I wouldn't 'cut and reform' the DHS. I would abolish it entirely and all that came in with it. Since 9/11 the Middle East has moved on to new wars and nukes and alliances while we are still stuck with a little too much Orwellian tyranny here in the U.S.
I heard a version of this earlier and it was way different than this one. I think I heard it on RP78's show. Anyway, Trump said something like "If Canada can't survive without ripping off the U.S. for a hundred billion dollars, maybe they should just become the 51st state..." There was more but I was only half listening.
Close but no cigar. There is enough 'real' stuff to look at for Q proofs that I don't see the reason for stretching and mental gymnastics like (I think) this is.
Again, it's not the same place and it's not the same day and it's not the same topic. Other than that it's a match, right?
Well if that is so, the new ones are committing the same crimes and treason as the old ones, but now it's OK because they are replacements? Or do the White Hats get a pass at doing the same crimes that we want the others punished for?
If the Bidens have already "paid for their crimes" then you are OK with secret governments secretly disappearing people and conducting secret trials of sitting elected officials and their families, secret convictions and secret punishments? Because that's what you are saying here with your theory. That's what we'd expect from a North Korea, and you are claiming people inside our own government and military are doing these things to make America great again?
To clean out the crooks by putting in replacement crooks (who do the same things as the original crooks which have been punished for being crooks) doesn't sound like a very good idea does it? I mean really. Think logically fren.
The date doesn't match, and I see a pic of the Eiffel Tower, not Notre Dame Cathedral. This isn't a matter of coincidence or not, it's a matter of apples and oranges IMO unless I'm missing something. The drop itself is about a 'climate change summit' corruption and money laundering scam.
I don't mean to pee on anyone's Corn Flakes, but confirmation bias leads to all manner of mistakes and dead ends and disappointments.
The 'flair' is the little flag that sometimes follows the headline of a post. In this case it's "SHITPOST" which means just that. It's not to be taken seriously.
Unless you mean what does 'frogs' mean. You see, a long time ago on a forum far far away...
MAGA forces. Multiplied tens of millions of people that are up to here with government bullshit in their lives and are throwing it off.
I don't think anyone 'bought' Trump or that he made a deal with the Devil or the Deep State if that's what they are suggesting.
If this was a Democrat site I bet we could.