What if he was put in the 2 spot to keep the DS calm? Trump was always protected, but also gave DS hope Pence could take his spot if they could get to Trump.
What about the note that was passed to Pence from the Police gathering?
NAsty at the beginning because of all the leftover deepstate and MK Ultra running around, but they will be extinguished in good time. So much frozen assets given back to the people. So many hangings. So much freedom coming.
Nikki 2.0
There are rife machines you can download on your phone.
You should write to this Dr.: [email protected] He knows ivermectin and Fenbendazole. Depending on the type of cancer there are additional things to take. Fenben stacks: meaning if you take 220 mg 3 straight days it builds up in your body so the body contains 660 mg on day 3. Take fenben 5 days and rest a couple of days to rest the liver. Also take milkthistle to cleanse the liver. You'll need Zinc with ivermectin to help penetrate the cells. Drink plenty of water to flush it out of the system. [email protected] He will get back with you usually the same day.
The children will unite us all.
Well boys and girls, it will be the Brunson case.
Cutting a deal? That would mean Brandon is still alive and a real person which is not the case.
Allegiance is not to a people but for an agenda that is the endgame for evil to out right rule all.
Too many vipers around him. Needed to clear the waters in order to have full disclosure without redaction or MSM hiding it.
Tunisia isn't Saudi Arabia.
Wow, you still think Saudis had something to do with it. Oh, when you mention Iran please use the correct term...The CIA.. You are right about the Bushies. Israel is a propaganda machine that uses the US as their pawn. You are so lost now, but you'll awake with the rest in time.
3:39 Q drop 339 We have a very special place picked out for GS. add the numbers 15 Q drop 15 There are more good people than bad.
2 days ahead of schedule. Q
Wash and rinse...Infiltration. The public will forget they were D's.
It was that trump came out 87 minutes late.
13 soldiers killed = 13 bloodlines
Who then walked out onto George Washington's head at Mt Rushmore on July 4th? David Straight said he was in a helicopter following and watched JFK Jr. land and get out. First hand account.
What about Trump's plane being shot down?
The censoring is for one purpose not to hide info but to wake up people.
Darn it all. The Trump Truth link isn't coming up for me, ugh!
RFK JR. is 5'9". Did he look 5'9" standing next to Trump?
Notice she was the only one who never read it.