if they grow some balls and stand up the tyrant fucks wont have a choice
man show these fuckin idiot tyrants what the fuck you are made of. i wish i could go down under right now and help ya mates
thats right fren!!! GOD ALWAYS WINS
trusting muslims that want all us christians dead now? riiiiiiiight.............
i say we display em out on a pole to show traitors what happens....
any traitor scum will face eternal fire one day
fuckin cuckerberg and his minions need to fuckin burn in hell ffs
lmao and garbage fuckin yahoo news tries to make her out to be a fuckin hero lmao rot in hell bitch even more suicides are coming
lol i honestly careless what these sheep think about me... as far as i am concerned they are living 17 floors underneath me
whoop his ass wake him up lol
what bout the dindu nuffin gang? is that racist? lmfao fag bitches offended by words? lmao fairies
at what point do we actually say enough though?
itd be a nice shot of moral if true. these 8 months have been hell
i hope you are right. no normies around me have even heard about it even some patriots i thought would havent and its makin me sick msm wont cover it
well we know why he got famous now. lmao how bout fuck u fag arnold!!!!
if u find an excuse to take the poison u r weak and pathetic and we dont want u on our side anyway. remember these words when u r layin in hospital bed saying ur last ones....
its our time to shine now patriots!!!!
just like she said "i will DIE for this" with a smile on my face and a middle finger to theirs ;)
maybe the people that live there can govern themselves cause they have noone that cares about them or truth.
WOW how fuckin pathetic!!! that state needs someones that loves our country and not evil.
lmfao!!! come and try to take me to camp feds.... COME AND FUCKING TRY
i always love the back to the future trilogy.
nah fuck their cells if they wanna take me anywhere it will be the morgue