Okay guys. I typed "voice of Q" into Gematria and I get results like: "End of Humanity," "Holy Guardian Angel," "God and me together in spirit," "Israel Has Opened The Gates Of Hell," and "Lung disease is Lucifer." https://www.gematrix.org/?word=voice+of+Q
Well, whether Osama said it or not, the article is real, and they have a source: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9911499/amp/Osama-bin-Laden-predicted-Joe-Biden-lead-America-crisis.html
They must have deleted/redirected the cache. I can find a few deleted threads saved on the WayBack Machine:
Stored July 26: https://web.archive.org/web/20210726012026/https://removeddit.com/r/CovidVaccinated/comments/orlvp8/i_wish_i_never_fell_for_the_peer_pressure/
You can find removed threads for practically every reddit except r/covidvaccinated, so something is up.
Just to clarify, the KMT are not currently in power in Taiwan. President Tsai is from the DPP, which is more anti-China and supports independence. We don't want the KMT to take control, because they'll turn this place upside down.
Just like in real politics, there is a silent majority that appreciates our good leaders--mods in this case. Don't let the noisy, complaining minority cause you to feel disheartened, mods! I didn't take a side on the George News thing regarding what the solution is to dealing with problematic content, whether to let the mods auto-ban it all or have some kind of poll/vote/public discourse on it first, but Evspra did an overall awesome job for this site.
Shooting in the dark with my speculations: Feb 9th is Trump's impeachment trial date. Feb 19th is the Supreme Court's hearing of the election fraud case. 10 day delta. Is it possible that Trump actually gets impeached (illegally) but then the court rules 10 days later that the fraud was real and DS goes total SHTF mode and operation restore the republic goes into the final phase? I am preparing myself for anything, even impeachment. One possibility that comes to mind is that Trump actually proving the fraud at his own trial may not be the optics that they want. Have Trump seem totally defeated and deprived of a future presidency, and then let the Supreme Court rule on it? Then again, "the military is the only way," so maybe I'm off-base here... Ready to ride this thing out, whatever happens.
I was looking into this early today. Another anon's post shared this video, where the press were walking into the oval office to see Biden: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNGccRUvuo4 ^ Even though this vid does have a weird environment (red/brown structures are blurry when cameraman pivots), that place DOES HAVE that big tree(s) next to the front of the white house entrance (visible at 0:04 vid I linked above), also visible here at the real White House: https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-94334cb574ef6ddf46136deb4ee3b712 The above video that OP shared doesn't have that big tree but several tall, slender bushes next to the main entrance. They are not a match. Also, this studio has guard rails on the roofs of the walkways, which are absent in the other video. I think this isn't the location where Biden is being filmed, but willing to be proven wrong.
I meant to say SLV, apologies. They hold SLV, and although buying physical may still effect SLV's price for them, holding physical is still a wise decision, especially if the grid goes down or the manipulated market system collapses.
I've got a great aunt who was just recently rushed to the ER after taking the vaccine. Waiting to hear word of her condition. Gramps knew it was bad mojo for her, but the covid fear makes people intellectually blind and deaf.
Agreed. Also, you can tell it was edited because the original headline is in the URL: https://www.npr.org/sections/congress-electoral-college-tally-live-updates/2021/01/06/953616207/diehard-trump-supporters-gather-in-the-nations-capital-to-protest-election-resul
Nah, he just posted. Not always in perfect intervals: https://twitter.com/SecPompeo/status/1348669245513723910?s=20
If it's any contribution, the pope was unable to attend baptism celebrations, which he then says is customary of him to do: https://twitter.com/Pontifex/status/1348268429715845120
Here's an image of the symbols on the plane engines: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/604922987606704149/754528975354855494/Screenshot_20200913-102727.jpg
Alt pic from my pc, the mobile version ^ hid the news logo https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/604922987606704149/754367877435490324/chrome_2020-09-12_23-48-15.png
Near the hospitals is the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ehr7MLFVkAAq3rU?format=jpg&name=4096x4096
You'll see multiple lodges scattered around. The one closest to center, next to the hospitals, is the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ehr7MLFVkAAq3rU?format=jpg&name=4096x4096
Within the center of that star is a grand masonic lodge, btw.
Also in Melbourne, if you pause this news site's video right as it starts, you'll see that this plane's engines in the vid have masonic and illuminati symbols on it: https://www.9news.com.au/national/coronavirus-qantas-profit-down-91-per-cent-as-covid19-pummels-airline/4222289a-fd44-44aa-a813-1bb74bfb8113
It is small, but the island is loaded up with our tech and weapons systems. They have a significant air-force and missile defense system, and their 290,000 military force is all defending the island, not stationed anywhere else. It would take more than just a few days to take Taiwan, likely months, and China would suffer heavy casualties in the end. War Scenarios place the take over at lasting anywhere from 3 to 6 months without allied aid to Taiwan. Not something that could be a simple false flag event.