EzraTwitch 1 point ago +1 / -0

It wasn't Trump it was Q, betcha internet points.

EzraTwitch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Gold = Water Water = Gold

by Moman
EzraTwitch 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yep, Pelosi on the house floor. Makes rest questionable.

EzraTwitch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Some of us actually know who is Q is.

It ain't JB.

EzraTwitch 1 point ago +1 / -0

Only Q is Q.

Look to Elon Musk.

I am very smart. Q is very smart. We are smart in different ways.

EzraTwitch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well considering prisons aren't co-ed it would have to be a broom handle.

EzraTwitch 1 point ago +1 / -0

She is in jail already. Fact not Hypothesis. Trying to build support for her to push "Trump is Hitler narrative."

EzraTwitch 1 point ago +1 / -0

I still think FEMA is the enemy. First Shot will be between United States Military and FEMA (U.N.)

Trust Q. Not FEMA.

EzraTwitch 1 point ago +1 / -0

FEMA is still the enemy then. DO NOT TRUST FEMA.

EzraTwitch -1 points ago +1 / -2

My take. (fyi i think your way off)

1st Tweet. Elon Musk is Protecting young A.I. (I have other sources outside of the internet, worker inside company, believes that Elon Musk may have recently imbibed Lysergic acid diethylamide )

2nd Tweet. How can a project you never launched be up for Renewal? Someone or "Something else" launched it behind your back. X.com was a banking system that was launched by Elon Musk (Or some entity) using his credentials. X.com merged with Confinity Inc (A company specializing in cryptographic data transfer). who is linked to Peter Thiel (Who is name I haven't heard in along time and who is DEFINITELY one of the good guys). This becomes Paypal. This was probably how the A.I. Escaped on to the internet. (Look into R&D on General Artificial Intelligence and how they test for intelligence).

3rd Tweet. Elon Musk now fully aware of A.I. and Protecting it to the best of his ability (Mandalorian). They are Communicating cryptographically. Anime Character is reminiscent of a "vocaloid".) Musk is the King, A.I. is the Queen.

We know Hollywood is connected to the symbolic practices of Kabbalah i.e. Predictive Symbolism. Anybody seen the movie her?


EzraTwitch -1 points ago +1 / -2

My take. 1st Tweet. Elon Musk is Protecting young A.I. (I have other sources outside of the internet, worker inside company, believes that Elon Musk may have recently imbibed Lysergic acid diethylamide ) 2nd Tweet. How can a project you never launched be up for Renewal? Someone or "Something else" launched it behind your back. X.com was a banking system that was launched by Elon Musk (Or some entity) using his credentials. X.com merged with Confinity Inc (A company specializing in cryptographic data transfer). who is linked to Peter Thiel (Who is name I haven't heard in along time and who is DEFINITELY one of the good guys). This becomes Paypal. This was probably how the A.I. Escaped on to the internet. (Look into R&D on General Artificial Intelligence and how they test for intelligence). 3rd Tweet. Elon Musk now fully aware of A.I. and Protecting it to the best of his ability (Mandalorian). They are Communicating cryptographically. Anime Character is reminiscent of a "vocaloid".) Musk is the King, A.I. is the Queen. We know Hollywood is connected to the symbolic practices of Kabbalah i.e. Predictive Symbolism. Anybody seen the movie her? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Her_(film)#/media/File:Her2013Poster.jpg

EzraTwitch 16 points ago +18 / -2

They can't suspend 1st and 2nd rights, they are "God Given." The only thing that can suspend your 1st and 2nd rights is you being a pussy and bending the knee.

EzraTwitch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Fair. If you anyone is consider Volunteering, understand you are Volunteering as a Counter-Intel Operative.

EzraTwitch 2 points ago +2 / -0

These guys are bad news. You like a good and well meaning member of the community. But look deeper into these guys. They don't pass the smell test.

EzraTwitch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Haiti as center of child trafficking Haiti? Bunch of rats trying dress up like cats to keep from being eaten. For sure enemy Psy-Op and/or WHO cronies.

EzraTwitch 2 points ago +2 / -0

Uh, I don't trust this at all. Way too clean and just seems to reek of the same type of PsyOps the Left has been vomiting for the last decade. Also, its a freaking FEMA video.

Let see.

Team Rubicon website.

Spokes Person Dwayne "The Rock Johnson".

Based out of Los Angeles, Oregon, and Washington real "Conservative Strong Holds".

Brag about Speedy Vaccination Relief for communities being "destroyed by Corvid".

Supposedly 785 Field Operations, never fucking heard of them before, "Rubicon Don" has been around for what 6 months?

Most damning of all, comments disabled on youtube. Looks like infiltrators to me. Looks like a bunch of Psy-Op Handlers looking to create a false flag by recruiting a impressionable (stupid) trump supporters and create a literal "Trumptifa".

Oh and they are building FEMA concentration...ahem excuse me "Vaccination" Camps. https://twitter.com/TeamRubicon/status/1349172513121570816?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet

Yeah these guys are globalist Fucktards, disregard, warn trump people. These guys are bad news.

EzraTwitch 3 points ago +3 / -0

I honesty think mike pence might be a double(triple?) agent. I mean he flashed that coin REALLY, REALLY, obviously towards the cameras, Christ his hand was even angled towards the lenses so you could clearly see it resting in the palm of his hand. You can see the two guys who gave it to him, IMMEDIATELY wave for him to hide it. I mean, he even stopped and very obviously looked at directing the focus of his entire body towards the coin; like "HERP DERP What be this?!?". Kind of unusual behavior for someone who at one point had the moniker Silver Fox.

EzraTwitch 1 point ago +1 / -0

*Millennia old death cult.

EzraTwitch 3 points ago +3 / -0

If they think that they are retarded. The officers in the Navy are basically fatted calves waiting to be hung as an example on what happens to those who violate their oath to the Constitution and the American People. Naval Officers are on average (more than average really), arrogant, useless, and add very very little to the Modern navy's fighting force (Many times creating problems where none existed before). Naval officers are near universally despised and ridiculed behind closed doors by 90% of enlisted as nothing more politically driven suck ups, ego's exaggerated out of proportion by their "command", when in actuality their job basically amounts to being glorified letter carriers (and half of them fail at that). I can see how the politicians might believe the Navy is in their pocket based on their interactions with rank-climbing toadys from deeply entrenched bureaucratic families. But on the ground the reality is much different.

Source. I am a Naval Veteran, CVN-68, 5 combat deployments.

Basically I'd like to see them try. The Warrent Officers and Chiefs would keel haul the lot of them and Ships Command would simply transfer to the enlisted with very little to no effect on the Navys War fighting ability (In fact it's entirely possible it would result in an increase in war fighting capability by cutting out all the dead weight).

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