Organized crime is organized crime. If these people mock Christ by pretending to be Christians while doing it it is all the worse.
Will Charlie now be brave enough to confess that the 2020 elections were fake?
I really hope the UN isn't just defunded, but there is justice against these criminals.
Yes, there needs to be justice against the people involved.
The fact they teach New Age (which is approximately Gnosticism) makes the theory that demons just started presenting themselves as "aliens" instead of djinn/ferries/ghosts/angles of light/etc at a certain point, seem plausible.
This is a level of gayness our ancestors would have never thought possible.
Every sanctuary mayor and governor is justly facing the death penalty under this.
I hope the law is actually upheld.
Yes. I am sure every sanctuary city has had people die as a result of the cartels.
The graves of every one of them should be on the far side of the border wall, as a warning.
Agreed. I am praying the public gets to see him executed.
It doesn't matter. He needs to arrest them anyways.
There will be 10 people in the whole country, paid by Soros, who pretend to cry about their religious freedom, but all 10 of them are probably closet Luciferians.
Alleged "Charities" that are caught doing this need to be declared criminal organizations. The people coaching on how to commit crime, should be charged and imprisoned.
I guess the extradition isn't much to celebrate.
Hopefully once the US swamp is well drained, Trump will start helping Mexico drain theirs.
Obviously voting for a patriotic and just candidate is not a crime. It sounds like this nut job is calling for murders.
Does Mexico have the death penalty and do they generally give proper justice?
Israel keeps striking at Iran, but Iran almost never strikes back. They murder Iranian scientists.
Also, Iran doesn't seem to have any ambitions of stealing land or killing civilians, but a lot of Israel is quite open about believing "Greater Israel" is theirs.
I think most of the World recognizes now that Iran is not a force of evil, but a target of evil. The last year has opened a lot of eyes.
Psalm 103:11 "For as high as the heavens are above the earth, So great is His mercy toward those who fear Him."
Since early in American history, there have been a large number of people who feared him among the populace. (Although, few in the ruling class)
Fake refugees should also be sent back as well.
Ukraine refugees make sense to some degree because Western Canada was originally significantly Ukrainian and Zelensky is actively killing them in their home. The rest are people shopping for benefits, not fleeing for their lives.
If Canadians are as brainwashed as the official narrative suggests, that would be a good precaution.
With totally fake elections and intimidation by progressives, it is so hard to tell what most people think.
In 2017, I was at a work dinner with around 6 or 8 software/IT people. When I praised Trump, all but 2 came out as big Trump supporters and only 1 (the boss) was against him. This was in a province that allegedly votes left.
On the other hand, I have had the opposite happen in a province that allegedly votes 50/50.
I would be content if part of the agreement were the entire political class in Canada being imprisoned forever.
I hope it is more so Trump can keep an eye on him.
Elon seems too untrust worthy.
If RFK does what he is suggesting, that will lower the amount of healthcare people need/use in general by quite a lot.
The current system labors very hard to create permanent health issues, with things like vaccines and poisoned food supplies, then milk people who get them by providing perpetual treatments, with major side effects.
When the poison for profit crowd are given justice, I suspect the amount of resources needed for healthcare will go down by an order of magnitude, making the issue much simpler.
People removing citizen rights to self defense, should be treated as murderers, since that was the purpose.
People preventing victims from speaking afterwards should be consider guilty of aiding a rape and guilty of participating in organized crime.
May God give us justice.
A government doesn't have a right to pardon a rape or a murder. Only the victim or God can do that.
If a government official refuses to prosecute a rape or murder, it now shares the guilt of that rape or murder.
It is sounding like there is a lot of outstanding justice against Starmer, Blair, the gangs and a lot of other corrupted officials.
Edit: Refusing to sufficiently sentence is the same as refusing to prosecute. They are both refusals to do justice.
"Democrats are dumb" is a uniparty-right talking point, to draw attention away from the fact that they are criminals and that there is organized evil at play.