This kind of behavior from the Minister for Children makes the fact that I’ve had Icelandic people brag to me that they basically have no incidence of Down syndrome in their population due to genetic counseling and abortions less surprising.
This is an astounding take considering this board is called The Great Awakening and is built upon the premise that TPTB only have the power because they’ve lulled society into a “trust, don’t verify” mentality.
Because the pinned posts on here are slobbering all over him with praise these days.
I dislike the rumor he’s pulling an Epstein and trying to do his own version of eugenics with all of these women….
I could see some scenario of this type being real. I’m not sure if he’s a white or black hat.
However, if Tesla was truly offed by the DS, it would be incredible trolling to have used the company as a bait and switch to take them down from the inside.
I don’t think Wray was ever mentioned to have direct connections to NK.
I will try to! I can only post on mobile so it is difficult to do so
Part of the reason I posted this is that I am confused, lol. There are fully redacted emails in here that are really blocking the complete picture from forming.
BUT the tl;dr I can gather is that these emails, collected in the lead up to Trump’s first inauguration, show that Obama’s team—including Susan Rice—were meeting about Russia and trying to prop Trump up as being compromised by the Russians in December 2019. Flynn appears to have reminded them that they shouldn’t have any US officials meeting with Russian Ambassadors before the transition. There’s a direct reference to NSA needing to be looped in so protocol is followed. And that, if NATO ambassadors aren’t getting meetings, surely Russians shouldn’t be, either.
It kind of looks like this is what set Flynn up to be the fall guy—he saw their emails plotting to paint a Russian interference picture, called them out on it, and suddenly was a liability that needed to be dealt with.
But I may be wrong.
It’s interesting that you are very pro-specialization.
Each day, I have to deal with PhDs who luxuriate in being hyper specific to the point they are useless outside of academia. I actually think that’s the downside of PhDs, and why I likely will not be pursuing one after my MA; you are only accepted to programs if you can find a unique angle on an established topic or something new to “research” that is not likely to be broadly useful to the rest of society. Despite claiming to be interdisciplinary, I often can’t have conversations with these professors because they’re so invested in niche topics that they can’t comprehend discussions that draw on other paradigms and vocabularies.
Except for rare disease and procedures, I don’t think hyper specificity is particularly attractive for building back America. But that’s just my opinion, based on my experience that the “experts” aren’t actually all that intelligent or wise.
Can confirm. I had an economics professor who refuses to retire because he’s the only one on faculty who hasn’t drunk the Keynesian kool-aid. Super awesome guy.
I am biased when it comes to wanting students to take classes outside of their main degree requirements, at least as freshmen, due to the fact I double majored in two completely unrelated disciplines. A lot of innovation sits at the intersection of science and the humanities, but you need to be able to teach students how to see it. Most professors can’t do that. And even if they could, most students today wouldn’t be able to see the connections.
In terms of professors not wanting to teach, I may be a bit tinfoil, but I think administrators are actively refusing to hire good educators. Many “prestigious” institutions won’t hire people with actual experience as anything other than adjuncts these days. In the arts, some places don’t grant tenure to professors who have actually practiced their craft in the world. I’m facing that problem right now in trying to get a terminal degree and a teaching job. I didn’t drink the kool aid, so I’m not a desirable applicant.
I’m hopeful things will improve, but I wouldn’t be surprised if this online college platform might have to be an education bridge until the weeds are cleaned out and we can start anew with professors that want to educate without indoctrinating anyone who walks through their door.
I assume it’s the same, but on a smaller scale. I’m not currently at one so I couldn’t tell you.
R2s don’t receive as much research funding nor do they have as many graduate students. But they do receive funding from the federal government just like R1s.
I can say I got a far better education at my R2 institution than the R1 I’m at now.
When DC is panicking, where else do you expect them to post communications?
I’d urge you to reconsider due to ECW’s prior involvement with the Declas Board and the JFK files.
He has a prior link to NARA. It wouldn’t be a complete surprise if he’s named head of NARA, especially if Kash is confirmed.
Cynthia Nixon’s child is barely a teenager afaik. Edit: “Max” was born in 2011. Aside from, maybe, intersex people, no one should be allowed to get any kind of “top surgery” before the age of 18. That poor kid is at the most 14 years old. How atrocious. They should lose custody.
If you look at pictures of her daughter with her, her wife, and the men who donated their sperm for Cynthia and her partner to get pregnant? That daughter always looks miserable and trapped.
And « being treated » at Shriner’s Hospital.
Okay handshake. Did you read that they never responded to ATC? Likely cartel related
Something smells.
I can’t fathom a reason a medevac flight would be transporting someone from the city that has Penn, Jefferson, and Temple hospitals to Springfield. MO.
Distance is crazy. Way more specialists in Philly than Springfield.
No way it was a medevac flight.
Yeah, I think it’s possible Pompeo is dirty and his detail was removed for the same reason as Fauci. I also think it’s possible he’s not dirty, but it has to look like he has been so the other clowns stay paranoid about who they can and can’t trust.
Doesn’t look like it. Bolton confirmed he lost his but I’m not seeing anything for Pompeo.
I think we’re moving into Empire territory rather than a Republic, unfortunately.
Hopefully we can have it end better than it did for the Romans.
It is possible he will rescind the EOs once Congress gets its act together and passes legislation that accomplishes what the EOs do. Trump said America wants results, which is why he’s acting so fast. Hopefully it’s temporary, because I’m also concerned about executive overreach. But I don’t think it’s a probable situation.
There’s another possible situation that he’s doing this because Congress will pass legislation accomplishing the same goal BUT, in the meantime, he gets legal pushback from the Left. Depending on how those cases go, it could possibly neutralize the EO for the future except in extreme circumstances.
I think that’s why he looked backwards at the stage after saying it.
It’s interesting that this image leaves out a major product category that uses titanium dioxide: feminine hygiene products.
With birth rates plummeting and things like PCOS, endo, fibroids, etc. on the rise, those of us sounding the alarm on chemicals in tampons and pads were scoffed at by many. But it’s even included in “organic” products, especially those sold by P&G.
It’s a poison and needs to be banned.
I bet we start seeing them reemerge in cities across the US as Inauguration Day gets closer.
Thank you for this clarification!
Apparently she was sent a letter back in August from Andy Biggs’ office regarding her/her office making the call to release the two Jordanian dudes who tried to access Quantico…