Excellent compilation! Someone was probably excited & typing fast, but in case it's helpful for a revision... "the the" at the beginning... Letters flipped in aggregate & deploy❤
& that's why I require 100% paid in full up front🐸
Wow, something good to come out of my state👌
Ahh, I loved her big ass, color coded binder👌
"Bros before hoes!"🐸
Oh, I'm sorry he's passed, but that's wonderful to read about your dad getting help❤
Loved this, thanks for posting👌
As a former Snow at Disney, I agree 100%🐸
Hmm, so now we believe the FDA?
What a waste of a beautiful necklace🐸
Yay, kitties!😻❤👌
Neo, is that you?
Or head of FBI?
Why did someone add that annoying AF whistling music in the background?!!
"The people you are after are the people you depend on. We cook your meals. We haul your trash. We connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Do not fuck with us." 🐸
My spelling sucks & it was probably autocorrect, but this helped me... It's "dessert"... because you want two helpings, there's two s's. Or maybe we're forbidding him to go to the desert. That works too🐸