Let those who wish to have Families survive genocide, leave Africa
I'm confused by this statement. We won't have to vote for what in four years?
What if this guy Yearick was just picked up beforehand and domed 1 hour before the shooting? Left in place of the actual shooter? I bet the real shooter was a crack assassin from a foreign country. Brought in quietly through the porous border.
This better be part of the Plan, or it's about to go hot
Was Trump just shot?
Ok so we the consumer would convert wealth to XRP/DOGE/BTC and then be able stop trading in dollars? But doesn't that tank the dollar faster? What happens when the government stops getting its blood money, won't that hasten legislation to reign it in? I'm really interested in this topic if you have any links I could dive in on. Ty
"𝕏 Payments will be the final blow to the Federal Reserve and the Central Banks of the world." Could you please elaborate? What is X platform doing differently than any other p2p pay app? Are we giving our money to X? To secure? Aren't there a LEGION of bylaws and certifications required to hold/transmit funds?
Thanks pede, we're a patriot factory. Just had my fourth and final. Vasectomy scheduled at VA in 2 days. 😆
But yea its pretty insidious, this idea that government knows best. I pray when the fall out from MRNA Injections hits, their credibility is sufficiently destroyed and we can finally see a push for medical freedom. An end to credentialism and politicians siding with "experts" over The People.
We homeschool here in West Virginia, for exactly this reason. It's been a real slough to push the dial towards medical freedom. We had a breakthrough with microschools. Then in the most recent session a bill was approved that would remove the vaccine requirements for virtual attendees. But Governor Un-Justice vetoed it at the last second. Disgusting.
The value of this bill, is that it would have allowed homeschool kids(my kids) in the state to benefit from the Hope Scholarship ($5,000/year toward alternative forms of education)by enrolling in public schools for the required 45 days[Done to ensure jibbyjab compliance], then apply for scholarship, secure the funding to attend the new "MicroSchool" system which does not require vaccines to attend. I can only afford tuition for my oldest. Breaks my fkng heart but until we can get assistance we're tapped out on one tuition. Boils my blood thinking of the Zelensky's driving around in a car worth more than my states entire education fund.
Man I can't quite put my finger on it, but Democrat voters just have a "look" about them. The low upper lip? The inbred chin,? Or this vapid look in their eyes that tells me they've never in their whole life experienced a single independant thought or come to a conclusion organically. But w/e it is, they look punchable af.
The media opining on his replacement will only further undermine him at election time
Fitting, considering it was the judicial branch that allowed it ffs
Yea, in for a penny in for a pound I suppose. What's a campaign finance law worth if you win? Ya just refuse to litigate it. True
Yes but the millions raised in Bidens name would have to be given back, DNC can't use those funds on a different candidate
Biden looks terrible, has mush-mouth and is so so doped up he has to be reminded to blink...
Will Tim Pool or Crowder be offering commentary/analysis? I can't give daily wire my business anymore. Shapiro makes me sick.
This is also an important vector for disabling the cradle to grave medical industrial complex. Think about it, no Department of Ed mandating compulsory vaccine schedules. An entire generation could escape the cancer jabs. We would see a massive decline in childhood autoimmune disorders. Finally, a large enough sample size to compare against the jibbyjabbers. Irrefutable evidence
Until then, you'll need a tattoo on your chest that articulated your desire, in the event of an injury
Why does"non public vaccine data" exist?
If she can't see Biden is in the passenger seat while Deepstate operatives are intentionally destroying the Nation, we don't need her.
Mother of 5 btw, head was caved in by a rock. God Bless her and may he damn that troglodite to the never-ending burning lake of fire. I pray he twists in agony for all time. Let's hope this converts a few more patriots.
The show has descended into a leftist wet-dream of AJ-esque conspiracy jabs so on the nose it truly lacks inspiration. Through "Firecracker" they worked in everything from Pizza Gate to Isaac Kappys PedoWood claims. And reeks of desperation in the lead up to Trump vs. Biden. The writers are thumbing their noses at the audience. And of course ramming more homo-crap down our throats doesn't help.
Could be putting down a clear coat sealer?
Who are we looking at for the MOASS call-out? All I've known is HODL.
So XRP is fuel for the matrix?