FakeAndGhey 4 points ago +4 / -0

They'll never understand until full disclosure happens by the military.

FakeAndGhey 3 points ago +3 / -0

I copied that from the article. But I use to follow Malik on Twitter and he's replied to me before. He's always roasting his bro. Not just with the gay stuff too.

FakeAndGhey 5 points ago +5 / -0

COVID comms for sho, Biden, Adams, Yellen...all catching coof leading up to election.

There are no conspiracies, but there are no coincidences.

FakeAndGhey 4 points ago +4 / -0

Obama’s own brother, Malik, has previously posted on social media about how the 44th President is secretly homosexual.“This man is definitely gay,” Malik tweeted in 2023.

FakeAndGhey 2 points ago +2 / -0

Was thinking, is this the first time in history a POTUS's (Renegades) VP (Xiden) became POTUS and then his VP is also nominated (Kamala) for POTUS? The Democratic party is the virus. A piece of a former regime replicates into a weaker version to stay alive. BARRY < Hillary < Biden < Kamala. What do they have left? Ammo is spent. Kamala is really the last resort?

If Barry Sorreto and Sleep Joe were so great, Biden should've been running against Trump in 2016 and not 2020 if the goal was a Hussein shadow presidency. Yet Hillary was perceived as the biggest ticket name and went to show the cohesiveness of the Cabal. Like my virus analogy. Why are the top dogs of the Democratic party like Barack and Hillary out of the picture first and Bejin Biden and Heels Up are the reminets of their failed 16 year plan. They tell us each is way more popular than the other when the opposite is true. Buckle up and grab the popcorn for this shit show

FakeAndGhey 4 points ago +4 / -0

I hope she fllees the stage mid airing after Trump indisputably destroys her with Truth and she drops out

FakeAndGhey 1 point ago +1 / -0

I've gotten to the point I just eyeball a small tooth paste swhab of it. I don't follow a routine sometimes it's 2 days in a row off a few and back on. Sometimes it's been once a month. I feel like I've been taking it for so long alot of the use is for prevention or taken when I'm feeling off

FakeAndGhey 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm never going back to Facebook. Besides the early C-19 days in which I had a account around Jan 2020 - about March 2020 before they removed it, I had been off FB since about 2016-17 until that brief stint.

Clearly they didn't want anons spreading truth on their then. I sure don't want invited back. Screw Zuckerfuqs.

FakeAndGhey 1 point ago +1 / -0

Isn't that question it's own entire sheet of paper on the application?

FakeAndGhey 1 point ago +1 / -0

Buddhist faith always resonated with me from my research long ago into spiritually, energy, sound, Ohm, etc.

My diseased grandpa from Michigan was Lutheran. I don't delve into the intricacies of each religion all that much. Growing up I've stepped foot in Southern Baptist churches, baptized when I was young. As I grew up and made friends in HS/College I visited a Catholic church 2-3 times. Always felt the word in general was bigger than any religion itself so it didn't matter how. I've grown up with basic principles of Christianity overall

FakeAndGhey 1 point ago +1 / -0

I just don't get engagement on X like I did before the 2020 Twitter purge with all the fellow frogs. Now it just seems super decisive as if the algorithm just amplifies your belief sets. The news on X is breaking but I'll wait and find it on here instead just so I can't be cyber stalked.

FakeAndGhey 2 points ago +2 / -0

I'm sick of working for peanuts. I've been out of work a week now. Car notes due, no $ saved. Insurance and everything else will snowball to my front door expecting payments following. I'm 32 and I don't think I'll ever own my own house at this point. I've mainly just been taking care of elderly in my family when I wasn't working. I don't feel pressed to jump into work either. I threw a line out to a old employer and am waiting.

Was in a toxic relationship for a year, I'm glad she falsely accused me of assault (she was liberal minded and psycho) or else I wouldn't have noticed the deception and plotting for my downfall. Getting LE involved and making me go to court was my tipping point. It's been since March, I still occasionally get unwarranted text (I've never replied) blaming me for all the same issues she already had prior to meeting me. She had victim mindset and I became her new vessel to pour that into. She'd try to always bring my focus away from politics, yet allude to things like her stepdad being associated with MBH, ex being rich and Jewish, kidnap, rape, etc. in LA and gangs. I don't want to share TMI about this tho.

I love my car, but sometimes I think about just letting it and all my debt go. Interest and fees has me paying the same debt for 5+ years ago and you can't even tell I've even made payments the whole time even though I don't use them. I pay a $200 min on one and then they tag a $100 interest charge on purchases right after.

FakeAndGhey 2 points ago +2 / -0

To think I almost got so patriotic and worked up to go to Jan 6...just to have my own gov lock me up and throw away the key.

FakeAndGhey 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is exactly why I want to remain in a state that would realistically be one of the last ones to bend the knee to a foreign takeover. I'll die on southern soil before I go somewhere else where they'll let some crazies off me.

FakeAndGhey 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, I'm in the works of trying to go back to a job a had 2 years ago doing hard labor just for a 35k salary which is better than all the other opportunities I've had in my home region in my 10+ year working history.

I understand when you say change of scenery and whatnot, but I've been paycheck to paycheck and honestly just feel safer in my state vs moving somewhere where the values aren't the same. I'm in Mississippi. I wouldn't want to leave my state to go somewhere like Los Angeles and be miserable making more money.

FakeAndGhey 3 points ago +4 / -1

The mystery of the looming dollar collapse is making it difficult to forecast my own personal career and financial decision.

It's annoying seeing people like the Krassenstein brothers get rich spreading propaganda and making polls on X all day. Sigh

FakeAndGhey 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, i've been on .win and have stepped away many times. It got me through these last 4 years.

I'm coming off a Ivermectin cycle again. I've taken that since 2020. I do feel the same about now and up to January. I know it's about to get bizarre.

FakeAndGhey 2 points ago +2 / -0

As much as I didn't want to say 45 and company doesn't have anon in mine is because of Israel is being saved for last, why is everything from both the Left and the Right seem to revolve around mending things with Bibi? As much messed up stuffs been allowed to happen I don't see how all this can be instantly undone with like the illegals and the slow cook of brainwashing our youth.

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