sit and wait for directions, more power to you. You’re FREE to choose. At the moment.
Can someone point me somewhere which says they used dominion voting machines?
I started to post this the other day, but read so many conflicting articles that i removed it as to not spread disinformation.
I’d love to blast this info everywhere if I can get a source.
I love that dude.